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British men who travel to South East Asia to find a young wife give the creeps. Almost exclusively are dangers to society. I remember being in Thailand with my gf and the amount of middle aged men with paunches cutting about solo was tragic. 

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12 minutes ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

British men who travel to South East Asia to find a young wife give the creeps. Almost exclusively are dangers to society. I remember being in Thailand with my gf and the amount of middle aged men with paunches cutting about solo was tragic. 

Is that code for beautiful, nubile young lady?

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23 minutes ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

British men who travel to South East Asia to find a young wife give the creeps. Almost exclusively are dangers to society. I remember being in Thailand with my gf and the amount of middle aged men with paunches cutting about solo was tragic. 

I'm not sure it's a wife they're after.

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One of my previous jobs I worked nightshifts and a couple of the guys who worked there would take frequent solo holidays.  At least one of the guys I worked with is/was genuinely unsettling.  I would not be surprised if he ended up appearing on some sort of register, an utter creep.  He once spoke to the whole group about the fact that he always had unprotected sex with women in Cambodia and it was fine because apart from Western tourists they were a highly moral people.  It was a pretty male environment and on one of the rare occasions there was a female in overnight, he ranted on to her about how he couldn't get matches on dating sites and he should because he always put his salary on his profile and all that women care about is money (his salary was about £40,000pa if anyone is interested).  She was very kind to him trying to explain that maybe he shouldn't do that but he kept taking over her and ranting, eventually she had to just walk away.


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3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

One of my previous jobs I worked nightshifts and a couple of the guys who worked there would take frequent solo holidays.  At least one of the guys I worked with is/was genuinely unsettling.  I would not be surprised if he ended up appearing on some sort of register, an utter creep.  He once spoke to the whole group about the fact that he always had unprotected sex with women in Cambodia and it was fine because apart from Western tourists they were a highly moral people.  It was a pretty male environment and on one of the rare occasions there was a female in overnight, he ranted on to her about how he couldn't get matches on dating sites and he should because he always put his salary on his profile and all that women care about is money (his salary was about £40,000pa if anyone is interested).  She was very kind to him trying to explain that maybe he shouldn't do that but he kept taking over her and ranting, eventually she had to just walk away.


Sounds like a great catch, surprised he wasn't snapped up...

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Had a young guy (18ish) working for us years ago.  Very awkward and geeky but creepy with it. 

Said he was having an online relationship with a girl in South Korea who he had never met physically but was going to meet her that summer and propose to her. 

When a female colleague asked if he had never met anybody local, he replied, "No, they are all sluts and this one will will do as I tell her" (I would put money on it that he was a virgin and woukd have no clue sbout how to approach a femal in the glesh let alone how to conduct s relationship).. 

When asked how her English was and how she felt about working here her replied saying "She will be at home waiting for me ads that is what women in Asia are trained to do".  It is the only time in over 10 years of working with her I have her lose her shit.

He went over and stayed with the aunt for two weeks.  While the mother knew he was here the father did not.  He only met him two days before he flew home.

Apparently they now live here but feck knows what kind of life they have.  He was definitely  one for the watching.

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Would post a minor correction re the middle aged men in SE Asia, they actually tend to be far older than that - the majority will be in their 60s or 70s. 

Some live there and others combine trips with healthcare appointments. Quite a few I have seen don't look like they really know where they are, and I'd be shocked if they could even get back to the UK (or wherever they are from).

It's depressing, anyone who has spent a lot of time here will end up with a lot of white guy cringe.

As a general rule of thumb, if you are ever somewhere in Asia that has more white people than Asians, it is time to gtfo.

Re this case, its horrific and even the details I have read are already too much. Feel sorry for the jury. A life of anonymity for the perpetrator in jail I hope.

Also on slippyps point above, loads of these men will be getting ruthlessly exploited by the locals. Which you can't really blame them for given most of SE Asia (and those doing the exploiting) will be desperately poor. If you don't have your wits about you, stay at home.

Edited by Satoshi
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4 hours ago, Satoshi said:

Would post a minor correction re the middle aged men in SE Asia, they actually tend to be far older than that - the majority will be in their 60s or 70s. 

Some live there and others combine trips with healthcare appointments. Quite a few I have seen don't look like they really know where they are, and I'd be shocked if they could even get back to the UK (or wherever they are from).

It's depressing, anyone who has spent a lot of time here will end up with a lot of white guy cringe.

As a general rule of thumb, if you are ever somewhere in Asia that has more white people than Asians, it is time to gtfo.

Re this case, its horrific and even the details I have read are already too much. Feel sorry for the jury. A life of anonymity for the perpetrator in jail I hope.

Also on slippyps point above, loads of these men will be getting ruthlessly exploited by the locals. Which you can't really blame them for given most of SE Asia (and those doing the exploiting) will be desperately poor. If you don't have your wits about you, stay at home.

I agree with much of what you've said but I'd change 'Asia' to 'SE Asia'.  I spent 10 years in Hong Kong and, as I'm sure you've seen, there are areas which are totally ex-pat yet not necessarily creepy ex-pat.  It's simply a function of numbers/location/interests of ex-pats v locals.  

