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The Queen of the South thread

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I can understand them getting rid of players if they are wanting to cut back due to finance, but if you are going to get rid of them you should at least have the balls to speak to the people concerned.

Really? Have Cowden? Has any team in this division told their "Out of Contract" players whether they will be getting new deals next season or not? I'd be surprised if they have.

I have to say of all the things that are getting moaned about at the moment this is the issue that surprises me most. I understand why people think the manager's position should be sorted out. I wouldn't disagree. I understand why people want to criticise Davie or the Board's handling of the finances and the spat with the Standard this week. Lord knows they could have been handled much better. I don't understand why it's suddenly the crime of the century to have a pile of players who are out of contract at the end of the season who don't know yet whether they will get a new deal or not?

I can't remember out of contract players ever being told before the season was dead (which it only was after today) and seldom before the last ball is kicked. Brannigan himself didn't tell ANY of the out of contract players last season whether they would be offered anything until after the season was finished. Neither did Chisholm, McCall or Connolly before him (I think Iain Scott actually did). Why it's some crime not to do so now I have no idea? Such is the way in football. They all sign fixed term contracts and they run out. All that's different with us this season is that we don't actually have many signed up beyond the end of this season (there are three first team squad members under contract for next year). However, whether we have three, eight, ten or fourteen I fail to see what odds it makes to those who aren't signed up. If footballers are really unhappy with having contracts that are set to run out and with an uncertain future then I'd suggest they are in the wrong career.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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Apart from being a fan of the club what is Davie Rae (and the Board for that matter) bringing to the club now. Certainly not strong leadership, a vision for the future, sound business acumen, entrepreneurial flare, communication skills? Must I go on. What he could bring to the club is to continue to finance a manageable deficit until (and if) we ever get any money for the tesco site to allow us to retain a core of full time players.

I suspect that with some prudent management we could fund this for no more than a £250,000 loss over the next couple of years.

I don't know how many millions Rae got for the sale of Smallholm, Smallholmburn and Upper Dormont Farms, but he sold them when the Irish were paying silly money for farms in D & G. I think the best contribution he could make would to invest a small amount of this in the team over the next couple years.

Either that or he should bugger off and let someone more capable lead the club.

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Really? Have Cowden? Has any team in this division told their "Out of Contract" players whether they will be getting new deals next season or not? I'd be surprised if they have.

I have to say of all the things that are getting moaned about at the moment this is the issue that surprises me most. I understand why people think the manager's position should be sorted out. I wouldn't disagree. I understand why people want to criticise Davie or the Board's handling of the finances and the spat with the Standard this week. Lord knows they could have been handled much better. I don't understand why it's suddenly the crime of the century to have a pile of players who are out of contract at the end of the season who don't know yet whether they will get a new deal or not?

I can't remember out of contract players ever being told before the season was dead (which it only was after today) and seldom before the last ball is kicked. Brannigan himself didn't tell ANY of the out of contract players last season whether they would be offered anything until after the season was finished. Neither did Chisholm, McCall or Connolly before him (I think Iain Scott actually did). Why it's some crime not to do so now I have no idea? Such is the way in football. They all sign fixed term contracts and they run out. All that's different with us this season is that we don't actually have many signed up beyond the end of this season (there are three first team squad members under contract for next year). However, whether we have three, eight, ten or fourteen I fail to see what odds it makes to those who aren't signed up. If footballers are really unhappy with having contracts that are set to run out and with an uncertain future then I'd suggest they are in the wrong career.

I agree with pretty much all of this actually. It's not unusual for players to be told they are getting a new deal or being released until the end of the season.

In fact, there were probably a good number of the 2008 cup final team out of contract at the end of May. But I don't remember a song and dance being created then.

I suppose back then those players knew they'd pick up something somewhere after their heroics but the point still stands.

In terms of Queens' situation, I can understand to a degree the 'silence' on the future up until now but this afternoon's results change all that.

The club can now plan ahead for First Division football given we can't be promoted/relegated and I would hope to hear some details as the week progresses. The board will know by now if it's full-time football, part-time football or a 'Raith Rovers' full/part-time caper.

