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David Amess MP murdered


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39 minutes ago, Terry_Tibbs said:


I deplore Sturgeon, for the damage she's doing to this country, but if she was murdered i'd have the decency not to take a pop at her in a thread about her death.


I also hope you wouldn’t rush on here / Twitter with gushing comments about how wonderful she was. 

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Is it a given? Is it really? The man was barely cold and there were nats hurriedly looking up his voting record looking for reasons to denigrate him.
I deplore Sturgeon, for the damage she's doing to this country, but if she was murdered i'd have the decency not to take a pop at her in a thread about her death.
The older i get the more i realise the left are not motivated by genuine compassion towards the downtrodden but by pedantry, envy and hate.
Fascinating stuff there da [emoji23]
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On 16/10/2021 at 00:27, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

28 years of being a MP and the best they could find for the man was some speeches about city status for Southend.

A true loss for parliamentary democracy.

They were hardly likely to highlight his infamous appearance on Brass Eye that he is really mainly remembered for at Westminster:

and mention how he even asked a question about "cake" in the House of Commons given the circumstances.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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9 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Cant get on board with any outrage about Labour not standing a candidate tbh.

Surely people aren’t actually getting outraged over that?

It’s a complete that they wouldn’t compete for it. The only people who stood against Jo Cox’s successor were a collection of fascist loon-balls.

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14 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

They were hardly likely to highlight his infamous appearance on Brass Eye that he is really mainly remembered for at Westminster:

and mention how he even asked a question about "cake" in the House of Commons given the circumstances.

That's surly not the tune I remember in the original, that's  dubstep tune  original was just fucking madness.

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That no-one, whatever their politics, should go to work and not return is surely a given. The perpetrator of this act should feel the full force of the CJ system. Obviously, a few extra years should be added on for having the temerity to be born in Somalia, and having been referred to PREVENT*.

However, this man (Amess) was complicit (in no way a rebel, he voted as he was told) in a Government whose policies have led, demonstrably so, to millions of people's lives being poorer, hungrier and shorter. That the absolute best the media can come up with from a thirty-plus year career is a (so far unsuccessful) campaign to have Southend gain City status, says more than any of the rentamouth whores who have been all over the news all weekend. The word "status" is particularly apposite to his type of party drone.

As someone posted above, on Friday morning he would not have given you or I the steam off his piss. Dying, in whatever manner, does not confer canonisation.

The saddest thing of all is that the most tangible consequence of this horrible event will not be a softening of political debate or an increase in MPs' safety, but that witch Patel getting carte blanche  to introduce her "raft of measures" which she has, in no way, prepared earlier. All while we continually argue whether wearing a fucking mask is an infringement of our rights.

TL:DR; Tragic event, massive opportunity for speeding up Normal Island's descent into Totalitarianism.

*As were many, many students, on the basis of their mixing socially with people of the same skin-tone. Yes, really. Pesky immigrants, mixing with people whose circumstances were similar. Should have shipped them into the middle of the Atlantic, or sunk their dinghies in the Channel, eh, Priti?

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The Angela Rayner "scum" angle was getting heavy airplay on radio today. The Tories know how to spin, that's for sure. If they can repeat this link often enough then they can make this stick - a bit like other past lies such as "Labour crashed the global economy by paying nurses and teachers too much".

I posted this on Friday and make no apology for doing so again. I doubt if anyone on the Labour benches will raise this though, they're scared of making any waves.


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36 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Protection for MPs is a pile of pish. Will they provide protection for every public servant that has to implement policy then walk home, go for a break etc?

I think I know the answer.

Oh, I don't know, Sarge. The extra support and protection provided to my colleagues and myself when dealing with extremist offenders has showed us how highly the Government values those charged with representing the State in the CJ system.

(You can refer to my previous "steam off their own pish" comments above for the answer here)

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54 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

The Angela Rayner "scum" angle was getting heavy airplay on radio today. The Tories know how to spin, that's for sure. If they can repeat this link often enough then they can make this stick - a bit like other past lies such as "Labour crashed the global economy by paying nurses and teachers too much".

I posted this on Friday and make no apology for doing so again. I doubt if anyone on the Labour benches will raise this though, they're scared of making any waves.


Please continue to do so - these absolute arseholes have to be shown up for the cúnts they are.

Amess' murder, sad though it is, was made more likely by so many Tory policies, from the slashing of the welfare state budget to the evisceration of the NHS. These bástards should have their actions held up to them and forced to own their responsibility for the consequences. I won't hold my breath.

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48 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Protection for MPs is a pile of pish. Will they provide protection for every public servant that has to implement policy then walk home, go for a break etc?

I think I know the answer.

There really hasn't been a person in politics that makes my skin crawl/blood boil more than Patel. Even in a tragedy like this I find everything she says absolutely toe curling. In a government cabinet filled with bumbling idiots, she might just be the thickest of the lot and the worst of it is she thinks she's the fucking dugs danglies. 

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11 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Please continue to do so - these absolute arseholes have to be shown up for the cúnts they are.

Amess' murder, sad though it is, was made more likely by so many Tory policies, from the slashing of the welfare state budget to the evisceration of the NHS. These bástards should have their actions held up to them and forced to own their responsibility for the consequences. I won't hold my breath.

You're reaching here if it is a terrorist act as is currently being reported.  I don't think you'll find many terrorists that are angry about the welfare state or NHS.

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2 minutes ago, Left Back said:

You're reaching here if it is a terrorist act as is currently being reported.  I don't think you'll find many terrorists that are angry about the welfare state or NHS.

Not really. The dismantling of both leads to poorer mental health and social care, increases poverty and isolation and leads to the general lack of hope that leads people toward terrorism. No-one's stupid enough to say if the Tories hadn't ripped out so many avenues for help for young men then this would never have happened but the odds would certainly have lengthened 

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