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Who was the UK’s last decent PM?

Brother Blades

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I was born in 1979, so grew up from the start of Thatcher. 

I posted something similar about this in the tory leadership thread but I guess the question is - what do you mean by decent/good? 

Some were effective (Thatcher, Blair), some were out of their depth (Brown, May, Major, Cameron). And now we have a court reporter's drawing of the Honey Monster as PM, soon to be replaced by a cartoon character. 

I keep coming back to Thatcher. Loads of people hated her and her politics. But she was (in my lifetime) certainly the toughest, most decisive and had the clearest vision of what she wanted for the country and set about with vigour to achieve that. Compared to the roasters trying to take on the job now, she was a serious heavyweight. She's probably spinning away in her grave now that these folk not only are fetishising her, but have also destroyed one of her biggest achievements in the UK's place in the single market. She was seen as anti-European at the time, but she wouldn't have given the ERG nutbags a minute of her time. 

Pre- 9/11 Blair was something to see as well. He was tremendous before it all got twisted up and he decided that being a War Prime Minister was what he wanted. But that first term of his, he did some serious good. But his legacy is a mountain of dead kids in the middle east. 

None of the others are really worth consideration as effective. Gordon Brown spent a decade shadowing the role but wasn't that great when he was in it. He was better as chancellor. Cameron hugged huskis to convince people the Tories were worth a look again, and his legacy is a brexit he didn't want. 

The worst of them all in my lifetime has been Johnson without any shadow of a doubt. 


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Attlee was probably the last decent one. Others have done bits if good since then. Thatcher was a c**t. Major ineffectual, Blair done by Iraq, Brown fucked it, Cameron shat the bed from UKIP, May couldn't beat her own party. Johnson should be in the jail. 

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2 hours ago, scottsdad said:

I was born in 1979, so grew up from the start of Thatcher. 

I posted something similar about this in the tory leadership thread but I guess the question is - what do you mean by decent/good? 

Some were effective (Thatcher, Blair), some were out of their depth (Brown, May, Major, Cameron). And now we have a court reporter's drawing of the Honey Monster as PM, soon to be replaced by a cartoon character. 

I keep coming back to Thatcher. Loads of people hated her and her politics. But she was (in my lifetime) certainly the toughest, most decisive and had the clearest vision of what she wanted for the country and set about with vigour to achieve that. Compared to the roasters trying to take on the job now, she was a serious heavyweight. She's probably spinning away in her grave now that these folk not only are fetishising her, but have also destroyed one of her biggest achievements in the UK's place in the single market. She was seen as anti-European at the time, but she wouldn't have given the ERG nutbags a minute of her time. 

Pre- 9/11 Blair was something to see as well. He was tremendous before it all got twisted up and he decided that being a War Prime Minister was what he wanted. But that first term of his, he did some serious good. But his legacy is a mountain of dead kids in the middle east. 

None of the others are really worth consideration as effective. Gordon Brown spent a decade shadowing the role but wasn't that great when he was in it. He was better as chancellor. Cameron hugged huskis to convince people the Tories were worth a look again, and his legacy is a brexit he didn't want. 

The worst of them all in my lifetime has been Johnson without any shadow of a doubt. 


Thatcher was a nasty c**t.  The fact that she was a semi-competent nasty c**t is no reason to laud her.

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Attlee was probably the last decent one. Others have done bits if good since then. Thatcher was a c**t. Major ineffectual, Blair done by Iraq, Brown fucked it, Cameron shat the bed from UKIP, May couldn't beat her own party. Johnson should be in the jail. 
He's the only one ever.

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Harold Wilson was hated by the Establishment, but was a decent man for the times. Accelerated the end of the Empire, attempted to move towards a unified Ireland, resisted US pressure to get involved in Vietnam (although unfortunately supported LBJ's role on behalf of Israel in the 6 Day war), called for joining the Common Market, increased education and NHS investment, reduced the differentials between the poor and the rich, increased pensions in real terms, gave more sympathetic financial support to those who weren't in work, supported Equal Pay for women.

He was also central to the improvements to the UK road systems, some argued partially at the expense of rail closures.

Retained his local accent, which antagonised the right, including some in the Labour Party, but was often criticised by those on the left in his party for not showing enough support for their plans. 

However, his second spell as PM, from 74-76  was a struggle, as Wilson had lost much of his enthusiasm for the task.

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In my lifetime:

Harold McMillan - Tory c**t, but we never had it so good.

Alec Douglas-Home - Tory c**t who is generally forgotten about.

Harold Wilson - Interesting c**t, but still a c**t.

Edward Heath - Tory c**t.

Harold Wilson - c**t that didn't get the message first time round.

James Callaghan - c**t that had no clue what he was doing.

Margaret Thatcher - c**t. That is all.

John Major - c**t. But the peas were lovely.

Tony Blair - How did we all manage to miss that he was a c**t??

Gordon Brown - Hadn't a clue c**t.

David Cameron - The c**t that took us out of the EU.

Theresa May - Useless c**t.

Boris Johnson - The cuntiest c**t of them all.


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19 minutes ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

Harold Wilson was hated by the Establishment, but was a decent man for the times. Accelerated the end of the Empire, attempted to move towards a unified Ireland, resisted US pressure to get involved in Vietnam (although unfortunately supported LBJ's role on behalf of Israel in the 6 Day war), called for joining the Common Market, increased education and NHS investment, reduced the differentials between the poor and the rich, increased pensions in real terms, gave more sympathetic financial support to those who weren't in work, supported Equal Pay for women.

He was also central to the improvements to the UK road systems, some argued partially at the expense of rail closures.

Retained his local accent, which antagonised the right, including some in the Labour Party, but was often criticised by those on the left in his party for not showing enough support for their plans. 

However, his second spell as PM, from 74-76  was a struggle, as Wilson had lost much of his enthusiasm for the task.

Yeah Wilson was the best of a bad lot.  He’s also the first one I really remember.

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40 minutes ago, Barney Rubble said:

In my lifetime:

Harold McMillan - Tory c**t, but we never had it so good.

Alec Douglas-Home - Tory c**t who is generally forgotten about.

Harold Wilson - Interesting c**t, but still a c**t.

Edward Heath - Tory c**t.

Harold Wilson - c**t that didn't get the message first time round.

James Callaghan - c**t that had no clue what he was doing.

Margaret Thatcher - c**t. That is all.

John Major - c**t. But the peas were lovely.

Tony Blair - How did we all manage to miss that he was a c**t??

Gordon Brown - Hadn't a clue c**t.

David Cameron - The c**t that took us out of the EU.

Theresa May - Useless c**t.

Boris Johnson - The cuntiest c**t of them all.


No he didn’t.

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19 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Calm down to a frenzy pal.  You’ll make less of an arse of yourself.

Lighten up - it was intended as humour following my previous post.

My apologies if you didn't take it that way.

Absolutely no offence was intended.

Edited by Barney Rubble
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