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Clyde Season 23/24

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1 hour ago, Harry Hood Fan Club said:

I don’t get it because there is none. You are on here to try and spread as much ill feeling as possible. (The CEO of a competitor club receiving sensitive information about Clyde, is most decidedly a conflict of interest, simply by definition.)

You seem to have a history having a go at volunteers of this club, and it’s not enough that the person in question has given up their position but now you are still gunning for them after they have left the club. Let it go. (sorry, but I don't agree that volunteers should be protected from doing the job correctly by virtue of the fact they are unpaid)

You have put out multiple claims

incoming takeover bids (proved correct today)

shadowy figures that ACTUALLY control the board (this is also correct although I can't agree with your literary talents in that I never used the words "shadowy figures")

Feeding a narrative Duffy was the money man (nope, don't remember that one)

Saying there was no investor and alluding to the chairman making it all up. (yes, I may have got that one wrong but in the absence of details of said investor and details of investment and no signings made with not long until signing window closes, I might just have fluked that one.)

now it’s ex volunteers of the club out to somehow harm us because they have a position elsewhere (he's the CEO of a competitor in our league, not a turn-style operator)

You can’t back any of it up or wont. It’s all very tiring to read so good knows how you have the energy to consistently post it. (I have the energy because I care and the tiredness comes from trying to get people like you to see what's been happening and continues to happen under your nose)

Either put all your cards on the table or wrap it man (Why should I continue to think for you...you are clearly lazy of thought if you can't work this out, seriously why do you think we have a chairman telling us we are shooting for promotion and we now sit second bottom and being told Duffy is going to take us to the Championship, then days later he's gone. It is an absolute disaster happening in front of our eyes and all you can say is "put your cards on the table or wrap it". How about doing some thinking for yourself.)

A formal request under the articles of the Club for an EGM with the requisite number of Owners signatures was served to the Chairman today. Whether or not there is a credible proposal behind is as yet unknown.....but there's the incoming takeover bid I earlier alluded to. I may be right on the other stuff also.


Have a lovely evening.

Lol is that it? 4 days for this?

Always satisfying to see people resort to the classic “ figure it out yourself” or “ Do your own research” when challenged on their claims. 

For what it’s worth you and me are in agreement and on the same side of our opinions on the board, I just happen to think you are going about it in the completely wrong way.  I can see just fine what’s going on and certainly don’t “ need my eyes opened” by anyone especially not a Walter Mitty. 

Hope you have a lovely evening 

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22 minutes ago, Ocelot1877 said:

Lol is that it? 4 days for this?

Always satisfying to see people resort to the classic “ figure it out yourself” or “ Do your own research” when challenged on their claims. 

For what it’s worth you and me are in agreement and on the same side of our opinions on the board, I just happen to think you are going about it in the completely wrong way.  I can see just fine what’s going on and certainly don’t “ need my eyes opened” by anyone especially not a Walter Mitty. 

Hope you have a lovely evening 

 It's great when you lose an argument to resort to abuse and name calling.....thanks for your considered advice about how I am going about things...I'll treasure it. Night night.

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11 minutes ago, Harry Hood Fan Club said:

 It's great when you lose an argument to resort to abuse and name calling.....thanks for your considered advice about how I am going about things...I'll treasure it. Night night.

😂😂😂 “ Abuse and name calling”

Keep telling yourself whatever you need to hear bud. 

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So it seems there is indeed a live attempt to replace the board and while I understand why there may be a drive for this, it does raise alarm bells for me.

I may be way off the mark here but can anyone involved give any assurance that they will have a relationship with the recent benefactor and that he will work with the potential new people or walk away in support of the existing board who he has been negotiating with.

Also concern that at a critical time in the Crownpoint bid, do the proposed new group have the current knowledge to continue negotiating with present partners and supporters of our bid, given what seem they have created good rapport with many involved, do they have the expertise to move if successful, to implement the business plan and the necessary construction business case to progress? It’s a huge undertaking.

I have No association with current nor the “new group” but as I say I am worried about the timing, personally I think now Duffy is gone there should be a period of reflection at least until the Crownpoint bid is decided as I fear any further disruption will have a catastrophic effect on that. 

I’m sure many may feel that such a change is required and that’s their view, frustrated as we all are, I simply think it’s not the time… even a 3 month cooling off period may be prudent. I will look out my tin hat now for any reply. As I say I am like most on here just a long time supporter and owner.

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8 minutes ago, FREDDYFRY said:

So it seems there is indeed a live attempt to replace the board and while I understand why there may be a drive for this, it does raise alarm bells for me.

I may be way off the mark here but can anyone involved give any assurance that they will have a relationship with the recent benefactor and that he will work with the potential new people or walk away in support of the existing board who he has been negotiating with.

