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Shite Things About Modern Gaming


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Just bought Farcry 6 (I'm a real sucker for these types of games) at the weekend on the Epic Game Store. I downloaded it this morning - 50GB. I thought on my lunch break I'd give it a quick try.

First thing it does is even though you bought it on the Epic Game Store you need to connect up your Ubisoft account and when you launch the game it is via the Ubisoft Connect thing (or whatever it is called).

Up pops a message saying you should update the game before starting so i click OK when then kicks off another 20GB update. So 50GB downloaded via EGS and now 20GB downloaded via Ubisoft thing.

Why they just can't let you download the latest version of the game when you first download it I don't know.

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I don't think loot boxes are necessarily the worst thing, it's the application of them.  If they remain ways of getting completely "irrelevant" stuff like cosmetics etc that don't gain players an advantage, I see absolutely nothing wrong with that.  It gives developers an extra income, but it remains optional.  But of course that won't make enough money for some, so we have the likes of FUT.

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Just now, forameus said:

I don't think loot boxes are necessarily the worst thing, it's the application of them.  If they remain ways of getting completely "irrelevant" stuff like cosmetics etc that don't gain players an advantage, I see absolutely nothing wrong with that.  It gives developers an extra income, but it remains optional.  But of course that won't make enough money for some, so we have the likes of FUT.

Nah man, you're quite simply wrong on this one. Even "cosmetic only" loot boxes are totally unacceptable and prey upon "whales" as they are called. Also developers don't need extra income.

This video will detail multiple issues with them that I couldn't articulate.

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7 hours ago, Richey Edwards said:

Quality control has gone downhill with the death of physical formats of games.

I reckon that it was the Ps3 and Xbox 360 era that this started. The easier connections to the Internet this era of consoles had compared to the previous generation opened up much easier patching of games.(I know PC had patching but it became much more mainstream when consoles got in on the act.)

Publishers realised they could ship something out the door buggy and just patch it later seeing as nearly every console had an Internet connection. Digital distribution was the final decisive act to the current situation.

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How long games, particularly larger budget games, take to get going. I hate sitting through a 30 min to 2 hour unskippable tutorial of how to play the game. 

If I don't give up on it, the chances of me ever playing it again after that are essentially zero.

Edited by djchapsticks
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On 08/02/2022 at 22:25, Oceanlineayr said:

I reckon that it was the Ps3 and Xbox 360 era that this started. The easier connections to the Internet this era of consoles had compared to the previous generation opened up much easier patching of games.(I know PC had patching but it became much more mainstream when consoles got in on the act.)

Publishers realised they could ship something out the door buggy and just patch it later seeing as nearly every console had an Internet connection. Digital distribution was the final decisive act to the current situation.

You've also now got the dreaded "Roadmap" for games.  It usually means "Yes, we sold you an incomplete/half finished/buggy mess of a game but here is how you'll get your finished game in a year or two time"

However as we've seen if a game bombs bad enough at launch then said "Roadmap" is straight into the bin and you'll be lucky to get a few patches before the developer abandons ship.

On 10/02/2022 at 06:41, Stellaboz said:

I miss the boxes that attracted you to check out a game, now mostly everything is a download.
The art of a game cover was something I used to enjoy looking through, from my Atari ST days to the PS1.

Part of me does miss the days when PC games came in massive boxes. It was great when you picked up a game from a shop and then had the car trip home to marvel at the box and also the manual inside.

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On 09/02/2022 at 09:32, Empty It said:

Not being able to run into Blockbuster and buy 3 shite pre-owned games you've never heard of for £10.

Surely somewhere sells used games?

4 hours ago, itzdrk said:

Bethesda.  Fallout 76 is absolute idiocy. 

I have this (bought for a tenner) but I never really understood it.

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