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Scottish Parliamentary Elections May 2021

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2 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

Had a look at the total vote numbers for the three main parties yesterday;

                                                          SNP                                                 TORY                                                       LABOUR

Constituency Votes            1,291.204                                         592,518                                                       584392

Regional Votes                     1,094.578                                          637,131                                                       488819

Total Votes                              2,385578                                         1,229.649                                                    1,073.211

The Scottish based SNP totaled more votes than the other two English based  Branch Parties put together.

Add Greens Alba and Lib Dem’s into your numbers and come back with your answer.

SNP, Greens and Alba had about 32% of the electorate vote.

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1 minute ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Another Yoon straw man. 

A second independence referendum WILL be held at a point decided by the Scottish government. That may be in 6 months, it may be 6 years. In the meantime, they'll get on with governing. 

What about indyref 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021? I must have missed all of these. Keep fighting brother. Youll defeat the evil english one day im sure

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Guest Bob Mahelp
3 minutes ago, edinabear said:

What about indyref 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021? I must have missed all of these. Keep fighting brother. Youll defeat the evil english one day im sure

Deary me. 

And you gave yourself a greeny. Lol. 

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18 minutes ago, edinabear said:

When is your indyref happening? I've never heard of a majority being 49% before but you bash on with your freeeeeedom mate. 

This is an intellectually dishonest position taken by those desperate to find some kind of argument against a mandated independence referendum. 

That this is the absolute best you can come up with shows how pathetic your position is tbh. 

Edited by madwullie
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1 minute ago, madwullie said:

This is an intellectually dishonest position taken by those desperate to find some kind of argument against a mandated independence referendum. 

That this is the absolute best you can come up with shows how pathetic your position is tbh. 

Very selective in the figures he uses. The list vote is by far the more reliable figure which comes in at over 50% for SNP,  Greens and Alba but of course he'll swap that to the % of the electorate instead.

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7 minutes ago, edinabear said:

When is your indyref happening? I've never heard of a majority being 49% before but you bash on with your freeeeeedom mate. 

The first Independence referendum was agreed by Westminster on the back of 45% of the popular vote in 2011 and a majority in favour at Holyrood, we can trade opinions on what constitutes a mandate (it really comes down to whether you're a Yes or a No)  :whistle but like I've said elsewhere if Johnson had the balls and nous he'd go for an early second referendum - it's going to happen anyway and prevarication and demographics will work against your cause.

Brexit can't happen twice, the power grab by Westminster would be part of the next debate and if you won that would really defeat the Independence movement for a generation or as @BigDoddyKane says above more likely forever.


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Already clear that the next few years are going to make for scintillating debate on here from the less cerebral supporters of the two sides. Meanwhile John Mason let it out the bag what's really best for the SNP. Wait ten years to really force the issue while bitterly blaming Westminster along the way for denying one through the legal system until there is actually a clear Yes majority. Then finally it will be Sair Elba time and the day of reckoning will commence...

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48 minutes ago, G51 said:

hm, yes some good points...


Slavery wasn't so bad because there were Romans here 2,000 years ago. Seems legit.

45 minutes ago, 101 said:

But the EU grant said article, it is EU legislation not UK legislation.

Not really, it's a treaty provision that the UK government signed up to. The EU could not create something like Art 50 without the consent of each member state.

15 minutes ago, NUMBER 7 said:

Add Greens Alba and Lib Dem’s into your numbers and come back with your answer.

SNP, Greens and Alba had about 32% of the electorate vote.

Those who deputise non-voters onto their side always have one thing in common.

They're losers.

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1 minute ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Already clear that the next few years are going to make for scintillating debate on here from the less cerebral supporters of the two sides. Meanwhile John Mason let it out the bag what's really best for the SNP. Wait ten years to really force the issue while bitterly blaming Westminster along the way for denying one through the legal system until there is actually a clear Yes majority. Then finally it will be Sair Elba time and the day of reckoning will commence...

You think John Mason is on the inside on SNP strategy? He's barely a member of the party.

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Am I missing something?

