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The Big Queen's Park FC Thread

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1 hour ago, williebraveheart said:

Was Paton on the park? Oh, he must have been. He was booked. Greatest achievement for several games.

That aside, our club is rotten. Destroyed by a committee who are clueless and only interested in their own interests. Hunter is an absolute w****r. Dempster who is not interested allowing herself to be completely hoodwinked by a Dutch arsehole who had no credentials for the job and here we are. We turned professional to supposedly avoid the Lowland League and if we are not bankrupted before it we will surely end up there pretty soon, but as professionals. I tell you now our club is in great danger of extinction.

Paton is an absolute rocket of a man, he will be away licking Rico Quitongos arse tonight.

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16 minutes ago, Spider1975 said:

You know what, it's not the losses....

It's the contempt of a 'stadium' that's been designed to accommodate the elite, rather than the punters

It's the lack of rigour in checking the details, whether it's player eligibility or a missing apostrophe on the team name

It's the blatant disregard of tradition when the players are trotted out in a kit completely alien to anything that's gone before

It's the gaslighting of a DoF, telling the support to trust the process before bunking off when that process starts to unravel

It's the cronyism of appointing an inexperienced manager to manage an inexperienced team and the lack of respect to then hang him out to dry when he should never have been put in that position in the first place

It's the arrogance of a CEO to do every interview that God sends when it's all going well, only then disappearing without trace when it's not

It's the fleecing of £20/ticket, which is then added to by the fleecing inside the ground of barely acceptable and vastly overpriced catering after having been frisked by some moron in a yellow G4S jacket outside, living his nightclub dream but without the common decency to at least mutter anything other than a grunt.

It's the lack of imagination or leadership to allow the Women's team to fester at Tinto in order to maintain a pristine surface at Lesser, should big Willie's real passion (Celtic under-whatever) decide they want to play there.

And we're trying to grow a support.

I don't blame the players, they evidently are as fed up and disenfranchised as the rest of us.

At the moment QPFC are getting the reward they deserve.  

I just feel so sorry for all those that turn up week after week, home and away and suffer this

Absolutely nailed it. I genuinely don't think there can be many more frustrating clubs in the world to support these days.

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Yet here was me thinking that criticism of Queens Park's 'playing model' was merely seething jealousy against ambitious innovators of the Scottish game*.

Any llamas spotted where a Championship football ground was supposed to be built by now?













* 95% of QP posters, until all four wheels detached from your bandwagon in April. 

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This was all very predictable the moment the Dutch shyster was brought in and 'The Philosophy' met the agricultural realities of the Scottish Championship.

The reality is QP are a wee club with about 400 supporters run by a golf club commitee who should be playing out of Lesser.

Haughey would be well advised to cut the club's bloated first team budget back and focus most of his generous funding on the club's youth development system.

If the original concern of the QP blazers was relegation to the LL, there's no way that's going to happen with 'Lord Wullie' stumping up a decent part time budget.

Edited by Charliechurch
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47 minutes ago, virginton said:

Yet here was me thinking that criticism of Queens Park's 'playing model' was merely seething jealousy against ambitious innovators of the Scottish game*.

Any llamas spotted where a Championship football ground was supposed to be built by now?













* 95% of QP posters, until all four wheels detached from your bandwagon in April. 

I don't think anyone has an issue with focusing on youth development as a legitimate method of building a sustainable club, the problem is the arrogance with which this first team squad has been built, assuming that a bunch of (talented, but not quite ready) 21-22 year olds would compete at in the Championship.

Not entirely sure how Brooks Mileson is relevant though; let's be frank, given how much money Haughey has, if he truly did want to "Gretna" it we'd be a mid table Premiership club by now.

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39 minutes ago, Charliechurch said:

Haughey would be well advised to cut the club's bloated first team budget back and focus most of his generous funding on the club's youth development system.

I can only assume you know very little about the composition of our first team squad based on this statement.

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3 hours ago, qpfc said:

The manager has to be appointed as a matter of urgency as in before thistle on tuesday. We cannot go into arguably the most important and critical transfer window in our professional era and not have a manager making decisions to improve our dreadful and threadbare squad. If we show no urgency, we’re obviously content with league 1 football next season January window approaching and we honestly need a good 6-7 players.

Is there any reason to believe we have money to sign (and pay) any players?

Presumably, there is an agreed budget for the first team squad?  Now, of course  Beuker/Veldman might not have used every last penny, but it's hard to imagine they left enough unspent to fund many new signings.

And without money to enable a new manager to strengthen the squad, our chances of attracting a half-decent manager are pretty small.

Of course oor lord Wullie could lob some more cash in but given he appears unwilling to do so to complete our "stadium" is there any reason to believe he'd do so to "complete" our squad?

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That was pish. Same bang-average sideways shite in the first half but we happened to get a pen. They stepped it up half a notch in the second half and there was only ever going to be one winner. Pish.

Screaming lack of leadership in all aspects of the club. The committee etc. rightly get  grief but they’re not the hide and seek champions of the southside on a CEO wage.

No DoF.  PE teacher as a manager and zero communication on what happens next. Shambles.   


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The writing was on the wall the minute the decision was taken to go into a season not actively seeking to do everything we could to put a winning team on the park, in addition to inflicting a transfer embargo on ourselves by refusing to sign anybody over the age of 23, or 12, or whatever it is. Absolutely fucking sick of almost everything to do with this club right now.

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48 minutes ago, Zanetti said:

I can only assume you know very little about the composition of our first team squad based on this statement.

I remember back in August when Veldman 'won' the dubious 'SPFL Manager of the Month' award and posed for a photo with a backroom staff of at least 10 people. 

