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The Christian Theology Education Thread


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14 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

What makes it outdated though? Is it because Jesus was here over 2000 years ago or is it more because we have had generations of secular thinking now. Also, science and Christian beliefs are not anything like as far apart as you seem to think/cling to.


When we can now explain how tides work, why the Red Sea has a tide and the Mediterranean does not, why seasons happen, what causes earthquakes, floods and infestations of insects, food poisoning and so much else, why bother with tall tales that are simply untrue.

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14 hours ago, Venti said:

The biblical accurate 'Angels' are scary AF.


I was looking all about the internet last night on the subject. It was said the descriptions of what they would look like would be like us going back in time around 2000 years and trying to describe a helicopter to someone who has no idea of the concept and unable to visualise this due to have nothing to compare to in real life. So what we get is artistic impressions whether its recent or a thousand year old sketch or a description.

The bit about that we cannot tell the difference between an angel and a demon caught my attention, they are supposed to look the exactly the same. Now that is scary.


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7 minutes ago, CityDave94 said:

The bit about that we cannot tell the difference between an angel and a demon caught my attention, they are supposed to look the exactly the same. Now that is scary.



Come on now.

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3 minutes ago, CityDave94 said:

I was looking all about the internet last night on the subject. It was said the descriptions of what they would look like would be like us going back in time around 2000 years and trying to describe a helicopter to someone who has no idea of the concept and unable to visualise this due to have nothing to compare to in real life. So what we get is artistic impressions whether its recent or a thousand year old sketch or a description.

The bit about that we cannot tell the difference between an angel and a demon caught my attention, they are supposed to look the exactly the same. Now that is scary.


It would only be "scary" if one accepts their existence.  I'm as concerned about their similarities or differences as I am about differences or similarities between vampires and werewolves and for that matter, witches and wizards. There's quite enough to be scared about in the real world without being concerned about imaginary entities.

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30 minutes ago, Fullerene said:


When we can now explain how tides work, why the Red Sea has a tide and the Mediterranean does not, why seasons happen, what causes earthquakes, floods and infestations of insects, food poisoning and so much else, why bother with tall tales that are simply untrue.

I'm not arguing whether they are true or not, this is about how we view our world and how we were able to comunicate that.

From 1872 the state took more control of education in Scotland and schools were free and everyone was given the chance to learn to read. Previous to this only the very wealthy and powerful and those that were involved in the Churches would be the only ones who could read. How did everyone else comunicate ''tall tales'' to each other before this time?

What about before the scripts were put together into one big volume, that was only few centuries ago as well. How did people comunicate the Biblical tales to each other if they couldn't read?

Stories about who we are and who we were, whether they are a work of fiction or not is beside the point. Its a part history. (aye Birthday Card pish:rolleyes:)


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1 hour ago, CityDave94 said:

The bit about that we cannot tell the difference between an angel and a demon caught my attention, they are supposed to look the exactly the same. Now that is scary.

It's not though, is it?

It reminds me of the question: which supernatural creature casts no reflection in a mirror?


All of them.

That's why angel-demon duality isn't really such a frightener.


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1 hour ago, throbber said:

Physicists have a fairly decent grasp as to how matter can come together and erupt and form billions of stars and galaxies. Humans thinking at a normal human level aren’t able to comprehend it as something had to come before the Big Bang to make the explosion happen which creates a chicken and the egg scenario.

The theory isn’t even that the entire universe was formed by the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago all that scientist hypothesise is that something extremely powerful and hot happened incredibly quickly at that time. That might have just been the formation of our tiny portion of what is an eternal universe that has been there for ever for all we know. As you’ve said we’ll never find out as we’re too small and the universe is too big.


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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

It would only be "scary" if one accepts their existence.  I'm as concerned about their similarities or differences as I am about differences or similarities between vampires and werewolves and for that matter, witches and wizards. There's quite enough to be scared about in the real world without being concerned about imaginary entities.

This is why nobody asks Uncle Salt who is the scariest monster in Doctor Who?

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1 hour ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

It would only be "scary" if one accepts their existence.  I'm as concerned about their similarities or differences as I am about differences or similarities between vampires and werewolves and for that matter, witches and wizards. There's quite enough to be scared about in the real world without being concerned about imaginary entities.

Would you agree that good and evil does exist though?

If you were back 1000 years ago how would you describe the difference to someone?

I'm not religious but I recognise the symbolism, the metaphor and that the translated biblical scriptures are choc full of them, this is why different people have entirely different takes on the Bible, it can be so vague at times so left open to interpretation. To me this doesn't mean I believe the existence of these entities, it can mean don't judge a person you don't know by their appearance on whether they are good or not, that would be down to their intentions. Most people are good.

