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National Conference League


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27 minutes ago, Greenmachine said:

It is awful!

The Conference League is awful too but it at least offers some kind of solution to the log jam at the bottom of the LL.


For one season only, 3 tier 6 clubs will be allowed to stay in tier 6 whilst all the others will be demoted to tier 7. You call that a solution? :lol:

Edited by welshbairn
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16 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

For one season only, 3 tier 6 clubs will be allowed to stay in tier 6 whilst all the others will be demoted to tier 7. You call that a solution? :lol:

With more clubs from west,east and south in the LL the voting dynamic would change and it would be opened up..

As it stands it’s crap.

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Just to be the sayer of doom.

Right the Conference League is defeated, but the weans are still alive and kicking. The Brains Trust at the SFAland, will just come up with some other piece of crap to annoy everyone with.

I keep saying it but naebody is listening. We need to sort out the non league structure making it watertight so these wankstains can't interfere with their stupid schemes.

No B Teams in our pyramid ever.

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4 minutes ago, Greenmachine said:

With more clubs from west,east and south in the LL the voting dynamic would change and it would be opened up..

As it stands it’s crap.

Nobody is denying that but to suggest the conference is a solution is just wrong.

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8 minutes ago, Greenmachine said:

With more clubs from west,east and south in the LL the voting dynamic would change and it would be opened up..

As it stands it’s crap.

After the first year of the conference there's been no promise of greater fluidity between the leagues. 

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11 minutes ago, Greenmachine said:

With more clubs from west,east and south in the LL the voting dynamic would change and it would be opened up..

As it stands it’s crap.

Conference League wouldn't be introduced until 2024. The 9-7 voting dynamic may well have flipped by then without the need of an unneccessary league.

The Brora representative unintentionally summed it up pretty well. The Conference League is there for the prospective Club 42s worried they'll go bust in the non-league.

And Nothing Else Matters - Charlton Athletic F C: We're All Doomed

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1 hour ago, FairWeatherFan said:

Conference League wouldn't be introduced until 2024. The 9-7 voting dynamic may well have flipped by then without the need of an unneccessary league.

The Brora representative unintentionally summed it up pretty well. The Conference League is there for the prospective Club 42s worried they'll go bust in the non-league.


No he didn't, because if you think that Club 42 has been driving Ian Maxwell's thinking then you haven't paid attention to 110+ years of the 'Old Firm' in action. Throw in Scotland's gormless obsession with producing 'elite' players for the nonsense that is the international football team, and it's easy to explain why every other level and club in the domestic game is being repeatedly thrown under the bus by the SFA.

It started with 'elite' youth academy funding, now that gubbins vision of prioritising 'elite' development over diddy teams is being imposed on the adult sport too. 

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1 minute ago, virginton said:

No he didn't, because if you think that Club 42 has been driving Ian Maxwell's thinking then you haven't paid attention to 110+ years of the 'Old Firm' in action

That's you. Nothing to do with me.

Never mentions anything to do with "ambitious clubs" as an excuse.

Literally sums up with don't know if B teams will do anything to improve performance.

“Will this make it work better? We don’t know, but if we don’t try we’ll never know.”

So the only tangible bit in the piece is that things will be better for Club 42s.

Dowling added: “In Scotland since the pyramid was opened up Cowdenbeath, East Stirlingshire and Berwick have struggled since being relegated from the SPFL.

“The money teams in the SPFL get is very good, then if you drop into the Highland League it becomes zero, so if there’s something else there which can bridge that gap in terms of finance it could be beneficial.

“If you have a Conference League with four Premiership colts sides willing to put in £100,000 each there’s £40,000 for each team in the league.

“Therefore, if a team comes out of the SPFL there is a cushion and they’re in a better position to rebuild.



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Posted this on FitbaNorth, Brora had the opportunity and squad to get promoted in 2014 or 2015 against Montrose, with the squad they had at the time could have easily got up to at least L1 but during the final play off game they proceeded to field a team including youngsters who had barely made an appearance for the club (and never appeared again) which coincided with the chairman saying they didnt want to go up due to the costs involved, which at the time they would have been guaranteed a minimum of circa £70k for finishing bottom of L2.

I find it laughable that they are now all for this new league, where going by this thread they would be getting circa £40k, would love them to finish outside the top 2 next season in the HL. Shambles!!!!

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7 minutes ago, Samsonite said:

Posted this on FitbaNorth, Brora had the opportunity and squad to get promoted in 2014 or 2015 against Montrose, with the squad they had at the time could have easily got up to at least L1 but during the final play off game they proceeded to field a team including youngsters who had barely made an appearance for the club (and never appeared again) which coincided with the chairman saying they didnt want to go up due to the costs involved, which at the time they would have been guaranteed a minimum of circa £70k for finishing bottom of L2.

I find it laughable that they are now all for this new league, where going by this thread they would be getting circa £40k, would love them to finish outside the top 2 next season in the HL. Shambles!!!!

I don't disagree with you re. Brora, but if they don't finish top 2 in the HL they will likely still get into the Conference League (if it happens). I can see other clubs turning down opportunities to join this farce of a league.

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2 hours ago, Greenmachine said:

It is awful!

The Conference League is awful too but it at least offers some kind of solution to the log jam at the bottom of the LL.


The conference league doesn't offer that, the two things are independent.

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Let's assume that an SPFL B team can at some point in the future move up to SPFL.  


Very much doubt they'd continually commit to providing £100,000 to a Conference League.  Short term soul selling gains from clubs showing invitational interests.  