Also concern that at a critical time in the Crownpoint bid, do the proposed new group have the current knowledge to continue negotiating with present partners and supporters of our bid, given what seem they have created good rapport with many involved, do they have the expertise to move if successful, to implement the business plan and the necessary construction business case to progress? It’s a huge undertaking.

I have No association with current nor the “new group” but as I say I am worried about the timing, personally I think now Duffy is gone there should be a period of reflection at least until the Crownpoint bid is decided as I fear any further disruption will have a catastrophic effect on that. 

I’m sure many may feel that such a change is required and that’s their view, frustrated as we all are, I simply think it’s not the time… even a 3 month cooling off period may be prudent. I will look out my tin hat now for any reply. As I say I am like most on here just a long time supporter and owner.

Totally agree

I was one calling for an EGM however now that Duffy has gone now isn’t the time for further disruption

I can understand the reasoning of those who have raised the proposal.  I am as frustrated by things as them the way things are at the moment

However unless those that have raised the action have an alternative(s) that is willing to stand up and show their plan to take the club forward any “no confidence” motion is futile.  We can’t just operate with no board

I would put any further disruption on the back burner until the Crownpoint matter is decided and we see evidence of the mystery supporter and to give McLean a run of games on his own to see what he can do 

There is two others teams on 1 point and one on 2 at the moment so we aren’t the only ones to start off badly

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6 minutes ago, FREDDYFRY said:

So it seems there is indeed a live attempt to replace the board and while I understand why there may be a drive for this, it does raise alarm bells for me.

I may be way off the mark here but can anyone involved give any assurance that they will have a relationship with the recent benefactor and that he will work with the potential new people or walk away in support of the existing board who he has been negotiating with.

Also concern that at a critical time in the Crownpoint bid, do the proposed new group have the current knowledge to continue negotiating with present partners and supporters of our bid, given what seem they have created good rapport with many involved, do they have the expertise to move if successful, to implement the business plan and the necessary construction business case to progress? It’s a huge undertaking.

I have No association with current nor the “new group” but as I say I am worried about the timing, personally I think now Duffy is gone there should be a period of reflection at least until the Crownpoint bid is decided as I fear any further disruption will have a catastrophic effect on that. 

I’m sure many may feel that such a change is required and that’s their view, frustrated as we all are, I simply think it’s not the time… even a 3 month cooling off period may be prudent. I will look out my tin hat now for any reply. As I say I am like most on here just a long time supporter and owner.

I understand your wariness of change now, but 3 month cooling off period is most likely to see us with one foot in the Lowland league as the current squad is nowhere near good enough. The mystery benefactor is as much a mystery as the proposed new investors. While those wanting change are asked to reveal all, it seems the current Board can hide their hand. There in lies the problem. If Mr or Mrs X exists they have a right be anonymous but the Board have a duty to let members know what deal they have cut. 





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3 hours ago, Bullyweeno1 said:

Totally agree

I was one calling for an EGM however now that Duffy has gone now isn’t the time for further disruption

I can understand the reasoning of those who have raised the proposal.  I am as frustrated by things as them the way things are at the moment

However unless those that have raised the action have an alternative(s) that is willing to stand up and show their plan to take the club forward any “no confidence” motion is futile.  We can’t just operate with no board

I would put any further disruption on the back burner until the Crownpoint matter is decided and we see evidence of the mystery supporter and to give McLean a run of games on his own to see what he can do 

There is two others teams on 1 point and one on 2 at the moment so we aren’t the only ones to start off badly

Apparently an EGM has to now be called as an official letter has been issued to the Chairman with the requisite number of signatures from owners to make it happen under the articles of the Club.

Are you saying having been one to call for an EGM you wish now not to have one?

Is your name one of the names on the letter to the chairman?

Does this mean others who may have called for an EGM now feel the same way as you?

if you were calling for an EGM do you know what is being proposed at the EGM.

Is there a takeover bid coming?

Who is involved?

Do they have financial security and proof of funds and a robust plan to improve the Club?

Do they have knowledge of the new benefactor the Chairman is talking about? Do they think they can retain him as he is a historical Clyde supporter?

Do they have an alternative to Crown Point should the bid fail?

If you didn’t sign the letter as one of the requisite number of owners and merely were calling for an EGM as a sign of your protest about the situation at the Club then I guess you might not have asked all the questions I have raised.

If you have signed the letter as an owner, then I feel sure you must have asked the questions above

of whomsoever it is that is proposing the takeover.


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3 hours ago, Harry Hood Fan Club said:

Something we will all enjoy when the football and and Club structure warrants it.

Aye you’re right, only worth talking about when it’s going well. Keep up the individual arguments instead. 

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33 minutes ago, Harry Hood Fan Club said:

Will do, thanks, enjoy your Sunday.

