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WWE Royal Rumble 2021


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On 29/01/2021 at 14:13, the snudge said:

Does anyone here bet on this? Stuck a quid on a few just to keep it interesting. Who will eliminate the most, Shortest time in, longest time 

Edge to go the longest at 20/1. I think they'll play to the old workhorse being in early and lasting to the last 4


Called it. Wish I'd stuck a tenner on it now!

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I dunno that to me was the least exciting rumble event I can remember in recent times. Maybe cause it was Drew last year but this year just felt underwhelming. 

Have no issue with Belair winning. Edge as much as the nostalgia is there he wouldn’t have been my choice I’d rather have seen someone we still know can deliver at the highest standard. 

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The lack of audience, the ending to the Owens vs Reigns match and the women's Rumble were all absolutely horrendous.

The men's won't go down as a classic.

Therefore, Goldberg gets the performance of the night bonus.

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Overall that was...alright.  Compared to last year I think it paled, particularly in the booking.  The Rumble match last year was just so perfectly booked that these ones just seemed a bit meh.  Probably didn't help that this was the properly first big show (I don't count WM) to be taking place with no fans.  The canned pops just do not work, and it felt like their hearts were never really in it.  In an hour long Rumble match, you need more than just the last 30 seconds raising the heartrate.  

Still, it sets up what seems like an obvious and interesting main event if nothing else.  

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They could very well do Edge & Reigns but that’d only gut RAW even further, though I’m really not sure what’s next for Roman either if that’s the case. Bryan? 

I thought it was a solid enough show anyway, but more than ever you noticed how much it needed actual fans. 

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Caught up with the rest of the rumble earlier. Seriously cant believe Edge won. At least the womens winner is fresh blood, not fcking Edge who was last relevant a decade ago. 
Surely WWE will have a word with Lynch for spoiling the fact Rollins was returning 
Bit harsh on Edge who's absence was very much enforced!

If not for that he'd have likely been an active in-ring performer for most of the last decade.

There wasn't really a standout candidate to win the Men's Rumble so fine with them giving Edge the win if it results in a title win at Mania (probably against a champion Randall Keith) to full circle his return from retirement.

Caveat being it should be a short reign defending against people he's not faced before like AJ before dropping the title at Summerslam - something like that would be fine.
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People clearly still cared about Edge last year. The Orton rivalry before the shitfest Mania match was getting a load of buzz around it at the time. It's not like he came back and faded into obscurity. He was in a decent position when he had to go again, and that run also helped Orton into being a big player again.

Relevance in wrestling is a hard thing to have right now. There's not a single other person in that man's rumble that had me thinking it'd be a much better option than Edge. Especially from the more realistic choices. Of which most of them were out by the last few anyways, to the point I thought Matt fucking Riddle had a chance.

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First I’ve sat up and watched a full wrestling show since the last rumble actually enjoyed reading on here and watching it. 

My one issue with the event as I said last night wasn’t that I hated it it was all just very much meh. I think having no crowd certainly made a huge impact on how I enjoyed the show but it just didn’t give me the buzz of previous years and the rumble is my favourite show of the year. 

The women’s tag match was shite and legend or not the Flair stuff is utter garbage and needs dropped pronto. 

Had drew lost I’d have been raging but with him winning I could enjoy his match with Goldberg for what it was. I didn’t have an issue with it other than Goldberg looking absolute burst after 2 mins. 

The women’s championship match wasn’t good or bad in my opinion. I had not issue with it but it didn’t give me much to get excited about. 

Owens and Reigns put a great spectacle on and although the ended was an absolute farce and wasted it I won’t shit on the work both guys done and the bump with the cart was something else. 

