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Who will be the next permanent manager of the Conservatives?


Who will be the next head of the Conservative Party?  

190 members have voted

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1 hour ago, Frank Quitely said:

I don't disagree but people don't buy papers for information or illumination, they buy them to validate their already-held prejudices.

Just like America, there are now very few swing voters out there ready to be influenced by the press or the media in general.  Thought has largely been replaced by ignorance and bigotry.  And that is right up the Tory street.

I think there might still be some policy sharks that can't be jumped tho. The state constitution in Kansas - as Republican a place as you'll find - requires a public vote to be amended and when it was put to the citizenry yesterday that their abortion rights should be restricted per the striking down of Roe V Wade, it was met with a resounding get tae, despite the most deliberately confusingly worded ballot question ever committed to paper. I don't think Kansas has any danger of going blue in the midterms, but the GOP must surely now be looking at swing states like Pennsylvania and wondering that they aren't the dog who caught the parked car. Same idea as Truss' slobberings about cutting pay outside London - the fury that was instantly met with, including from that rising star Tory mayor of Teesside suggests to me that there still some red lines. You'd have to think the Tories don't want to call a General Election any time soon, so there's still plenty time for her to lose friends and alienate people once she's in Number 10. 

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29 minutes ago, coprolite said:

When is this farce going to be over? 

I mean the Tory leader election. 

Ages yet.

They reckon that more than half the votes will be submitted over the next few days.  There are still hustings events well beyond that though, with the result not announced until 5th September. 

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Ideally, the Tory party members will get their votes for Truss in nice and early. Then watch in horror as she unravels in August, making horrendous mistake after mistake, alienating everyone and dragging the party down before being declared the winner. 

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4 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

6th of September is when they're supposed to announce the results. Reasonable chance Sunak might throw in his handwoven artisan Egyptian cotton towel before then tho. 


3 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Ages yet.

They reckon that more than half the votes will be submitted over the next few days.  There are still hustings events well beyond that though, with the result not announced until 5th September. 

Jesus. It's interminable. And Boris gets the big salary and Chequers for parties til then. 

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6 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

Ideally, the Tory party members will get their votes for Truss in nice and early. Then watch in horror as she unravels in August, making horrendous mistake after mistake, alienating everyone and dragging the party down before being declared the winner. 

There's a controversial mechanism for them to revise their votes in that case.  If they've already voted postally, but then choose to do so again online, the initial one is overridden.

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14 minutes ago, coprolite said:


Jesus. It's interminable. And Boris gets the big salary and Chequers for parties til then. 

I'm sure the UK media dutifully turning the entire summer political coverage into a 2 month long Tory advertorial hasn't been lost on the party. The fact its almost entirely absent of opposition voices, challenge or questions more difficult that "what's you favourite colour?" and yet they have still made an arse of themselves is irrelevant. 

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3 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

Where to start with this sound-bite collection? Single-handedly faced down Putin is a good one so is delivering trade deals but "abolish Soviet top down housing targets" is a belter. 

Vote Liz for top banter. 


Abolishing housing targets is one way of not having to tax the brain by remembering that tricky number: 0.

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3 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

Where to start with this sound-bite collection? Single-handedly faced down Putin is a good one so is delivering trade deals but "abolish Soviet top down housing targets" is a belter. 

Vote Liz for top banter. 


Commas before conjunctions. 

For the love of f**k


Good to know that the NI protocol is sorted and Putin's been faced down though. Would have thought that would have been more widely reported. 

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12 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

Where to start with this sound-bite collection? Single-handedly faced down Putin is a good one so is delivering trade deals but "abolish Soviet top down housing targets" is a belter. 

Vote Liz for top banter. 


Imagine having the cheek to lie to the members and say "I am honest"

Also I thought starting a sentence with "and" was incorrect?

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Truss isn't the leader Britain needs, but she's certainly the leader Britain deserves.

We're basically getting a laugh cry emoji Facebook post as our PM.

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