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The Queen of the South thread

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2 wins, a draw and a loss against both Hibernian and The Rangers is far above what I expected! If we make the playoffs we should have nothing to fear! I don't normally like watching us on the telly but last night was rather enjoyable!

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6 out of 12 would be great. I don't think even that would most likely keep us ahead of Falkirk though given that in the same period they play five games: Cowdenbeath (A), Dumbarton (A), Cowdenbeath (H), Raith Rovers (H), Livingston (A). It's not unreasonable to suppose that they will get all 15 points and if they don't I'd be delighted.

Tonight is very important for us. If we can get a win then combined with the 4 point lead we currently have we'll be no worse than 8 behind with a game in hand and any points we get off the "big three" or points that Falkirk drop will narrow that.

That's why it is so important that Hibs and Rangers are playing competitively right through to the end. If they start fielding reserve sides there's every chance Falkirk will get points off them in the last couple of games. Although we have roughly the same games left to play as Falkirk, the imbalance of when we play them doesn't favour us.

We got 6 out of 12. I didn't think we'd do that having lost at Kirkcaldy though!

I was wrong about 6 out of 12 not keeping us ahead of Falkirk though. It's been a good fortnight or so. We dropped disappointing points at Raith but beat Rangers and Hibs. Falkirk suffered surprising defeats at Dumbarton and Livingston. That's a net 9 point swing to us. I feared we might be 8 points behind them at this point. We're one ahead with a game in hand.

Some amusing over-reactions on this thread when we look back at the immediate post match reaction.

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Was anybody else body searched before entering the terrace last night out of interest? I was by one of the stewards, I let him do it as I was in a placid enough mood, although I questioned him why an older gent walked past just ahead of me and wasn't searched. He couldn't quite answer that.

I'm aware that there has been issue with certain numpties amongst the "young team" just recently. But I'm 26 and look far from a teenager. Why am I being searched? More to the point, if these searches were being carried out how was a 'member' of the "young team" able to get past with an object that made as big a bang as you'd hear in any war zone ( :P )?! I f8cking shat myself when they let it off, feck knows how someone with a heart condition was feeling :o

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Well then..sometimes you just have to be honest & say they were better than us ..so no malice from me I genuinely hope you go through these two congratulations on a great season ...as for Sunday winning would mean very little & that looks like a massive task right now ... Anyway well done queens best team won

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Leagues are a good measure of the relative abilities of teams over an extended period. The best teams usually rise to the top.

There has not been much between 2-5 over the season.

So play offs beckon once again.

In Doncaster we trust!

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Well then..sometimes you just have to be honest & say they were better than us ..so no malice from me I genuinely hope you go through these two congratulations on a great season ...as for Sunday winning would mean very little & that looks like a massive task right now ... Anyway well done queens best team won

Fair play Duke, but I think it's too early to throw in the towel.

What has governed the prevailing view of the run in - one I've totally bought into - is the belief that points will be shed to the big teams and harvested from the little ones.

Recent weeks have proven that that's not necessarily the case.

If we win on Sunday, we're well placed. Otherwise, we're both in similar positions.

I'm not going to pretend that I'm not delighted with how things have transpired in the last few days. We're much better off than I'd anticipated.

The fact is though that you guys needn't enter the last two games resigned to defeat and we certainly can't enter our last three banking on victory.

Sunday will determine the scale of our margin for error.

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"Governed the prevailing view' ? Whit ? That's why I never read your self indulgent spouts!

I prefer reading MrDust or G for duck sake or backpostmisses!


I was quoting the ever present but up his arse and in his house MT!

I have been out all day!

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The comments being made by Falkirk fans are almost identical to those being posted by Queens fans after we were humped in Kirkcaldy.

No chickens being counted here.

I agree. It is not over yet. However, I would gladly cheer Falkirk on to cup victory if that meant they took their eye off of the ball in the league.

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You do get some dreadfully pessimistic individuals.

I'm sure it's easily done as long term follower of Queens.

Luckily I'm a young pup who's lived through the club's glory years.

We've done not bad considering I've disliked probably 75% of the managers in that time!

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I'm sure it's easily done as long term follower of Queens.

Luckily I'm a young pup who's lived through the club's glory years.

We've done not bad considering I've disliked probably 75% of the managers in that time!

Ha, ha. My favourite was your clown avatar of Chisholm. Edited by qos_75
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