Looking at the BBC site, there were 6,487 more votes for Pro indy parties (SNP, green, Alba) than there were for all the rest in the regional vote.

That's an incredibly slim majority but a majority nonetheless. 


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27 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

On a more general point, and it’s what the wings and alba people go on about.

Does the current SNP, and in particular Nicola Sturgeon, actually want a referendum and indeed independence?

Possibly wishful thinking on my part, but I don’t think they do.

Unlike Alba, Sturgeon does not want a referendum in the NEAR future. And it's pretty clear from Alba's performance that the electorate doesn't either.


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1 hour ago, NUMBER 7 said:


The number of seats are an irrelevance. It’s the numbers voting one way or another that is important.

Still only 32% of the electorate voted for Pro Indy parties.  The 36% that didn’t vote and in past Scottish elections that has been nearer 50% that didn’t vote can’t just be forgotten if Independence became a reality.


Not if you're trying to form a government.

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2 minutes ago, Pato said:

*sees kincardine's back*

Ah that'll be fun, a wee bit of verbal jousting

KINCARDINE (like a greyhound out the traps): As was demonstrated in perpetuity in 1727 we Scots are intrinsically-

Still Game on Twitter: "Jack, Victor, A meant tae tell y- That's plenty.… "

Ah yes, the glorious Hunovarian cause.

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26 minutes ago, NUMBER 7 said:

Add Greens Alba and Lib Dem’s into your numbers and come back with your answer.

SNP, Greens and Alba had about 32% of the electorate vote.

 The Greens total vote share was 255,314 which when added to the SNP's makes it a total of 2,640,892 for the two pro Independence parties.

I can't find Alba's total C & R total votes but we know that it bwas miniscule compared to the SNP's.

The LD's total was 324,898, BUT I didn't add them as there is, according to what I heard yesterday on the TV, parliamentary restrictions on them as they only have 4 seats, something about being unable to be on committees and such, maybe someone has clarification on that.

Anyway the result yesterday was outstanding and leaves the two english based Branch Parties in our shadow.

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10 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

On a more general point, and it’s what the wings and alba people go on about.

Does the current SNP, and in particular Nicola Sturgeon, actually want a referendum and indeed independence?

Possibly wishful thinking on my part, but I don’t think they do.

So much easier to sit in Holyrood , receive swathes of money from Westminster under Barnett, blame everything that goes wrong on Boris and receive good pay and perks. Becoming an SNP politician is just like Labour of yesteryear. Pick the party which is most likely to get me a seat and you’re in. Do these people have the hunger, the appetite for the fight? I doubt it. We are in the age of the professional politician and the party is irrelevant. Why rock the boat?

That just doesn't hold water. I was a member of the SNP before the devolution settlement, before the SNP was the leading party in all elections, and beyond. After 1997, If you simply wanted to run a devolved government you had the option to join a unionist left, right or centrist (sic) party with that intent and hold that position.

You joined the SNP because you believed that the Scottish people are best placed to make our own decisions. Until devolution, being in the SNP was like being at the base of a very tall mountain and you knew it was a difficult climb ahead.

There is not one iota of doubt that Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP want independence and that is why the timing of a referendum is so important and why the Alba Party approach is flawed. Competence and timing are key here and Nicola Sturgeon is in top of both.

As for Wings Over Scotland, I did for a period read the articles which to be fair were always very well written and chimed with my thinking. At some point it all went wrong, and the anti-Sturgeon line lacked substance, evidence or credibility. I hope that those still engaged will gradually come away from it.

I believe we can win an independence referendum and build a Scotland with room for voices from all reasonable political and social positions.



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10 hours ago, lichtgilphead said:

Please explain how he might qualify to represent Scotland in an international sporting competition.

Is it because he's married to the daughter of the family who own Jura?

I'm sure that Joe Baker's family would be interested in the definition you appear to be using.

Cameron's dad was born in Glass, Aberdeenshire, so under current FIFA rules he is eligible to play for Scotland. Would certainly strengthen us on the right.

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12 minutes ago, Pato said:

lol did something actually happen then I just pulled that year out my arse

The King George's originated from Hanover and I can never resist a mis-spelling joke...

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