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P&B Weight Observers Thread 23/24

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Maybe about time I got involved in this hopefully help me keep at the weight loss 

Ended something close to 17st a coupled years ago so started couch 2 5k loved it and kept at the running and dropped down to 14st 10lb all the while not really changing too much of a diet apart from a rough form of 16/8 fasting, all very good until getting an injury training for half marathon which led to an ankle op in January, but still eating like I was running 10k 4 times a week. obviously I've put all the weight back on again so as of yesterday I'm going to have a right go to get some pounds off so when I do start running again I'm not putting extra strain on my ankle 

Still in physio and restricted with what  I can do exercise wise so went on the treadmill and intend to do the 3-12-30 (my treadmill only.inclines to 10 though) walking most days and a proper go at intermittent fasting 

8/4/24 - 16st 8lbs 



Edited by Don Diego De la Vega
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9 hours ago, Gaz said:

Never heard of him, and with advice like that, I'd be ignoring everything he says.

Weight is solely controlled by calories. Nothing more, nothing less.

You do wonder, that is why I asked. Was he just trying to sell his book.

I think he was saying that 80 - 90 percent of the folks on calorie controlled diets end up back at the weight they were at because their body tells them they are hungry.

He was going on about gut health and micronutrients. Happy guts, happy body and you don't get the hunger. I might be guessing the end bit.

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On 01/03/2024 at 08:29, Central Belt Caley said:

14st 7 this morning. Hit at least 8k steps everyday and have run 150km in both January and February. 
My parents got me a Craghoppers jacket for Christmas and there’s already a lot more room than there was in it :lol:


Was 14st 4 yesterday morning, since my last post I’ve been on a stag do, wedding and a family weekend away.

All meaning I ate and drank far too much and the weights fluctuated quite a bit but it all falls back off soon enough (seem to retain loads of water after drinking lager).

Ran over 700k this year, hit 8k steps every day since January 1st. Slow progress but think this will benefit in the long run rather than dropping calories to stupidly low levels. 

Bought a medium Scotland top that I’d love to wear during the Euros but it’s a bit snug at the moment so hopefully another few pounds means it loosens off 

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I've also heard the 30 plant thing. It's about gut health. Weight isn't purely about calories. Nutrition is hugely important and micro-nutrients are hugely important in fuelling your metabolism. I don't think calorie controlled diets are sustainable long term if you're not eating a wide variety of fruit and vegetables. Ultimately the only sustainable way to keep the weight off is to completely change your relationship with food.

Anyway. A year ago I was sitting at 26% body fat and yesterday I was 13.8. I felt a bit emotional as I've really put on a lot of effort. I exercise loads now (no trips to a gym, a lot of cycling, walking and bashing out pushups and pull-ups at home), don't really drink anymore (that's been hard as it was numbing a lot of feelings I didn't want to feel, so I've had to feel those) and I'm more aware of how shite I feel after junk food. Hunners of batch cooking, smoothies and just generally eating what my body needs and I honestly feel better than ever.

Lately I've reduced my coffee intake as anxiety is a great trigger for my eating junk carbs. 

I think a big impactful change was making it about how I feel, rather than how I look. It made it less shaming and externally focussed. 


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Had few blips earlier this year but it proved what I'm doing is going down the right path with carnivore. 97kg way back in October, 95kg in November, never thought much about weighing again since the start of the year so wasn't confident that there would be much weight loss. Weighed myself a couple of weeks ago just to see and surprised myself by being 91kg, which I haven't been since the 00's. Down a belt knotch as well and have plenty of energy. Had a three day fast in April with no problems. That single piece of bacon coming out of that fast was heaven.

I'll aim at 85kg as my final target. I need to build some muscle though, mainly to sustain fitness, prevent muscle loss since I'm over 50 and also of course to avoid injuries. I'd try and keep to around that weight.


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