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Not sure about this one, Belle & Sebastian's best work was all much earlier in their career.

(Yes I know he spells it Stuart, f**k off)

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The guy from Belle and Sebastian? That is a head turner indeed.

ETA Goddamnit.

Edited by Savage Henry
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So we have the guy from Lovejoy, some guy from Broadway and now the twee guy from B&S is arriving.

"Murdoch might be able to tidily recycle possession, but for a deep-lying midfielder his position is ponderous at best". I wrote those words two and a half years ago, when he played the Paul Lawson role in a 4-1-3-2 for Pressley's Falkirk. He has a decent range of passing and was Falkirk's PK taker. I would have described him at the time as a poor man's Lawson, but I haven't seen him for a couple of seasons so I don't know if or how he has improved.

I hope his defending has improved because Falkirk used to leave gaping holes in the space 25 yards out, but to mitigate that he was often over-run with Falkirk's starlet midfielders not doing enough track back and help him out.

Edited by bunglebonce
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A midfielder, started out at Falkirk, was at Fleetwood last season.

I don't know much other than that.

As usual whenever we sign a guy I've never heard of, I look around the independent fans' forums. The universal opinion is that he's a thoroughly decent chap, but views on his footballing ability are polarised, to put it mildly. He, Fox and your man in drainpipes seem like sink or swim signings.

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I will concede that 196cm is a very unlikely level of tall. But you are saying there is only 3 inches difference between Wee Billy and Big Dazhol?

At least this time of year allows us to really get to the big issues - or the allegedly apparently so-called less big issues.

See, one of the other signings was also in that photo, but since he's not being officially announced until tomorrow they cut him out. I happen to have got my hands on it, and it proves helpful in solving these height questions...


Turns out we were way off with both of them.

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On more serious notes though... it's nice to have some activity at least, just really hoping that some of the potentially hit-or-miss signings are a bit more 'hit' than some of recent seasons' hit-or-misses.

Also of interest to me, are we having new strips next season? I know there's a whole thread dedcated to strips for next season, but at the moment I only want to know about ours, and can't really be bothered trawling through that thread with no guarantees of finding what I'm looking for anyway. (If the answer is yes, and pictures happen to be available, posting of said pictures would go down rather well.)

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Check the OS from time to time, Stagsby. The club are working harder than ever to make sure news is put out on there first, including signings (albeit the Courier seems to have broken the news on Murdoch signing a two-year deal, presumably sourcing from the agent rather than the club).

Edited by bunglebonce
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Check the OS from time to time, Stagsby. The club are working harder than ever to make sure news is put out on there first, including signings (albeit the Courier seems to have broken the news on Murdoch signing a two-year deal, presumably sourcing from the agent rather than the club).

But then I won't need P&B any more :bairn:bairn:bairn

Nah, thanks for that. Just did, will do again.

Can't decide if I like those strips or not! Although initial thoughts are I like the away better than the home, again. But not as much as I liked last season's home...

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