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The Queen of the South thread

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The Morton goalkeeper looks excellent . Has he got a twin bro by any chance . Another thing is that the Morton defence is that bad it makes ours look like an AC Milan catenaccio one from the sixties

They have Gaston on the bench as well who wasn't too shabby last year unless I'm mistaken.

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Although the challenge was a good 2 yards outside the box. It was also worth it for what followed...

Oh, come on cammy. If it wasn't for Fitzs daft challenge , we wouldn't have had the memories of Lee's antics in the shoot out.

Agreed. The scenes that followed the penalty will never be repeated again. That day, and the night that followed will stay with me forever, so I suppose that makes Fitzpatrick a Queens legend in a unique way.

Not my thoughts at the time mind you!

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The Morton goalkeeper looks excellent . Has he got a twin bro by any chance . Another thing is that the Morton defence is that bad it makes ours look like an AC Milan catenaccio one from the sixties

Who the heck is their No 4, I've never seen anyone look less like a professional footballer in all my days?

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The bizarre bit was, obviously, in relation to your "on current form" caveat.

So we have 8 players who wouldnt "walk" into any other team in the league. Dowie, I wouldnt start for us (and didnt start on Saturday), McGuffie I would consider a squad player, same with McShane and Dzierzawski, the latter has been in the country a few months and played half a dozen games. That leaves Young and Lyle.

What was your point again?

You wouldn't start Dowie, Saturday was the first time he hadn't started all season, same with McGuffie, and you haven't expressed your views on Mitchell or Higgins. My point was that perhaps the team is not as good as everybody keeps saying we are. Also what makes you think Paton could get into any other team, he is really nothing more than average, really do not see what the fuss is about him, and as for wee Danny, even you must admit that although he has undoubted ability, we have not seen any of it this season

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You wouldn't start Dowie, Saturday was the first time he hadn't started all season, same with McGuffie, and you haven't expressed your views on Mitchell or Higgins. My point was that perhaps the team is not as good as everybody keeps saying we are. Also what makes you think Paton could get into any other team, he is really nothing more than average, really do not see what the fuss is about him, and as for wee Danny, even you must admit that although he has undoubted ability, we have not seen any of it this season

There is no doubt that with basically the same squad, Magic was able to get a lot more out of them than McIntyre has done so far. Must be a man management thing I suppose.

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You wouldn't start Dowie, Saturday was the first time he hadn't started all season, same with McGuffie, and you haven't expressed your views on Mitchell or Higgins. My point was that perhaps the team is not as good as everybody keeps saying we are. Also what makes you think Paton could get into any other team, he is really nothing more than average, really do not see what the fuss is about him, and as for wee Danny, even you must admit that although he has undoubted ability, we have not seen any of it this season

No, I wouldnt start Dowie or McGuffie and yes the manager has started them in the majority of games, leaving, in my opinion, better players on the bench. In other words, thats a criticism that can be levelled at the manager and nothing to do with whether our best players are good enough or not.

Im not sure how good you think "everybody keeps saying we are", but I dont have any doubt that they are good enough to be higher up the table than 9th.

There is no doubt that with basically the same squad, Magic was able to get a lot more out of them than McIntyre has done so far. Must be a man management thing I suppose.

A point being sorely missed by too many

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I know its pressured an all that but not knowing ted mcminns nickname or who scored our equaliser in the Scottish cup final are 2 pretty easy questions to get wrong.

Suspect by then she had probably lost it in panic. She already had a few wrong. Given she has been a Queens fan to whatever extent for only five years McMinn's nickname is excusable. She presumaby just got flustered on the cup goal as she named Harris who crossed it rather than JT who headed it.
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