I presume all of them are on the payroll and it didn't include Dempster or the pre match commercial fella who used to be at Falkirk.

For a wee club with 400 supporters and revenue streams that would ordinarily struggle to fund a competitive League 2 side, that's quite an ensemble Haughey is funding.

Edited by Charliechurch
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I’ve been watching Queens since the days of Eddie hunter and Malky Mackay senior and the second half performance today has to be the worst I’ve ever seen. Disjointed, little attempt to go forward poor passing. I’d love to know what goes on in full time training. The Dutch experiment has failed. We desperately need to get in a manager who understands the Scottish game and some experience down the spine of the team. Whoever gets in charge of the academy also needs to know the game here. 

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How do you become a member? Can't see anything on the web site.

Heartily sick of the way this club is being run. My dad took me to see Queen's in  80/81 (I know, glory hunter eh) and I've followed them ever since. He's away now but I honestly think he'd have given up on this nonsense by now. The amateur ethos meant a lot to him. I realise we had to go pro or probably die after shafting from sfa, but this does not feel like the old Spiders anymore.

Finally, what's Eddie Hunter doing these days, cos this team should sure as f*** do with now.

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16 minutes ago, exasperated spider said:

How do you become a member? Can't see anything on the web site.

Heartily sick of the way this club is being run. My dad took me to see Queen's in  80/81 (I know, glory hunter eh) and I've followed them ever since. He's away now but I honestly think he'd have given up on this nonsense by now. The amateur ethos meant a lot to him. I realise we had to go pro or probably die after shafting from sfa, but this does not feel like the old Spiders anymore.

Finally, what's Eddie Hunter doing these days, cos this team should sure as f*** do with now.

I’ve watched QP for the last 12 years, where I’d have an interest in becoming a member. However it’s a closed shop, where I believe your membership has to be proposed and then seconded again. These comparisons to a Golf Club Committee aren’t unrealistic. 

They’re a bunch of spineless yes-men that have no power regardless. I still hope they’re read the riot act about their spinelessness at the AGM. 

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2 hours ago, virginton said:

Yet here was me thinking that criticism of Queens Park's 'playing model' was merely seething jealousy against ambitious innovators of the Scottish game*.

Any llamas spotted where a Championship football ground was supposed to be built by now?













* 95% of QP posters, until all four wheels detached from your bandwagon in April. 

Aye we should emulate the shin kickers of Greenock for success.

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3 hours ago, Spider1975 said:

You know what, it's not the losses....

It's the contempt of a 'stadium' that's been designed to accommodate the elite, rather than the punters

It's the lack of rigour in checking the details, whether it's player eligibility or a missing apostrophe on the team name

It's the blatant disregard of tradition when the players are trotted out in a kit completely alien to anything that's gone before

It's the gaslighting of a DoF, telling the support to trust the process before bunking off when that process starts to unravel

It's the cronyism of appointing an inexperienced manager to manage an inexperienced team and the lack of respect to then hang him out to dry when he should never have been put in that position in the first place

It's the arrogance of a CEO to do every interview that God sends when it's all going well, only then disappearing without trace when it's not

It's the fleecing of £20/ticket, which is then added to by the fleecing inside the ground of barely acceptable and vastly overpriced catering after having been frisked by some moron in a yellow G4S jacket outside, living his nightclub dream but without the common decency to at least mutter anything other than a grunt.

It's the lack of imagination or leadership to allow the Women's team to fester at Tinto in order to maintain a pristine surface at Lesser, should big Willie's real passion (Celtic under-whatever) decide they want to play there.

And we're trying to grow a support.

I don't blame the players, they evidently are as fed up and disenfranchised as the rest of us.

At the moment QPFC are getting the reward they deserve.  

I just feel so sorry for all those that turn up week after week, home and away and suffer this

Congratulations on winning post of the year. 🙌

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I was torn about going to this game, given the current pish we’re served up. I didn’t think we were all that stinking in the first half, if a bit toothless. 

Then there was the common crap of refusing to shoot when in excellent positions, passing or dribbling straight into a defender. It’s been coached into them, and we’d be scoring more goals should they stop. 

The second half was an utter disgrace. No Plan B, and an inability to cope with Airdrie’s simple tactical change. All passes were predictable & backwards. McKinstry looked like the only player that could be arsed attempting to attack. We were on the backfoot from about the 50th minute, and the collapse was completely unsurprising. 

And so passed another week when Pat Jarrett has offered nowt in the QP shirt, he’s an empty jersey. Ferrie, Thomson, McKinstry & Spong got pass marks from me. 

Im also sick to death of these pathetic cut-backs on the rare occasion we get into the box. They’re either pea-rollers to a defenders feet or right to the goalkeeper. Hit the ball with some pace and it’s likelier to reach the intended target, or ricochet off & end-up in the net. Admittedly these ridiculous passes are doubly ineffective as the clowns in charge are coaching the players to stay out of the box barring Paton (who’s positioning is awful).

I think the criticism on Paton has been justified in recent posts. He’s having to come extremely deep to have any sort of involvement, and in an attacking sense he’s been poor, and he misses too many gilt-edged chances for those he puts away. 

I think the captaincy needs to be taken away from Dom Thomas. I really want the guy to be successful. But what’s required is leadership which he is so inconsistent at. He got it right after the goal in the first half bringing the team over to the fans, but I saw nothing in that second half that resembled him encouraging the team, or having a word with those who needed to get their arse in gear. 

The difference between us giving survival a go and jolting into League One is the correct managerial appointment and money for signings. At the moment, I doubt we’ll get both. 
An experienced CB, CM x2, LW & ST is required at very least. 

When and how do we start our protests against Dempster and co.? 

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