I think KB is out the door so, with respect, we may as well relieve him of his duties now, put Neil Scally in caretaker charge and begin the recruitment process, maybe have someone in place by around the time of the last game of the season.

If next season is going to be as difficult as feared, the more time the new manager gets to plan and recruit, the better.

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Really? Have Cowden? Has any team in this division told their "Out of Contract" players whether they will be getting new deals next season or not? I'd be surprised if they have.

I have to say of all the things that are getting moaned about at the moment this is the issue that surprises me most. I understand why people think the manager's position should be sorted out. I wouldn't disagree. I understand why people want to criticise Davie or the Board's handling of the finances and the spat with the Standard this week. Lord knows they could have been handled much better. I don't understand why it's suddenly the crime of the century to have a pile of players who are out of contract at the end of the season who don't know yet whether they will get a new deal or not?

I can't remember out of contract players ever being told before the season was dead (which it only was after today) and seldom before the last ball is kicked. Brannigan himself didn't tell ANY of the out of contract players last season whether they would be offered anything until after the season was finished. Neither did Chisholm, McCall or Connolly before him (I think Iain Scott actually did). Why it's some crime not to do so now I have no idea? Such is the way in football. They all sign fixed term contracts and they run out. All that's different with us this season is that we don't actually have many signed up beyond the end of this season (there are three first team squad members under contract for next year). However, whether we have three, eight, ten or fourteen I fail to see what odds it makes to those who aren't signed up. If footballers are really unhappy with having contracts that are set to run out and with an uncertain future then I'd suggest they are in the wrong career.

Yes, this had crossed my mind.

In some respects, it does seem unfair on players, but it's a reflection on the modern football world at this level, rather than anything peculiar to Queens this season. Players are generally on 1 or 2 year deals, which mean that in any given summer, plenty will expire. That situation is perhaps a little exaggerated in numerical terms for us this year due to cost-cutting, but for the individuals concerned, the situation is as we (and they) would expect.

Yet again, it's something which KB has had a public whinge about and it therefore provides an opportunity for people to have a go at the Chairman and the Board. There are enough legitimate gripes surely, without people finding new and inventive ones.

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Really? Have Cowden? Has any team in this division told their "Out of Contract" players whether they will be getting new deals next season or not? I'd be surprised if they have.

I have to say of all the things that are getting moaned about at the moment this is the issue that surprises me most. I understand why people think the manager's position should be sorted out. I wouldn't disagree. I understand why people want to criticise Davie or the Board's handling of the finances and the spat with the Standard this week. Lord knows they could have been handled much better. I don't understand why it's suddenly the crime of the century to have a pile of players who are out of contract at the end of the season who don't know yet whether they will get a new deal or not?

I can't remember out of contract players ever being told before the season was dead (which it only was after today) and seldom before the last ball is kicked. Brannigan himself didn't tell ANY of the out of contract players last season whether they would be offered anything until after the season was finished. Neither did Chisholm, McCall or Connolly before him (I think Iain Scott actually did). Why it's some crime not to do so now I have no idea? Such is the way in football. They all sign fixed term contracts and they run out. All that's different with us this season is that we don't actually have many signed up beyond the end of this season (there are three first team squad members under contract for next year). However, whether we have three, eight, ten or fourteen I fail to see what odds it makes to those who aren't signed up. If footballers are really unhappy with having contracts that are set to run out and with an uncertain future then I'd suggest they are in the wrong career.

Different for Cowden as they don't know which division they'll be playing in next season. This isn't the case for your team (unless there is something a lot more serious going on)

Don't think a chairman who refuses to speak to his players/manager is normal no matter what career you are in.

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Did Sandra Brown really say on Open All Mic's, that ALL contract will be allowed to expire?

KB said Rae phoned him on Tuesday and told him he wasn't going to talk to him and he was waiting until the league reconstruction talks were finished. KB has assumed the contracts will be allowed to expire. His should be ripped up in front of him.

