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29 minutes ago, gaz5 said:

It can't be a serious suggestion.

If it is, then it's a ridiculous, self serving suggestion that ought to get the feedback it deserves.

Paying extra through means testing for no other reason than to subsidise the profits of private companies who could easily afford to contribute more than this would ever achieve anyway and not even feel the pinch?

That idea can get in the sea along with whatever c*nt from the energy companies suggested it.

The boy who said it missed the point that if it's such an essential service that they supply perhaps it shouldn't be in the hands of companies looking to squeeze a profit out of what they are doing.

2 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

But but but they’re definitely reinvesting the £5bn back into decarbonisation and renewables and certainly not giving it to their management and shareholders. 

According to yesterdays daily liar, trade minister  Anne Marie Trevelyn.  She needs her portfolio checked.

I would be staggered if they commit £5bn of investment over the next 25 years.

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9 minutes ago, 101 said:

The boy who said it missed the point that if it's such an essential service that they supply perhaps it shouldn't be in the hands of companies looking to squeeze a profit out of what they are doing.

I would be staggered if they commit £5bn of investment over the next 25 years.

After the PPE handout to their mates, this is next....

Cue Baroness Jockette and all their friends getting out the dictionaries to see decarbonisation is, treble Moet all round...


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27 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Think it was the head of BP said yesterday we all benefit from this windfall as we all own shares in BP through our pensions.

he might technically be correct but that’s some reach.

Strong "but all Scottish clubs benefit from Celtgers doing well in Europe as they get a payment" type vibe from the, undoubtedly Tory c**t. 

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Strong "but all Scottish clubs benefit from Celtgers doing well in Europe as they get a payment" type vibe from the, undoubtedly Tory c**t. 
There was some wee nyaff from Offshore Energy mewling about this on STV news. Absolute zero worthwhile argument against a windfall tax, beyond word salad about pension investments and reinvesting in renewables.
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Why should they get a free ride because of this idea that they'll use some of their profits to invest in renewables? It's in the interests of their own future that they do so, otherwise their business will fail. 

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This is identical to the wage negotiations that have gone on up and down the country so far this year and same again next year. 


The people whose entire lives have to be adjusted, who have meet ongoing costs of war and covid and various other shit, are us. 

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This is identical to the wage negotiations that have gone on up and down the country so far this year and same again next year. 
The people whose entire lives have to be adjusted, who have meet ongoing costs of war and covid and various other shit, are us. 

While I agree with your sentiment that we are the ones being screwed (as always) the overall financial catastrophe that's incoming isn't because of the ongoing costs of war and Covid.

They contribute, but we've been headed here for over 2 decades because of frivolous/profiteering based monetary policy in most every country in the Western world.

Politicians, particularly in the US I should add, are being very quick to try and convince people that Covid and Putin are to blame as a "look over there", in the hope people don't see the absolute cluster f**k the ruling classes have consistently made of things in our lifetimes. Whatever colour of rosette they wear.
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3 minutes ago, gaz5 said:



While I agree with your sentiment that we are the ones being screwed (as always) the overall financial catastrophe that's incoming isn't because of the ongoing costs of war and Covid.

They contribute, but we've been headed here for over 2 decades because of frivolous/profiteering based monetary policy in most every country in the Western world.

Politicians, particularly in the US I should add, are being very quick to try and convince people that Covid and Putin are to blame as a "look over there", in the hope people don't see the absolute cluster f**k the ruling classes have consistently made of things in our lifetimes. Whatever colour of rosette they wear.


It isn't just a political problem.  It's a corporate one.  All corporate decisions are driven by short-term gain to maximise stakeholder benefit (because the bosses usually get a large chunk of remuneration in shares and large bonuses if the share price goes up).  They don't care about employees, customers, the environment or anything really except the short-term profit.

It's a race to the bottom and has been for a while.

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Wage rises never really keep up with inflation. I was in the civil service in 2010 when the Tory/Lib Dem coalition came in. Instantly they froze my wages so I got a lovely 0% increase until I left in 2013. Add to that they upped my pension contributions by 1% so I didn't just get a real terms pay cut but an actual one. 

Now the rumour is that the universities will be offering a 3% cost of living rise this year (inflation is more than double that). Except the very, very lowest paid staff who will get up to 7.5%...and guess what the headlines will say.


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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

That must be for final years? In which case he'll presumably only have a handful of papers to mark And maybe only 1 or 2 questions per paper out of 4?

Presumably earlier years are still having exams up to about 20th May?

Postgrads. He has over 300 papers to mark. We brought in some marking help from tutors but he should be doing the bulk....

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Just now, oaksoft said:

Blimey. That's a lot of 12-month Masters students.

Yep. Sure is. Took me weeks to mark my lot at Christmas. 

Next year - I might switch it all to multiple guess. 

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40 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Yep. Sure is. Took me weeks to mark my lot at Christmas. 

Next year - I might switch it all to multiple guess. 

Can't you save yourself the bother and just give them all good passes?  Thought that was the standard with education these days.

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2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

I always wanted to look through the paper to see where I had dropped marks to see what I could learn going into future years.

Our uni let us do that. If someone had tried that it would have been spotted it right away.

Where markers got away with this sort of thing was Lab Reports which were only given a letter grade. It was very common for a PhD student to sit with a pile of lab books and award all of them an A without reading any of them. I watched one guy simply write one A after another and had done his 30 reports in 5 minutes. The academic in charge was happy because the students were happy so everyone "won".

Managed to take 5 mins to write "A" 30 times.  Looks like you may have previously met the "prof"

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Scottish Power's owners have made 4 BILLION Euro profit in their last accounts.
It really beggars belief that nobody is doing a single thing about the scale of naked greed over an absolutely essential service.
If life was a reality TV show, this current situation would be the producers going "this audience are so thick they STILL don't get the Tories, we're going to have to do something really ridiculous here..."
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