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Dog Kills Man

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Since I'm off today, I'll give some love to this thread. My first post, be nice.

Dogs, never liked them, and they know it.  I own 2 dogs, always had at least 2 since I moved to Thailand, fell in love with 1 (Scargill). Never before...

Dogs here are very very different than back on the island called UK. Dogs are all guard dogs of the property and roam the streets at night fighting each other.

I've been bit 3 times, 2 times from a sneeky attack from behind, I'll come to that later...

1 time full on frontal, he had me on the ground, not pleasant for him in the end.

Dogs, look at us a threat to their owner or property, however, they don't attack unless you show weakness, turning your back is a clue for most to have a snip at you for reaction, see above.

Best to ignore or be friendly with the owner, if not be BIG, make yourself big by arms out and shout at the top of your lungs to f**k off. This startles them, now you have made yourself the big dog (boss). You now have 2 options, stand your ground to see their reaction or step forward and demand their reaction. 75% they will bolt.

As for the other 15%, you're on your own to fight it out like the best, just grab 1 of their legs and start swinging like f**k.

Chuck in the fucking river at the end.

My first 3 months when I got married I didn't work, so studied the behaviour of the street dogs, fascinating stuff.

edit - just notice the other 10%, that's the evil dogs that just attack, if you survive, hang it on the local roundabout tree like a 40th Birthday sheet. 

Always be the big dog when your with your kids, show no fear, they will go for them first.

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Here's a photo of Scargill, looking after the family as ever. Found him as a pup on a dark country road in the pishing rain, even me as a cold hearted c**t coundn't drive past.

Stayed with me for 5 years, died the same day, as my boy went to his first day of Kindergarden. Was happy as f**k with the wee man, came home for the daft fucker to die in my arms. I took him into my house for his last few breaths (a  dog in the house is a big no no here). 



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4 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

Since I'm off today, I'll give some love to this thread. My first post, be nice.

Dogs, never liked them, and they know it.  I own 2 dogs, always had at least 2 since I moved to Thailand, fell in love with 1 (Scargill). Never before...

Dogs here are very very different than back on the island called UK. Dogs are all guard dogs of the property and roam the streets at night fighting each other.

I've been bit 3 times, 2 times from a sneeky attack from behind, I'll come to that later...

1 time full on frontal, he had me on the ground, not pleasant for him in the end.

Dogs, look at us a threat to their owner or property, however, they don't attack unless you show weakness, turning your back is a clue for most to have a snip at you for reaction, see above.

Best to ignore or be friendly with the owner, if not be BIG, make yourself big by arms out and shout at the top of your lungs to f**k off. This startles them, now you have made yourself the big dog (boss). You now have 2 options, stand your ground to see their reaction or step forward and demand their reaction. 75% they will bolt.

As for the other 15%, you're on your own to fight it out like the best, just grab 1 of their legs and start swinging like f**k.

Chuck in the fucking river at the end.

My first 3 months when I got married I didn't work, so studied the behaviour of the street dogs, fascinating stuff.

edit - just notice the other 10%, that's the evil dogs that just attack, if you survive, hang it on the local roundabout tree like a 40th Birthday sheet. 

Always be the big dog when your with your kids, show no fear, they will go for them first.

Worth a greenie for that alone Slippery!


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6 minutes ago, hk blues said:

Worth a greenie for that alone Slippery!


all in effect of wordsworth, good to see you notice teacher. 😀

Don't tell them the rest is a pile of pishe.

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3 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

all in effect of wordsworth, good to see you notice teacher. 😀

Don't tell them the rest is a pile of pishe.

Not at all Slippery!

I'm a cat man - 4 wild ones who help keep the rat, cockroach and lizard population down - one even had a square go with a snake a while back!  Dogs are all around, 2 or 3 or more per house but locked up 24/7 - go figure.  A couple of wild ones (dogs) around too but not so aggressive although they do try it on but, as you say, face them up and they back off.  My wee lad was chased by one a couple of nights back so I've started to show him the ropes.  

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2 minutes ago, hk blues said:

My wee lad was chased by one a couple of nights back so I've started to show him the ropes

Worst thing he/you/me could ever do is run away from a dog. Domestic or wild, they have a instinct to chase, a ball, stick...a wee boy a man.

You cant unteach that, that's why why you stand.

most dogs couldn't give a f**k who you are, you/we spell like apples or whatever.

We're not challenging to there mating, so It's more or less destination  quarrel.

the owner of all dogs, have responsibility, if my dog bites someone, that's more or less me putting the teeth in.

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13 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

Worst thing he/you/me could ever do is run away from a dog. Domestic or wild, they have a instinct to chase, a ball, stick...a wee boy a man.

You cant unteach that, that's why why you stand.

most dogs couldn't give a f**k who you are, you/we spell like apples or whatever.

We're not challenging to there mating, so It's more or less destination  quarrel.

the owner of all dogs, have responsibility, if my dog bites someone, that's more or less me putting the teeth in.

Most folk here are more worried about rabies than dog bites.  My neighbours wee dug snapped at my ankle a couple of months back (probably my fault as it was under a chair and I didn't see it and frightened it) - my wife was panicked and insisted on seeing the vaccination cert for the dug.  Probably dogs are the biggest problem around us due to their barking and shiting in the street and the smell of piss and shite as they keep the poor dogs locked up and rarely walk them.

