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Hearts v Celtic

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4 minutes ago, Tony Wonder said:

It will obviously make games longer, but it can also be much faster than it was. It took 4 minutes from Walsh going to check on the challenge on Devlin til the penalty was taken, that's ridiculous.  

Also, if every goal is being checked it doesn't have to be 90 seconds with players waiting for KO. England doesn't have any of that waiting about. It'll take longer to check things I get that, it can, and hopefully will end up being a smoother process. 

Mentioned in the other thread, but it depends what happens in the build-up.

They've got to look at the tackle for the penalty, but then look again to see if any Hearts players were offside, or if there was a Hearts foul or handball.

Some phases of play will be quick and easy to check, others won't. We see that in all leagues.

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2 hours ago, Mr. X said:

I thought Michael Stewart on Sportscene, did a good job of explaining why it was not given. Not to mention the close proximity of Michael Smith to where the ball was struck from. The new rules state that this is an important consideration when making a decision.

The paranoia by many Celtic fans that they now have to compete with the opposition, the ref and VAR, is very entertaining if not unexpected.  


I also think Shelley Kerr did a good job of explaining why it should have been and of the 3 pundits Michael Stewart was the only who didn’t think it was.

As someone else mentioned you will see many of these given with VAR as the rule is still too open to Interpretation and inconsistency will be a big factor ….. still

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4 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

I also think Shelley Kerr did a good job of explaining why it should have been and of the 3 pundits Michael Stewart was the only who didn’t think it was.

As someone else mentioned you will see many of these given with VAR as the rule is still too open to Interpretation and inconsistency will be a big factor ….. still

It'll always be open to interpretation, but yesterday's incident is a good example of why they should change the handball rule to 'clearly deliberate handball' or play-on.

No way do I want to watch a sport where a team gets a 76% chance of scoring because of a shitey incident like that.

Everyone should grow up about handball and get the rule changed to something sensible.

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On 20/10/2022 at 12:20, kennie makevin said:

Heart of Midlothian..... 0, Celtic..... 4


On 21/10/2022 at 07:27, kennie makevin said:

They always do this in a desperate attempt to inject some sort of meaning into the utterly meaningless. 


On 21/10/2022 at 08:28, stressball said:

If it’s utterly meaningless just stop commenting on games involving Celtic then.

He can’t, no matter how many times he makes a p***k of himself, and there’s been a few, he’ll keep coming back. 

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1 hour ago, Jinky67 said:

I also think Shelley Kerr did a good job of explaining why it should have been and of the 3 pundits Michael Stewart was the only who didn’t think it was.

As someone else mentioned you will see many of these given with VAR as the rule is still too open to Interpretation and inconsistency will be a big factor ….. still

Regardless of the decision made, cause literally no-one would have been surprised if it had been given, do you think that type of incident should be a penalty?  

Go back to the days of handball having to be a deliberate act, cause this chipping the ball at someone standing too close to move out the way and taking your chances of getting a game changing decision is not what football is meant to be.

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42 minutes ago, Insert Amusing Pseudonym said:

Regardless of the decision made, cause literally no-one would have been surprised if it had been given, do you think that type of incident should be a penalty?  


That’s a no for me, players putting their hands up to block a shot is fair enough but incidents like yesterday and players facing the other way when it hits them, or players tackling with their hand on the ground to break their fall should never be penalties imo. 

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2 minutes ago, Drew Brees said:

That’s a no for me, players putting their hands up to block a shot is fair enough but incidents like yesterday and players facing the other way when it hits them, or players tackling with their hand on the ground to break their fall should never be penalties imo. 

Agree with all that.  The law needs to be changed cause at the moment it's far too subjective and can never be consistently applied fairly.  The ball will hit players on the hand in pretty much every game in the box end it needs addressed

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4 hours ago, kingjoey said:

Dave Cormack levels of spin doctoring there. Congratulations. 

Very happy to go over whatever it is you disagree with there.

If you look at Aberdeen as an example, they're 5 points ahead but have played 2 fewer games against the OF and 2 more home games against non-OF teams. Nothing is guaranteed, but the most likely outcome from those OF games is that Aberdeen will lose both or maybe take 1 point. It's also not unlikely Hearts will win at least one of those home games (having won 3/3 so far). As I said, having points on the board is always better, but Hearts making up that gap is very credible once the fixture list evens out.

You're comparing that to Dave Cormack's appearance on Sportsound last season in which he tried to blame Aberdeen's poor form on bad luck, and claimed that results would change once their luck did. Nothing like my point, which is that Hearts can close the gap on 3rd by simply maintaining their current record against non-OF teams (Home: P3 W3, Away: P5 W1, D2, L2). Easier said than done, but no change in luck required. The players returning from injury will objectively strengthen the team as well. 

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6 minutes ago, DC92 said:

Very happy to go over whatever it is you disagree with there.

If you look at Aberdeen as an example, they're 5 points ahead but have played 2 fewer games against the OF and 2 more home games against non-OF teams. Nothing is guaranteed, but the most likely outcome from those OF games is that Aberdeen will lose both or maybe take 1 point. It's also not unlikely Hearts will win at least one of those home games (having won 3/3 so far). As I said, having points on the board is always better, but Hearts making up that gap is very credible once the fixture list evens out.