I always prefer to have evidence and or go by experience to make a judgement whether something is true or not, maybe evidence from more than one source. Plenty of fake scary news doing the rounds everyday.


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21 minutes ago, sugna said:

It's not though, is it?

It reminds me of the question: which supernatural creature casts no reflection in a mirror?

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All of them.

That's why angel-demon duality isn't really such a frightener.


The one in your avatar??

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4 minutes ago, CityDave94 said:

Would you agree that good and evil does exist though?

If you were back 1000 years ago how would you describe the difference to someone?

I'm not religious but I recognise the symbolism, the metaphor and that the translated biblical scriptures are choc full of them, this is why different people have entirely different takes on the Bible, it can be so vague at times so left open to interpretation. To me this doesn't mean I believe the existence of these entities, it can mean don't judge a person you don't know by their appearance on whether they are good or not, that would be down to their intentions. Most people are good.

I always prefer to have evidence and or go by experience to make a judgement whether something is true or not, maybe evidence from more than one source. Plenty of fake scary news doing the rounds everyday.



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3 minutes ago, Florentine_Pogen said:


I was thinking about the Life Of Brian last night the part about the 'meek shall inherit the Earth.'

''What Jesus fails to appreciate is that it's the meek who are the problem.''


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2 hours ago, CityDave94 said:

I was looking all about the internet last night on the subject. It was said the descriptions of what they would look like would be like us going back in time around 2000 years and trying to describe a helicopter to someone who has no idea of the concept and unable to visualise this due to have nothing to compare to in real life. So what we get is artistic impressions whether its recent or a thousand year old sketch or a description.

The bit about that we cannot tell the difference between an angel and a demon caught my attention, they are supposed to look the exactly the same. Now that is scary.


They had helicopters in ancient Egypt though...







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Just now, Venti said:

They had helicopters in ancient Egypt though...




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And speedboats and thunderbird 2 by the looks of it. 

Makes me wonder why that albino tribe used mammoths to build the pyramids. Doesn't add up imo. 

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27 minutes ago, CityDave94 said:

Would you agree that good and evil does exist though?

If you were back 1000 years ago how would you describe the difference to someone?

I'm not religious but I recognise the symbolism, the metaphor and that the translated biblical scriptures are choc full of them, this is why different people have entirely different takes on the Bible, it can be so vague at times so left open to interpretation. To me this doesn't mean I believe the existence of these entities, it can mean don't judge a person you don't know by their appearance on whether they are good or not, that would be down to their intentions. Most people are good.

I always prefer to have evidence and or go by experience to make a judgement whether something is true or not, maybe evidence from more than one source. Plenty of fake scary news doing the rounds everyday.


Good and evil, for me, boils down to the extent to which people uphold the golden rule... "dinnae dae that, urrul dae it tae you".

Versions of it certainly pre-date Christianity, so I see no need to tie it to anything resembling that particular tradition.  

When Christopher Hitchens was on tour promoting one of his books, he would put a couple of questions, or one question with two aspects, to his audience.  I've cobbled it together from a quote on the web for one part and from my memory for the second... It goes something like... 

"Quote" - Name me an ethical statement made or an action performed by a believer that could not have been made or performed by a non-believer.  "Memory" - now, name me an unethical or immoral statement made, or an unethical or immoral action performed by a believer that an atheist would not.  

As I recall he never received a satisfactory answer.

The notion that good and evil can be sourced from religion is not one I can agree with.

If I may drag the middle east into the equation, perhaps if the alleged creator of the cosmos had been a bit clearer in setting out his requirements for entry to the afterlife and for the distribution of land between peoples, the world would probably be a better place.  It shouldn't really have been beyond him/her/it in years gone by, and presumably it wouldn't be beyond him/her/it today.  

Add the fact that to a very large extent the religions followed across the world seem to be surprisingly geographically based.  Thus the treatment of one's "immortal soul" in some form of celestial theme park or fiery pit is either enjoyable or hellish because of where you happen to be born and raised and what your parents think.

Let's just say I remain to be convinced. I'm in my 60s now, so if he/she/it is going to provide my personal revelation of divine truth, or some evidence of his/her/its existence, he/she/it better get a shift on.

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46 minutes ago, throbber said:

Exactly even the solar system which isn’t even scratching the surface of the milky way would take us 6000 years to get out of it we were to travel in the fastest craft we have available at this moment in time. It’s pointless.

The Voyager 1 spacecraft is only 19.4 hours away at the speed of light.  The nearest star (Proxima Centauri) is 4.24 light years away. 

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If god was real (it's not, the very concept is stunningly pathetic and utterly laughable) I'd demand that the piece of shit begged, on their knees, for forgiveness for their multiple reported atrocities.

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