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The Ayrshire Derby (Act 1)

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What a shambles of a club, all week yous have been giving it "we can only use 2 stands" now you've got all 4 stands available and you still can't accommodate your own fans let alone away fans. Yous really are a basket case off the field. I'm sure it's really all big bad EAC's fault though.

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These Ayr lads seem to be permaraging, seething & constantly on the verge of tears.

It really can't be good for the Blood Pressure, imagine if they were ever close to actually winning something of note then having it snatched away?

I guess we will never know....




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1 hour ago, Trogdor said:

What a shambles of a club, all week yous have been giving it "we can only use 2 stands" now you've got all 4 stands available and you still can't accommodate your own fans let alone away fans. Yous really are a basket case off the field. I'm sure it's really all big bad EAC's fault though.

We can only let in what EAC let us. That is the fact. Number of attendees was number of season tickets sold at 6PM….Were they fearful  of a load of Ayr fans buying our season tickets so they could attend? 

Killie fans are not happy with the numbers and ban on away fans 

Whats your arrangements for first home game? Any numbers? Are SAC any better?

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Why does every other team in this league manage to have nice, fairly normal, threads where they discuss the fitba like actual real humans yet every single thread involving us seems to attract the largest amount of ‘yer da’ types anyone has ever seen. 

I really hope we get out of this shitpit league quickly because I dunno if I can stomach more than a season of this horrific patter. 

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5 minutes ago, Nadroj said:

I really hope we get out of this shitpit league quickly because I dunno if I can stomach more than a season of this horrific patter

You've got one shot , this season or never .

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11 hours ago, AUFC 1910 said:

Have I missed something here.

Your 4 stands are now being used on Monday!

Are you having a laugh?

4 stands in use now, after only 2 being out of action.

And STILL no away fans allowed


You deserve to be where you are right now.

Absolute tinpot club.

2020/2021 joke club of the championship - even before a ball is kicked goes to…..

Kilmarnock 🥳🥳🥳

Holy f**k guys, what the actual f**k is going on?

What an absolute state to get yourself into. 

On the off chance there are any sensible Ayr fans on here - have you got all the rockets in the league, or can we expect this standard of nonsense every fucking week down here?

Oh, and in the interests of being the better person: 

1. Capacity has been set at 3692 BY. THE. COUNCIL. (following application from the club, which means that admittance is ST holders only. Makes what is a bit of a test event that wee bit easier to manage, I expect). There's plenty of home fans who won't be getting to see the game either. 

2. While we would like to have as many in the ground as possible, including getting your mob in to witness a skelping, imho we'd have to be having a capacity of at least 6000 before I'd countenance denying home fans tickets for the sake of letting away fans in. I know it's a massive match for the minnows, but console yourself with this thought: you've still got at least three "cup finals" this season, at least one of which will be in a modern stadium. 

Away fans have been disallowed for a while - ffs, even home fans have been banned for a while. It would be naive in the extreme to expect special treatment for this fixture, at this point, in this climate.

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45 minutes ago, Dauntless said:

You've got one shot , this season or never .

Won't be a disaster if we stay down for a couple of years - just as long as we don't get out of the second tier the way your shambolic crew have SIX times in the last thirty-odd years. That Ayr fans are mocking Killie for being in the second tier for the first time in over 1/4 century when this level is something their own team have not been able, in a longer time period, to reliably sustain is bizarre. 

I suppose it's a mark of my ageing, to put with the various health issues and randomly sprouting hair, that I can remember when Ayr could realistically claim to be our rivals, rather than our embarrassing poorer neighbours. It really is that long ago. 

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12 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Won't be a disaster if we stay down for a couple of years - just as long as we don't get out of the second tier the way your shambolic crew have SIX times in the last thirty-odd years. That Ayr fans are mocking Killie for being in the second tier for the first time in over 1/4 century when this level is something their own team have not been able, in a longer time period, to reliably sustain is bizarre. 

I suppose it's a mark of my ageing, to put with the various health issues and randomly sprouting hair, that I can remember when Ayr could realistically claim to be our rivals, rather than our embarrassing poorer neighbours. It really is that long ago. 

The thing is Kilmarnock are on a downward spiral over the last 2/3 years , when is it going to end ? You can’t change history it’s about now and the future, your fans   still going on about a cup win about 24 years ago , thought the English were bad with their constant talking about 66 you’s are getting just as irritating , feel free to keep living in the past 

Edited by Finlay21
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14 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

What an absolute state to get yourself into. 

On the off chance there are any sensible Ayr fans on here - have you got all the rockets in the league, or can we expect this standard of nonsense every fucking week down here?

Oh, and in the interests of being the better person: 

1. Capacity has been set at 3692 BY. THE. COUNCIL. (following application from the club, which means that admittance is ST holders only. Makes what is a bit of a test event that wee bit easier to manage, I expect). There's plenty of home fans who won't be getting to see the game either. 

2. While we would like to have as many in the ground as possible, including getting your mob in to witness a skelping, imho we'd have to be having a capacity of at least 6000 before I'd countenance denying home fans tickets for the sake of letting away fans in. I know it's a massive match for the minnows, but console yourself with this thought: you've still got at least three "cup finals" this season, at least one of which will be in a modern stadium. 

Away fans have been disallowed for a while - ffs, even home fans have been banned for a while. It would be naive in the extreme to expect special treatment for this fixture, at this point, in this climate.

Test event - for what

You do realise that there is every chance that we are going to full capacity within a couple of weeks

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4 minutes ago, Finlay21 said:

The thing is Kilmarnock are on a downward spiral over the last 2/3 years , when is it going to end ? You can’t change history it’s about now and the future, your fans   still going on about a cup win about 20 years ago , thought the English were bad with their constant talking about 66 you’s are getting just as irritating 

..and our downward spiral, so far, has reached the highest level Ayr have reached for over forty years. I'd be waiting a wee while longer before crowing. 

You really want to bring trophies into the conversation, Colin?

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7 minutes ago, AUFC 1910 said:

Test event - for what

You do realise that there is every chance that we are going to full capacity within a couple of weeks

Test event for moving back to normality. We saw last year what happens when restrictions and regulations are relaxed too precipitously. 

There is also a chance that we could be back to empty stadia in a few weeks. Nonsense, I know, but neither you nor I make these decisions. I'd happily have the game postponed, and played later when more fans, including tourists, could attend - but we are where we are.

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1 hour ago, Nadroj said:

Why does every other team in this league manage to have nice, fairly normal, threads where they discuss the fitba like actual real humans yet every single thread involving us seems to attract the largest amount of ‘yer da’ types anyone has ever seen. 

I really hope we get out of this shitpit league quickly because I dunno if I can stomach more than a season of this horrific patter. 

I think it's because a decent sized chunk of our supporters on here are either blinkered fanboys, shite trolls or overly sincere folk who can't take a joke. Plenty of other clubs in this division where that probably applies too, right enough.

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