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The Pie and Bovril Dead Pool 2021

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Damn, his clever wee machine played a heavy, heavy part in my adolescence. The fact I spent so many hours in front of it has left a lasting impact on the rest of my life.

Fittingly he died at the age of (zx)81

Also, I'll have 94 of your finest Dead Pool points, please.

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13 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

I suppose if it wasn't for Sir Clive and his wee popular microcomputer in the early 80s you wouldn't now have Yer Dad types like me posting shite on internet sites like this.

We'd be sending letters in green ink to fanzines.

Dear Mr T. t. Bam,

I find your latest internet forum posting utterly abominable. In it, you accuse myself and other forum users as being 'Yer Dad' types who correspond with fanzines in green ink! I'll have you know that I have never, and would never, correspond with a so-called "fanzine" in my life. The very idea of entering into correspondence with the motley collection of communists, immigrants, lesbians and sundry beard-wearing degenerates who create such rubbish sends a chill up and down my spine, and for you to suggest that myself and other forum users would even contemplate such a thing is grossly offensive.

I am in contact with my solicitors and I demand a full retraction and apology forthwith, otherwise legal action WILL be taken.

Brigadier Aim Here, CVSO (ret.)

Tunbridge Wells

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Sir Clive's least known legacy.


A military term used for a male-male-female threesome in which the woman is providing oral sex to one man and vaginal or anal sex to the other.

The term is derived from the C-5 Galaxy aircraft, which has a hinged nose in addition to the aft cargo hatch. As such, the aircraft can be loaded from the front and the rear.

For a similar act, see the Eiffel Tower.
We did a C-5 on Jill last night, she wanted to get loaded from the front and back.

Jill was doing a C-5 with Jack and me last week. We loaded her from the front and the rear."
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3 hours ago, Tony Ferrino said:

Sir Clive's least known legacy.


A military term used for a male-male-female threesome in which the woman is providing oral sex to one man and vaginal or anal sex to the other.

The term is derived from the C-5 Galaxy aircraft, which has a hinged nose in addition to the aft cargo hatch. As such, the aircraft can be loaded from the front and the rear.

For a similar act, see the Eiffel Tower.
We did a C-5 on Jill last night, she wanted to get loaded from the front and back.

Jill was doing a C-5 with Jack and me last week. We loaded her from the front and the rear."

Feck off, they're all gay in the military everyone knows that.

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16 hours ago, Aim Here said:

Dear Mr T. t. Bam,

I find your latest internet forum posting utterly abominable. In it, you accuse myself and other forum users as being 'Yer Dad' types who correspond with fanzines in green ink! I'll have you know that I have never, and would never, correspond with a so-called "fanzine" in my life. The very idea of entering into correspondence with the motley collection of communists, immigrants, lesbians and sundry beard-wearing degenerates who create such rubbish sends a chill up and down my spine, and for you to suggest that myself and other forum users would even contemplate such a thing is grossly offensive.

I am in contact with my solicitors and I demand a full retraction and apology forthwith, otherwise legal action WILL be taken.

Brigadier Aim Here, CVSO (ret.)

Tunbridge Wells

God bless Kevin Toms.


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Sir Clive's least known legacy.
C-5 A military term used for a male-male-female threesome in which the woman is providing oral sex to one man and vaginal or anal sex to the other.

The term is derived from the C-5 Galaxy aircraft, which has a hinged nose in addition to the aft cargo hatch. As such, the aircraft can be loaded from the front and the rear.

For a similar act, see the Eiffel Tower. We did a C-5 on Jill last night, she wanted to get loaded from the front and back.

Jill was doing a C-5 with Jack and me last week. We loaded her from the front and the rear."
So Fūck all to do with Sinclair, then?
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