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30 minutes ago, hk blues said:

Most folk here are more worried about rabies than dog bites.  My neighbours wee dug snapped at my ankle a couple of months back (probably my fault as it was under a chair and I didn't see it and frightened it) - my wife was panicked and insisted on seeing the vaccination cert for the dug.  Probably dogs are the biggest problem around us due to their barking and shiting in the street and the smell of piss and shite as they keep the poor dogs locked up and rarely walk them.

Do you still have rabies problem?

Here we not much, 10 baht, each dog  for the local vet, who comes on a motorcycle to jag them all.

guess who has to hold them down, about 30 dogs, and they all know the sound of his motorcycle.

Big f**k of bitters every night become a shivering poor wee dug when they get grabbed and jagged.

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On 01/02/2023 at 14:09, Barry Ferguson's Hat said:

The problem would disappear instantly if we just got rid of dogs tbh.

It would also stop the annual 'boo hoo hoo fireworks make my dog scared' pish. Grow up.

My cat was having a class time up at the window watching the fireworks.  

Just superior animals in every way really. 


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1 minute ago, SlipperyP said:

Do you still have rabies problem?

Here we not much, 10 baht, each dog  for the local vet, who comes on a motorcycle to jag them all.

guess who has to hold them down, about 30 dogs, and they all know the sound of his motorcycle.

Big f**k of bitters every night become a shivering poor wee dug when they get grabbed and jagged.

It's still a problem here, no programme like you mention for rabies or for neutering.  Most folk are too poor or lacking in care to get their pets done.  

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9 minutes ago, hk blues said:

Most folk are too poor or lacking in care to get their pets done.

Understand, it's more or less a community thing, here, and all over Thailand. 

We have functional NHS, i'm not sure but I think it comes out that budget...makes sense tbh. 

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Just now, SlipperyP said:

Understand, it's more or less a community thing, here, and all over Thailand. 

We have functional NHS, i'm not sure but I think it comes out that budget...makes sense tbh. 

Sad to say but Filipinos have no community spirit despite what they would have the outside world believe.  They have a mistrust of everyone , including their own family.

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10 minutes ago, hk blues said:

Sad to say but Filipinos have no community spirit despite what they would have the outside world believe.  They have a mistrust of everyone , including their own family.

I've never been, so no comment, did have higher working meetings about 8/9 years ago. 

3 High class/ or they thought they were, came over for business. At the end the meeting 3 days, they thought the deal was done...then turned round to me and commented that I had shorts and T- shirt on during every meeting, also disliked my bare feed (no socks).

Their words were, you can't dress like that in the Philippines.

My Boss, 'well we wont be going'.

this from Dutch guy working living in ASEAN for about 50 years.

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3 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:


I've never been, so no comment, did have higher working meetings about 8/9 years ago. 

3 High class/ or they thought they were, came over for business. At the end the meeting 3 days, they thought the deal was done...then turned round to me and commented that I had shorts and T- shirt on during every meeting, also disliked my bare feed (no socks).

Their words were, you can't dress like that in the Philippines.

My Boss, 'well we wont be going'.

this from Dutch guy working living in ASEAN for about 50 years.

I reckon the superior attitude is a throwback to the post-war years when arguably the Philippines was the star in Asia, mostly due to the favourable treatment they got from the USA - far from the case today but folk here are capable of ignoring that reality.  Also, having even a slightly better job/car/house/phone than your peers is grounds to lord it over them shamelessly.  

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2 minutes ago, hk blues said:

I reckon the superior attitude is a throwback to the post-war years when arguably the Philippines was the star in Asia, mostly due to the favourable treatment they got from the USA - far from the case today but folk here are capable of ignoring that reality.  Also, having even a slightly better job/car/house/phone than your peers is grounds to lord it over them shamelessly.  

I didn't want say, but that was my impression, as I've said before on a few threads, I make the effort, but I'll still wear my daily clothes to any meeting, I don't give f**k who that is, king or monk. Take it or tell me to f**k off.

I do my speaking, (not on here obviously, fun and games) when it matters.

I don't give f**k what there wearing....

end of subject, gone way of the 18th now and out of bounds, sorry folks

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On 25/01/2023 at 10:21, AuAl said:

When I was wee our neighbor was a police dog handler. He had a couple of retired ones and they were scary as f**k. I'd usually like big german shepherds but there was just something really wrong about these dogs, I'm convinced they were just mental as a result of trauma or maybe from the police training. Gave us all he usual stuff "they won't touch you, they're big softies really". The guy eventually had to get rid of one of them cause they were getting concerned about how it acted around their kid.


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4 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

…also disliked my bare feed (no socks).

Gotta say, m8….you walk up to me with your “feed” bare, I’m gonna be a bit nervous too…

Couldn’t resist…sounds like a good weekend ahead and late league tables.

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  • 2 months later...

A lot of online controversy about an incident in Tower Hamlets, where police officers shot dead two dogs.  Police were called to an incident and confronted a man who had two dogs in his possession.  The man was subsequently tasered and both dogs were shot dead by armed police.  The incident took place in view or a number of flats, occupants filmed the police and many were heard shouting at the police.  Supposedly flowers and other offerings have been left where the two dogs died.  The local MP has tweeted about the incident, expressing her concern.


The incident the police were called to was that a woman had been attacked by the two dogs who were shot.  

Pretty amazing quote in that LBC article from a witness


Whatever had happened, it's not an excuse for it to end like that.

Whatever had happened?  Dogs get destroyed all the time when they are acting aggressively or attack people.

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