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49 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’m happy with new atheists, old atheists and middle aged atheists before any ‘age’ of god botherers.

Only takes about five minutes of that video to realise the guy is taking shite.  “Yeah, the statistics all say X but I’m observing Y” level of crackpottery.


Cool! Very cool!

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40 minutes ago, Herc said:

Hard-core atheists are just as bad as the God squad.

What is a ‘hard-core’ atheist?  Someone who doesn’t believe in god even more that a moderate atheist?

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On 03/03/2023 at 16:40, CarrbridgeSaintee said:


If you believe in the big bang, then that's the beginning of time, space and matter.

For the big bang to take place, then there would have to be a cause.  It's not unreasonable to suggest this cause would have to be timeless, spaceless and matterless.

Given it's timeless nature, it certainly wouldn't have to 'sit on their arse for eternity' or have to 'hud oan a minute' because time wouldn't have existed prior to the big bang at all.

Humans not being able to possibly comprehend this is therefore a logical position to hold, given that all we know is time.  It's impossible to comprehend timelessness.  Even the comprehension takes time itself.

We understand time well enough. Certainly enough to compensate GPS satellites to correct for their difference in relative time due to a. being somewhat outside the gravity well of the planet and b. travelling at speeds that slows their onboard clocks.

What is less clear is the origins of the universe. It does appear that everything winds back to an apparent big bang, what is less certain is what happens at that point. There are several competing theories. all constantly being updated. Some are cyclical, the universe being series of iterations; some are more one-off affairs. We currently do not know.

If something is timeless, spaceless and matterless how does it cause anything and what does it affect?

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7 hours ago, Herc said:

The ones that bang on about it. 

You mean folk who question the acceptability of all-pervasive religious influence in what is, for all intents and purposes, a secular country?

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On 03/08/2023 at 07:07, GHF-23 said:

As an atheist myself I'm delighted we don't have to put up with New Atheists anymore and anyone who shows anything more than passing interest in Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris et al should be on a list. 

I have watched clips by these people, and read some of their articles.  However, I realise their effort is not aimed at me. 

Mainly it is aimed at people who have been religious but now have doubts and possibly have a lot of inner conflict on what was their past and what they believe now.

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10 hours ago, Tony Ferrino said:

Clear headed people talking about their unfortunate upbringings?

Perhaps, or arrogant moralists who seek to belittle ordinary folk for having any type of faith.

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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

You mean folk who question the acceptability of all-pervasive religious influence in what is, for all intents and purposes, a secular country?

'All-pervasive' is doing a hell of a lot of heavy lifting here. There's been a huge decline in membership of religious organisations and the influence they have in society.

It goes without saying that these organisations should absolutely be questioned and criticised when they seek to impose their beliefs on others.

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1 minute ago, Herc said:

'All-pervasive' is doing a hell of a lot of heavy lifting here. There's been a huge decline in membership of religious organisations and the influence they have in society.

It goes without saying that these organisations should absolutely be questioned and criticised when they seek to impose their beliefs on others.

Seriously?  We still segregate kids in Scotland into Catholic and non-denominational schools from the age of 5.  The fact that this particular issue is effectively accepted/overlooked is part of the problem.


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15 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Seriously?  We still segregate kids in Scotland into Catholic and non-denominational schools from the age of 5.  The fact that this particular issue is effectively accepted/overlooked is part of the problem.


No 'we' don't. Parents have the option of sending their child to a faith school, whether that's RC, Jewish, Episcopalian or inter-denominational.

Non-denominational school account for 85% of state funded educational facilities.

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22 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Seriously?  We still segregate kids in Scotland into Catholic and non-denominational schools from the age of 5.  The fact that this particular issue is effectively accepted/overlooked is part of the problem.


Head of State is also the Head of a Church and we have folk in our legislature who are only eligible to be there because they are members of one particular sect of one particular "faith".  Not a good look.

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Just now, Herc said:

No 'we' don't. Parents have the option of sending their child to a faith school, whether that's RC, Jewish, Episcopalian or inter-denominational.

Non-denominational school account for 85% of state funded educational facilities.

It shouldn’t be an option, certainly not a state funded one.  Schools should be free of religious influence, if parents want to brainwash their kids they should do it outwith and separate from the educational system.

If you want to ignore the influence that unrepresentative religious groups have in both the U.K. and Scotland go ahead.  I’m pretty sure we’d already have assisted suicide in this country, or at the very least a sensible pragmatic debate about it, if it weren’t for the influence of god botherers.


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