You're comparing that to Dave Cormack's appearance on Sportsound last season in which he tried to blame Aberdeen's poor form on bad luck, and claimed that results would change once their luck did. Nothing like my point, which is that Hearts can close the gap on 3rd by simply maintaining their current record against non-OF teams (Home: P3 W3, Away: P5 W1, D2, L2). Easier said than done, but no change in luck required. The players returning from injury will objectively strengthen the team as well. 

There's definitely no reason to panic about Hearts. I keep going back to this, but I've been saying since the summer I expected us to be off the pace in the first half of the season due to the schedule. And that was before the injuries.

We're not badly placed all things considered, and the fixtures swing in our favour a wee bit in the coming months.

We need points on the board now though. Seven from the next three and I'll be very confident of finishing third. Six would be fine too.

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35 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

There's definitely no reason to panic about Hearts. I keep going back to this, but I've been saying since the summer I expected us to be off the pace in the first half of the season due to the schedule. And that was before the injuries.

We're not badly placed all things considered, and the fixtures swing in our favour a wee bit in the coming months.

We need points on the board now though. Seven from the next three and I'll be very confident of finishing third. Six would be fine too.

Injuries? You'd think someone would have mentioned that...

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47 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

There's definitely no reason to panic about Hearts. I keep going back to this, but I've been saying since the summer I expected us to be off the pace in the first half of the season due to the schedule. And that was before the injuries.

We're not badly placed all things considered, and the fixtures swing in our favour a wee bit in the coming months.

We need points on the board now though. Seven from the next three and I'll be very confident of finishing third. Six would be fine too.

The opportunity is there, but the pressure is much higher now than it would've been a few weeks ago. Next week looks big with us playing Ross County away and the teams above us all playing the OF/each other. If we can get a win that could have us back within 2/3 points with 4 winnable home games to come in the next 5.

We've been a bit lucky that no-one's really pulled away yet. It could easily have been an 8 or 10 point gap by now if some others had been a bit more consistent. Crucial we don't fall further behind before the World Cup.

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11 minutes ago, DC92 said:

The opportunity is there, but the pressure is much higher now than it would've been a few weeks ago. Next week looks big with us playing Ross County away and the teams above us all playing the OF/each other. If we can get a win that could have us back within 2/3 points with 4 winnable home games to come in the next 5.

We've been a bit lucky that no-one's really pulled away yet. It could easily have been an 8 or 10 point gap by now if some others had been a bit more consistent. Crucial we don't fall further behind before the World Cup.

I said from the beginning that within six points of third by the World Cup would be a success, and I stand by it. I don't think 9 would be the end of the world.

I don't think anybody else has impressed at all, and that's great news considering I think it's fair to say we have the biggest potential for improvement, simply with players coming back.

Based on what I've seen so far, I'm actually more confident we'll be third than I was in July. But, aye, starting on Sunday we need to get winning.

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On 23/10/2022 at 12:52, DC92 said:

If you look at Aberdeen as an example, they're 5 points ahead but have played 2 fewer games against the OF and 2 more home games against non-OF teams. Nothing is guaranteed, but the most likely outcome from those OF games is that Aberdeen will lose both or maybe take 1 point. It's also not unlikely Hearts will win at least one of those home games (having won 3/3 so far). As I said, having points on the board is always better, but Hearts making up that gap is very credible once the fixture list evens out.

I've just had a look at this in more depth, and we're actually quite well-placed for the fixtures.

You're right that we're two non-OF home games behind both Aberdeen and Hibs. Aberdeen have picked up 12/15 points from those games and Hibs 10/15, but we've only had 3 of them, winning 100%. And we've also played Hibs and Aberdeen both away from home with the next meetings at Tynecastle. Gives the table a wee bit of context.

Also, looking at the fixtures immediately after the World Cup, we come back to consecutive home games with Killie and St Mirren, while Aberdeen come back to consecutive home games against the Old Firm and Hibs come back to Rangers away.

Four of our next six games are home games against non-OF teams, and one of the others in Ross County away, while three of Aberdeen's next six league games are against the OF.

All of this is meaningless if we don't put the points on the board, but there's light at the end of the tunnel here. October was always going to be a hard month.

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So having finally watched the highlights on sportscene I'd offer the following:

- VAR generally correct

- Mikey Smith penalty - no sane person would say that's a handball, however in the context of the truly awful handball rules, it probably is sadly

- Headed goal not given - ref blew early, it happens. He shouldn't have blown and let it go to VAR (I think there was sufficient shoving to disallow). Also, someone bald from Celtic was miles offside, but adjudged to be "not interfering"? I suggest if the ball is being played in and you're in the 6 yard box and in the goalie's vision - you are interfering

- Celtic's first was all about Kio sliding in, deflecting away an easy save for Gordon. And in the process he lost his man (Forrest) 🤦

- Gordon poor for Celtic's 3rd(?).


All in all, left me with a lot of confidence for the season going on





Edited by Stylish Kid
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