That last para resonates a lot with me given my current location - a lot of naive foreigners are soon relieved of their cash as I mentioned in an earlier post.

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22 hours ago, Bonksy+HisChristianParade said:

British men who travel to South East Asia to find a young wife give the creeps. Almost exclusively are dangers to society. I remember being in Thailand with my gf and the amount of middle aged men with paunches cutting about solo was tragic. 

I used to think the same, and many fit the description you give, but there are a significant number who are in what could be called a marriage of convenience where both parties know exactly what they're getting out of it and it's not really about the sex - to be honest, many of them are past the age of caring about that side of things!  

I will say that it very much depends on location and the typical holiday spots that most of us have visited are the worst examples - move away from the Pattaya-type places and you'll see a very different side to the foreigner and younger wife dynamic.  Also, let's not forget that the majority of guys and girls you see walking around in such places are in a purely business relationship.  

Still, all said and done it's one of the distasteful sides of living in SE Asia.  

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21 hours ago, hk blues said:

Still, all said and done it's one of the distasteful sides of living in SE Asia.  

Can't agree more, as I came to SE Asia first trip at 28 and settled when I was 34. Is a bit out there, before I even talk about where I live (little village 20mile to Singburi), 

Yes, it's sickens me what happens here, too the extent that  I doing something which is better than posting how bad they saw while on holiday...

But to counter a little on the prostitution side here.  Over 75% of the girls/boys are at the sale for service for Thai men, the other 25% that everyone sees is for tourist/ex-pats. 

2% of girls/boys in Thailand have been involved in prostitution at some time in their lives, fucking shocking.  there is zero (apart from me) in the village of just over 2,500 people.  We have 6 'bars' spotted around the place ffs.

anyway here's another post for @Bonksy+HisChristianParade to red dot. (like my little stories of Thailand). 

there is more to the se asia.


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36 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

Can't agree more, as I came to SE Asia first trip at 28 and settled when I was 34. Is a bit out there, before I even talk about where I live (little village 20mile to Singburi), 

Yes, it's sickens me what happens here, too the extent that  I doing something which is better than posting how bad they saw while on holiday...

But to counter a little on the prostitution side here.  Over 75% of the girls/boys are at the sale for service for Thai men, the other 25% that everyone sees is for tourist/ex-pats. 

2% of girls/boys in Thailand have been involved in prostitution at some time in their lives, fucking shocking.  there is zero (apart from me) in the village of just over 2,500 people.  We have 6 'bars' spotted around the place ffs.

anyway here's another post for @Bonksy+HisChristianParade to red dot. (like my little stories of Thailand). 

there is more to the se asia.



I'm not quite as remote as you are, and live in a sizable enough city (460,000) but I have seen little or no prostitution.  There is a very small are with a few dodgy bars (3 or 4) down by the docks where I Imagine it's available.  We are not in a tourist city which is a big factor - I don't think the culture of locals having a 2nd GF or using prostitutes is as prevalent, or open, as in your place or China even. 

None of us living in SE Asia will dispute it has that unsavoury side but the idea that every foreigner living here is here for one thing and one thing alone just doesn't add up in reality.  For sure, plenty of us have younger wives but that's down to supply and demand to put it bluntly and crudely.  

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6 minutes ago, hk blues said:

I don't think the culture of locals having a 2nd GF or using prostitutes is as prevalent, or open, as in your place or China even. 

Ha ha. The life of a Thai man is exactly this, and his standing with his peers are judged on this. Many Thai girls who marry with a Western man know they are the one and only  and get away from being just the main partner (wife) and no  'gigs' Thai for bit on the side.

f**k it goes all the way to the top, without saying who (I can't post).

Then we can talk about the physical abuse that most Thai woman will receive from their partner. 

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1 hour ago, Busta Nut said:

All the Asia based posters trying to hard to prove they're not weirdos IMO

and why not? getting stereotyped is a bug for me. 

15 years living here, I'll stand up and tell the truth, you can PM to read the shite that I lived through.

Still i love it, takes a 'different person' to walk away from the shortbread small minded Jockostan.

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26 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

and why not? getting stereotyped is a bug for me. 

15 years living here, I'll stand up and tell the truth, you can PM to read the shite that I lived through.

Still i love it, takes a 'different person' to walk away from the shortbread small minded Jockostan.

Relax man, It was clearly a jest

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Years ago me and another lad were setting off to climb a couple of munros near Loch Laggan in pretty brutal winter conditions. Some English guy caught us up near the start and walked round with us, he was in his 70s and had been a cop in Hong Kong. When we got back to the car park 7 hours later it was about -5 and we saw this young Asian woman sitting in the passenger seat looking miserable and absolutely frozen.

He was completely open about the fact that she'd sat there the whole time with his dog and had obediently not put the engine on to get the heaters on. He was actually proud of this. Absolutely mental, mental stuff. 

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