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9 minutes ago, AyrAtlanta said:

Just catching up on this thread and it may well be the worst Ayr United match thread I’ve ever read. Horrendous reading. Well done all.

Wait until after the game when the vibes merchants realise it's all over :lol:

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12 hours ago, ayrunitedfw said:

Good to see both ends are being opened for Ayr fans tomorrow night however must be a minter for the Queens Park fans that despite being 2nd in the league with a realistic chance of winning the league that they can't muster enough fans to get the Railway end opened for themselves. Seems the people of Glasgow Soutshide aren't buying into the vanity, Gretna style project. Shame

I was just wondering…what does the fw mean in your username?

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12 hours ago, Arachnophile said:

Congratulations on having more fans than us.

It's remarkable considering you've played pretty much all of my life at a higher level than us, are the only senior team in you town & have a ground within a mile or two of most of your fans.

Your ground is one of my favorites and I am disappointed that I be shall be required to sit tomorrow night. Although I do hope to be leaping to my feet on several occasions.


Look on the bright side. Your support will get a much better view than the majority of the A*r fans. The view from that wee shed behind the goal is horrendous.

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50 minutes ago, Hawkeye the Gnu said:

Look on the bright side. Your support will get a much better view than the majority of the A*r fans. The view from that wee shed behind the goal is horrendous.

You got a good enough view of Andy Geggan ramming right up you inbred hicks tho.

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13 minutes ago, placidcasual said:

You got a good enough view of Andy Geggan ramming right up you inbred hicks tho.

True. The close up view of the last minute penalty winner last season was delicious tho.

No doubt we can resume where we left off next season when we come visiting again.

see you soon.xx

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I dont think McLean is biased, just incompetent. Its wild to say because his dad is a Killie legend that he is against us. Mathie's Dad is also a Killie legend and is still heavily involved there in a matchday hospitality role. I see Ross at our games at Somerset. Unless Mathie is sabotaging is from within 🤣 maybe fitba folk can separate alliances when it comes to making a buck 

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9 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I dont think McLean is biased, just incompetent. Its wild to say because his dad is a Killie legend that he is against us. Mathie's Dad is also a Killie legend and is still heavily involved there in a matchday hospitality role. I see Ross at our games at Somerset. Unless Mathie is sabotaging is from within 🤣 maybe fitba folk can separate alliances when it comes to making a buck 

The talk up here is McLean is biased AGAINST us.

He’s just a shite referee.

From memory, Mathie’s dad was once pulled by the hair almost into the NT when playing against you. The next week he had it all cut into the wood just in case it happened again. Clearly spooked him and I’ve wondered what his views are on his son’s current employment.

would happily bring him home as he’s been the best signing you’ve made in years.

Edited by Hawkeye the Gnu
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11 minutes ago, Hawkeye the Gnu said:

The talk up here is McLean is biased AGAINST us.

He’s just a shite referee.

From memory, Mathie’s dad was once pulled by the hair almost into the NT when playing against you. The next week he had it all cut into the wood just in case it happened again. Clearly spooked him and I’ve wondered what his views are on his son’s current employment.

would happily bring him home as he’s been the best signing you’ve made in years.

McLean is a shit ref just like half of the refs in Scotland. 

Aye I remember my Dad telling me that about Mathie. Like I said, I see Ross at most games at Somerset so clearly he isnt bitter or is just supporting his son. Maybe outwith a fan level football isnt as tribal

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17 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Its wild to say because his dad is a Killie legend that he is against us. Mathie's Dad is also a Killie legend and is still heavily involved there in a matchday hospitality role.

This. Referee talk is fucking boring and even more tedious when folk hit out with the victim patter.

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Bin fire of a thread already. The hints are there for a shitfest draw that does neither team much good. 1-1.

Also, can we get rid of the shite "you're a wee club with less fans" patter. Ayr fans having a pop at the levels of support for other clubs is pretty silly. Happy to be able to switch ends though. Not always possible but something we should make a regular thing in games where it is feasible.

I quite like friday night games at Somerset so actually looking forward to this, for now. Also one of the last opportunities to stand on the North terrace before redevelopment, so that's worthwhile.

Edited by AuAl
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52 minutes ago, Hawkeye the Gnu said:

The talk up here is McLean is biased AGAINST us.

He’s just a shite referee.

From memory, Mathie’s dad was once pulled by the hair almost into the NT when playing against you. The next week he had it all cut into the wood just in case it happened again. Clearly spooked him and I’ve wondered what his views are on his son’s current employment.

would happily bring him home as he’s been the best signing you’ve made in years.

Considering Graeme played for us years before being our managing director I can’t see him being arsed at all. 

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11 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

Considering Graeme played for us years before being our managing director I can’t see him being arsed at all. 

Did he even make an appearance for us? I do remember him as a player but can't remember if he featured.



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2 hours ago, Hawkeye the Gnu said:

The talk up here is McLean is biased AGAINST us.

He’s just a shite referee.

From memory, Mathie’s dad was once pulled by the hair almost into the NT when playing against you. The next week he had it all cut into the wood just in case it happened again. Clearly spooked him and I’ve wondered what his views are on his son’s current employment.

would happily bring him home as he’s been the best signing you’ve made in years.

It's like Jimmy Saville doing charity work, McLean is only occasionally bad when refereeing your games to throw people off the scent. 



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5 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:

It's like Jimmy Saville doing charity work, McLean is only occasionally bad when refereeing your games to throw people off the scent. 



The only scent is the one coming from his arse. He’s like a bad smell you can’t get rid of. He hates us…..he’s also shite.

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One player who started last week is out for tonight's game apparently according to the press conference.

Raith game more likely for Mullin to be involved.

Despite what the minority on here say, we should be looking forward to tonight's game. The chat of people actually being demotivated by it truly baffles me.


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