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22 minutes ago, stm said:

Let's assume that an SPFL B team can at some point in the future move up to SPFL.  


Very much doubt they'd continually commit to providing £100,000 to a Conference League.  Short term soul selling gains from clubs showing invitational interests.  



If the thing goes through, we're probably only 2 or 3 years away from "the fee is too big, that money could be spent on player development." After that, the League 2 teams lose their safety net again, and the final push into the SPFL begins.

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Some interesting previous posts from one of the contributors to this thread.


Clyde FC; Season 2022-23

Greenmachine replied to the_bully_wee's topic in Scottish League 1 General Chatter

Clyde,Elgin,East Fife,Stranraer and Hamilton all beaten by teams from tier 6. There is no gap mate.Football in Scotland is full of self preservation to the detriment of quality.

o    December 27, 2021


o    14,859 replies


Clydebank v clyde

Greenmachine replied to passbackdave's topic in Domestic Cup Football

It’s brilliant to see the Bankies getting rewarded for all the hard work the supporters have put in over the years. Just shows that ordinary fans can make a success of their own club.

o    November 26, 2021


o    231 replies


o   1


Good job this contributor has a great sense of humour. This show he really doesn't mean what he posts. What a relief!

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Feel a bit  sorry  for our rep from Cowden. Ten teams voted yes to the b teams for another  season but he was the only one to put his head above the parapet  and has promptly  had it blown off. He gave his reasons  for voting the way he did and they were perfectly understandable . Personally I think he should  have voted no and called Maxwell's  bluff but what if he wasn't  bluffing. He didn't  feel it was a chance he could take.

This way the lower league clubs have a chance  to consult with each other and present  a united front . As far as I can  see  every fan who has posted from Division  two downwards  is against the b teams being in the league system  so its  up to them to make that fact known  to their clubs.

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Dave Edwards, a very well known figure around HL circles has put his thoughts out there:

"Conference League will do untold damage to grassroots football in Scotland

Highland League stalwart Dave Edwards has his say on the controversial Conference League proposal.

You may think, what makes me qualified to voice an opinion on this most contentious of subjects?

Well, my first ever memory, at the age of five, 65-years ago, was of Tommy Martin, the captain of my local football club, Rothes, and legendary Rothes, later to be Elgin City striker, ‘King’ Willie Grant, holding aloft the Highland League championship trophy for the only time in the club’s history.

At the age of ten I was appointed assistant groundsman at Rothes’ Mackessack Park, and on leaving Elgin City in 1972, I also played in goal for my home town team, Rothes, before joining local junior club, Rothes Decimals. After moving to Aberdeen I also played in the junior ranks with St Machar before finally joining West of Scotland amateur club, Rhu Amateurs.

In addition, I reported on the Highland League for 12 years on Moray First Radio, and was the Press and Journal’s full-time Highland League correspondent for 23 years before retiring three years ago – however I’m still in the saddle as it were, as a freelance reporter for the P & J.

My 60-year association with Highland League football, I think, entitles me to state my case – without a shadow of doubt, if the SFA member clubs, and of course the various associations, who also have a vote at the national associations AGM in June, vote in favour of this proposal, they are in effect relegating every club below the current League Two level, some of whom may not survive the undoubted financial blow, and go the same way as the late lamented Third Lanark, Clydebank and Gretna.

Yes, Rangers and Celtic, along with Hearts, and possibly the other club I support, Aberdeen (although I hope against hope that the Dons’ board will see sense and pull out), will form part of the so-called Conference League, along with four teams from the Lowland League and just two from the Highland League.

Of course the potential ‘lucky’ or ‘ambitious’ clubs accepted into this new league will look to share in the £100,000 invested by the four ‘B’ teams every season for the next five seasons, many will see it as a ‘pot of gold’ – but remember, they are not being promoted on merit, they are progressing through the back door.

There is no doubt that the SFA are pushing this, I know for a fact that when this was first mooted, only a few months ago, the Highland League were given three options, none of them very palatable, and no, the ‘status quo’ wasn’t one of them – that, in my book, is quite scandalous.

It was a case of Hobson’s choice, or in other words, no choice at all – so shame on whoever at the SFA has thought up this hair-brained scheme which, in my humble opinion, could, and would do untold damage to grass roots football as we know it in Scotland.

There is much more I could say, as I am passionate about lower league football, and the Highland League in particular, but I will leave it for others to also state their position.

In conclusion, I urge all of those with influence, be they supporters, sponsors, officials or even players, to lobby their own clubs and hopefully, working together, we can stop this madness!"

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42 minutes ago, Dev said:

Some interesting previous posts from one of the contributors to this thread.


Clyde FC; Season 2022-23

Greenmachine replied to the_bully_wee's topic in Scottish League 1 General Chatter

Clyde,Elgin,East Fife,Stranraer and Hamilton all beaten by teams from tier 6. There is no gap mate.Football in Scotland is full of self preservation to the detriment of quality.

o    December 27, 2021


o    14,859 replies


Clydebank v clyde

Greenmachine replied to passbackdave's topic in Domestic Cup Football

It’s brilliant to see the Bankies getting rewarded for all the hard work the supporters have put in over the years. Just shows that ordinary fans can make a success of their own club.

o    November 26, 2021


o    231 replies


o   1


Good job this contributor has a great sense of humour. This show he really doesn't mean what he posts. What a relief!

I have said that the conference idea is rubbish!

The status quo is worse though.

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4 minutes ago, Greenmachine said:

I have said that the conference idea is rubbish!

The status quo is worse though.

I agree with you on this. Get the weans tae ****.

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