The women’s rumble I felt was underwhelming for a few reasons. I get it’s hard to keep pushing out “legends” every year but there was nothing for me to excited about this year other than maybe Victoria. I don’t watch it much admittedly but the NXT entrants (Ripley aside) offered nothing. Would have been happy with either of the last 2 winning it and they were the rite choices in my mind so that was fine and I’m happy with the winner. My only other issue was Alexa Bliss. I don’t know what they are doing if she is just holding place for Wyatt’s return but I really don’t get her character and a “fiend” she is not. I didn’t get her involvement at all. What I do think though is overall standard has improved and there is far less notable mistakes. It certainly progressing well in terms of ability and entertainment. 

The men’s royal rumble I got to see Carlito and Christian again so that was amazing and I love them both. I’m absolutely delighted with them being involved and I hope Carlito sticks around. Becky Lynch can absolutely f**k off and I had zero enthusiasm for Rollins what so ever. Didn’t understand that and it wasted his return massively in my eyes. The men’s rumble was a hard one for me to pick a winner I’d have been happy with as in terms of wrestling ability I wanted someone like a Styles, or Brian or Cesaro to win but that wasn’t going to happen. My worry with Edge is I don’t want to see him carried in a 30 minute match with someone like Drew. I know that may come across as harsh but I’ve no idea what the man is capable of and his match with Orton on his return bored the tits off me so I just hope I don’t end up tuned out with him. I liked Edge in his day but now I just don’t have the enthusiasm for him. Only other real gripes were the use of the Miz and the typical WWE getting a non wrestler pish shoved in there and the 24 hour title nonsense is an absolute waste of Truth’s talent. It should also have been no where near the women’s rumble. 


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I didn't have much of a problem with an outlandish character like Fox having a fairly brief interaction with Truth that was forgotten about about a minute later. I also think that title is a good showcase for Truth. It's the other midcarders around it which is the big issue i have with that title existing. But Truth has always excelled more in the mad stuff. I think Drake Maverick was great when he was going after it as well, but he's probably one of the most underrated wrestlers on the planet right now.

Something about the men's I liked was Damien Priest. Didn't look at all out of place during his considerable time in there. Good showcase for the guy.

The women's was fantastic I thought. Got the right winner in the end (with some useful callbacks in the final three) and it always felt like there was something going on. Fucking up the elimination of Bayley was horrible though as so much was made of how important that was for Belair on the way to victory. The Alexa Bliss thing was just weird. I thought it was setting up for something crazier later on. An odd moment but I'm guessing they didn't want to take the shine from the people and stories they were pushing harder in the match.

That LMS ending... ooooooft. Handcuff spots are always iffy so putting it at the end of a match was absolute madness. Owens bumping like a madman. He really does like jumping/falling from great heights.

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First time I've watched a show all the way through since...well last year's Rumble. I skipped a few bits here and there, like the women's title match and some of their Rumble. 

Was alright overall, although the Reigns Owens ending was laughable after they'd battered themselves for ages. 

I'm a total Edge-head so delighted to see him win it. Totally thought as soon as I saw him and Orton starting that Orton would screw him at the end so was delighted to see that not being the case. 

Something that stuck out for me though was Michael Cole saying it was Christian's first time in the ring for whatever it was years. He was in the ring with Orton early last year no!? Anyway tremendous to see him also. 

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Yeah he was but it was an unsanctioned match as Christian - either storyline or otherwise - wasn't medically cleared and the 'match' just consisted of Orton punting him in the head once.

So Cole will have meant in an actual match & cleared to compete.
So he was technically correct [emoji23]

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Not watched wrestling regularly for years now but always like to tune in to the royal rumble. Kevin Owens Vs Roman Reigns was great... until they completely fucked the ending and ruined the entire thing.



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Did they send Lawler to the vets in the past few months?  I expect he's just been told to calm the f**k down, but there's a certain vacancy behind his eyes these days like he's been snipped or something.

Sending Jerry to cover the women’s matches post Me Too feels like the Bolton psycho from Game of Thrones tormenting Alfie Allen after having his dick taken away
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I've never been a big Edge fan but I'm not overly disappointed that he won. Compared to someone of a similar age (Goldberg) he is in great shape, can still wrestle and looks like he wants to be there rather than just pick up a nice wage for not much work.

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