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The Big Queen's Park FC Thread

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God that was awful today. No energy, bewildering formation (why is Thomas now playing on the right breaking up the best partnership we had with him and Robson, Hepburn is lightweight, Healy is wasteful and poor Paton is now his own no. 10). Dunfermline were workmanlike but organised, hard working and had a bit of pace, everything we lacked. If we don't put in a performance against Ayr on Friday then it's alarm bells as Tim Vine would say. Sorry for the rant, not usually a whiner, but that was dreary

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Modern football requires runners....either to line break or to create space/stretch opposition formations.  Too often today, (with the exception of Thomson) we either ran with the ball but then stopped and passed back/side-ways (rather than having the courage to take players on), or there was insufficient/poor running off the ball.  When there was decent runs off the ball, everyone saw where that pass should go with the exception of the player making that pass.  

I don't know whether Thomas is playing on the right to balance the team, (allowing Robson to support Healy/Hepburn), but surely when you've seen what that Robson-Thomas combination did against Arbroath, you play to your strengths?

Paton was very clearly very frustrated today and understandably. 

I felt very sorry for the bloke sat next to me.  Has lived locally for 30+ years and decided to come along today, (of all days) and had to endure that.


Edited by Spider1975
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The first half I didn’t think there was much between the two teams however the second half Dunfermline were the better team and deserved the win. 

I still struggle to understand the formation as well as the substitutions. Hepburn and Paton on top? To be fair I thought Hepburn looked more of a threat than Paton who was missing most of the game and I was surprised Hepburn came off. 

the midfield really struggled Spong hasn’t been as good as usual but I thought Thomas was better today than he has been the last few games. Healy wasn’t up to much either. The play just didn’t work today and no one played well. 


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1 hour ago, Spider1975 said:

I felt very sorry for the bloke sat next to me.  Has lived locally for 30+ years and decided to come along today, (of all days) and had to endure that.

Yeah, also, its great that we are giving away tickets to grow the support. However, unless we start  playing well and/or winning some games, it aint gonna work. 

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34 minutes ago, Velvet Donkey said:

'Do you have any concerns about the depth of the squad?'

'No concerns at all'.


Good on the interviewer asking that type of question at the very least. Too often in the past the questions are very safe.

The answer from Veldman is incredibly concerning however. I’m hoping it was a case of not wanting to openly admit on camera, depth being a massive issue and he’s trying to sort that in the background 

In any scenario, we should not be scrambling around for players towards the end of September when we had an entire summer. It’s poor stuff 

Edited by qpfc
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I knew this would happen as soon as I saw the lineups. Dunfermline would dominate the midfield and dictate possession with three at the back and five at the centre of the field. Healy & Turner are two lightweights and Spong can't do all the work when Thompson is demoted to a centre back position. Shame. 

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Pleasing with the fans to be patient while the new system embeds itself is fine when you’re losing or playing in pre-season or the league cup. Now the big boy games have started, it’s not good enough. Especially now that Arbroath are stringing wins together and Airdrie aren’t the damp squib some thought they might be. 

Looking at the squad depth, it’s not good enough simply. That’s on Beuker, who I fear has underestimated the league this season. 

We’ve got players that can score, but I’m sick of our guys dribbling the ball into defenders to get a pass away rather than actually taking a pop also. There’s trying to score the ‘perfect goal’ and there’s just being negligent. 

Beuker built a lot of credit in the bank with talk of ‘the project’. I suspect if Veldman continues to make calamitous decisions he’ll be under a lot of pressure. 

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25 minutes ago, .buzzy01 said:

Why is the Ayr game being played on a Friday and will it be streamed ? Thanks.

To give the pitch recovery time for a Scotland v Belgium women's international on the following Tuesday. I don't think there's any chance of live streaming of the Ayr game.

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It’s early days, but we’re no different to any other set of fans on the planet. People will be on board if they believe there’s going to be an end product to the strategy being deployed. This isn’t youth football. People are paying decent money to watch it and performances like yesterday becoming a habit won’t be accepted.

Nobody is expecting a repeat of last season and we all accept that a bit of pain is inevitable. However, that performance yesterday was utterly lifeless. We could still be playing now and we still wouldn’t have scored. There are ways of losing football matches and that wasn’t an acceptable way to do it. I really hope I’m wrong, but you have to wonder how much buy-in has been lost after Veldman’s nonsensical actions at Stark’s Park. His comments on squad depth post-match were at odds with reality as well. 

We need a big reaction against Ayr to get the morale back up. No excuses. First team level is a results game, whether you’re in League Two or the Championship. 

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The jury is still out on the whole Veldman/ youth/ playing out from the back thing. It may well still come good but I have to say that yesterday's performance was the poorest I've seen since since we turned pro. Yes, we have had previous bad games but yesterday I left and could not think of one single positive thing from the game. The team looked frightened and no one was taking responsibility. The Veldman interview after was worrying too, he comes across as rather arrogant.  It does feel like we are a few players short and need more experience but it looks like that is not going to happen.

Hopefully, we can pick things back up on Friday. Lose that and then Dundee United away and Veldman might be under pressure. Still early days but yesterday was bad.

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