Well what we have now is part 1 of my wish list Duffy is out the equation part 2 is get rid of the rookie manager and bring an experienced manager with a proven track record.The club needs a manager the fans can get behind and believe in what we don’t need is to take a punt on a manager with no experience.I think there is a coaching role for McLean at the club but it’s not ready to be the manager.part 3 we need a new chairman as the current chairman is drowning in his own bad decisions.Now for my next prediction Stranraer beat us on Saturday we hit rock bottom and  prop up league 2 and Ollie McDonald scores against us.

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3 minutes ago, JIMMY CHOO said:

Well what we have now is part 1 of my wish list Duffy is out the equation part 2 is get rid of the rookie manager and bring an experienced manager with a proven track record.The club needs a manager the fans can get behind and believe in what we don’t need is to take a punt on a manager with no experience.I think there is a coaching role for McLean at the club but it’s not ready to be the manager.part 3 we need a new chairman as the current chairman is drowning in his own bad decisions.Now for my next prediction Stranraer beat us on Saturday we hit rock bottom and  prop up league 2 and Ollie McDonald scores against us.

Nothing to disagree with here. Change that pic though!!!!

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10 hours ago, Bullyweeno1 said:

Totally agree

I was one calling for an EGM however now that Duffy has gone now isn’t the time for further disruption

I can understand the reasoning of those who have raised the proposal.  I am as frustrated by things as them the way things are at the moment

However unless those that have raised the action have an alternative(s) that is willing to stand up and show their plan to take the club forward any “no confidence” motion is futile.  We can’t just operate with no board

I would put any further disruption on the back burner until the Crownpoint matter is decided and we see evidence of the mystery supporter and to give McLean a run of games on his own to see what he can do 

There is two others teams on 1 point and one on 2 at the moment so we aren’t the only ones to start off badly

When will that be?

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15 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

When will that be?

Brian McLean might be a great manager given time but we are rolling the dice and to be fair to him this is not his team and they are not his signings and he has inherited a pile of shite but having said that he is I’ll equipped to deal with all this.Jim Duffy has managed to recruit an even worse squad than Danny Lennon and that in its self is some achievement not to be proud of.Being logical about this with a rookie manager and the so-called good players we have out injured the decline will continue until the manager is replaced with an experienced manager.Me personally I would park the bus play with 5 at the back  and try and grind out results or we will get relegated into the lowland league.Hopefully someone will read this and realise the top priority is to replace the manager now.

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1 minute ago, JIMMY CHOO said:

Brian McLean might be a great manager given time but we are rolling the dice and to be fair to him this is not his team and they are not his signings and he has inherited a pile of shite but having said that he is I’ll equipped to deal with all this.Jim Duffy has managed to recruit an even worse squad than Danny Lennon and that in its self is some achievement not to be proud of.Being logical about this with a rookie manager and the so-called good players we have out injured the decline will continue until the manager is replaced with an experienced manager.Me personally I would park the bus play with 5 at the back  and try and grind out results or we will get relegated into the lowland league.Hopefully someone will read this and realise the top priority is to replace the manager now.

I was actually asking about when the Crown Point bid would be known...

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7 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

I was actually asking about when the Crown Point bid would be known...


8 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

I was actually asking about when the Crown Point bid would be known...

September but I think there is a bit of a crisis going on at the minute with the board and the rookie manager🤔

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7 hours ago, Harry Hood Fan Club said:

Apparently an EGM has to now be called as an official letter has been issued to the Chairman with the requisite number of signatures from owners to make it happen under the articles of the Club.

Are you saying having been one to call for an EGM you wish now not to have one? Verbally I have called for an EGM but didn’t sign the letter to call for one

Is your name one of the names on the letter to the chairman? No

Does this mean others who may have called for an EGM now feel the same way as you? You would need to ask them their names will be on the EGM request form and if you are an owner you are entitled to see it

if you were calling for an EGM do you know what is being proposed at the EGM. Know no more than the typed bit of paper that was handed out at yesterdays game saying EGM was called as a “no confidence” vote in the board - expect you would have seen this but then again if you weren’t there yesterday you won’t have

Is there a takeover bid coming? Don’t know

Who is involved? Don’t know if a bid is even coming

Do they have financial security and proof of funds and a robust plan to improve the Club? Dont know if a bid is even coming

Do they have knowledge of the new benefactor the Chairman is talking about? Do they think they can retain him as he is a historical Clyde supporter? Dont know if a bid is even coming

Do they have an alternative to Crown Point should the bid fail? Don’t know if a bid is even coming

If you didn’t sign the letter as one of the requisite number of owners and merely were calling for an EGM as a sign of your protest about the situation at the Club then I guess you might not have asked all the questions I have raised.  I was only calling for one to get Duffy out of the door.  That has happened so let things settle now until at least we know the status of Crownpoint bid

If you have signed the letter as an owner, then I feel sure you must have asked the questions above of whomsoever it is that is proposing the takeover. I didn’t sign the EGM letter



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