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Too much dirty linen has been washed in public, and for that fact alone KB has talked himself out of a job. However, the blame game is a two-way process in this instance. The Board of Directors have shown a singular inability to lead and manage the club through challenging times. I only hope that when this horrific season eventually ends that the club will pull together. The future may not be as bleak as many of us think as many clubs at this level are suffering financial woes. Cost-cutting will be apparent in more than one or two boardrooms. However, we need some positive news about the future direction of the club, and above all a period of stability.

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Too much dirty linen has been washed in public, and for that fact alone KB has talked himself out of a job. However, the blame game is a two-way process in this instance. The Board of Directors have shown a singular inability to lead and manage the club through challenging times. I only hope that when this horrific season eventually ends that the club will pull together. The future may not be as bleak as many of us think as many clubs at this level are suffering financial woes. Cost-cutting will be apparent in more than one or two boardrooms. However, we need some positive news about the future direction of the club, and above all a period of stability.

I'd agree with all of that.

The delay with the Cup Final prolonged our season and perhaps put off for a while the stage we've now reached.

You're right in that the future needn't necessarily be all that bleak, but effective leadership is now what's needed.

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Different for Cowden as they don't know which division they'll be playing in next season. This isn't the case for your team (unless there is something a lot more serious going on)

Don't think a chairman who refuses to speak to his players/manager is normal no matter what career you are in.

Ok. Different for Cowden is it? Fair enough. So you're saying players should be told as soon as you know what division they are playing in then.

Personally I think that's nonsense but running with it for the moment. Morton, Thistle and Stirling know for sure what division they'll be in next season. Can we presume none of those clubs have any out of contract players who don't know their futures at this point? What about all the clubs in other divisions who know too? They presumably also don't have any uninformed out of contract players, no? I'd bet they do. And I'd also bet they are not getting roundly criticised for it. This happens every single year in football. I accept we have more than usual this year but I fail to see how that changes the principle at all? If players are entitled to know before the season ends why isn't a fuss kicked up every year?

And why does Brannigan himself, who didn't tell any of the ones last year until the season was finished (and we knew what division we'd be in for well over a month), suddenly think that the same happening this year is some sort of crime? The answer to that is obvious of course. It's because it's not HIM getting to decide when to tell them. It's ok to not tell players until after the season ends if he decides it but not if it's out of his control apparently. Incredible double standards to be honest but some people are buying it.

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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And why does Brannigan himself, who didn't tell any of the ones last year until the season was finished (and we knew what division we'd be in for well over a month), suddenly think that the same happening this year is some sort of crime? The answer to that is obvious of course. It's because it's not HIM getting to decide when to tell them. It's ok to not tell players until after the season ends if he decides it but not if it's out of his control apparently. Incredible double standards to be honest but some people are buying it.

That's dead right.

Unfortunately, a great many people seem to be buying it.

Now that things have come to a head, of sorts, I actually think it's time for the board to defend themslves on this a bit.

Again, they'd have difficulty defending themselves against some of the charges levelled against them, but with this one, they're surely on firmer ground. Instead, when we do hear from the board, it seems to take the form of last week's nonsense or whines about the winter's weather.

We're past the stage where the board need to continue to pretend there's any unity between them and KB, so it's time they stopped surrendering any propaganda advantage to him.

I'm unhappy with the board, but they'll be around longer than KB and I think they need to start working harder at taking people with them.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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That's dead right.

Unfortunately, a great many people seem to be buying it.

Now that things have come to a head, of sorts, I actually think it's time for the board to defend themslves on this a bit.

Again, they'd have difficulty defending themselves against some of the charges levelled against them, but with this one, they're surely on firmer ground. Instead, when we do hear from the board, it seems to take the form of last week's nonsense or whines about the winter's weather.

We're past the stage where the board need to continue to pretend there's any unity between them and KB, so it's time they stopped surrendering any propaganda advantage to him.

I'm unhappy with the board, but they'll be around longer than KB and I think they need to start working harder at taking people with them.

Davie Rae should tell KB to go. How many people really think he should stay after all he's said in public?

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