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Stirling Albion Season 24/25 Thread

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On 06/06/2023 at 13:09, BB_Bino said:

He's become a very good player for us and as last season progressed, probably became the main Ball Winner in the middle of the park. When he first broke through, he was played as a Centre Back and I'm not sure if it was him out of position or just simply being a youngster playing pro football, but he had some "cover the eyes" moments. It's funny because we signed big Duffy from Clyde to be the Midfield enforcer and he was pretty rank for us, but when he was injured/suspended, Banner came in and really looked the part. Since then he has gone from strength to strength and has grown into the role. Can't sing the lads praises high enough.

Kyle just plays a simple passing game on the deck. Nothing fancy,  just  consistently finds a red shirt with the ball and keeps the team going forward.  In the opposition's face for every high ball.  He's been absolutely vital in midfield  for me.

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On 05/06/2023 at 14:18, Quentin Taranbino said:


Brian Hamilton has been our new 'Operations Director' for two months now and we have heard absolutely nothing from him - no video, no interview, no social media, not even a statement on the website. Assuming he is the person 'leading' our club from the playing side of things, he has been an absolute ghost so far. I'm giving benefit of the doubt so far that he is waiting until new season before springing alive and coming into the foray. Would be nice to hear from him and have regular club updates.


The role Brian Hamilton was quoted as taking up was "operations director of football."  A clumsy job description for  a D.O.F.   From that job description you can absolve yourself from confusion over his lack of communication.  That's not his job.  Surely that's Dunn's job in the current set up?

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On 05/06/2023 at 18:01, StewartyMac said:

The fact there hasn't been a peep from the club since the end of the season other than the Hilson signing is disgraceful. Club should be going full pelt at this point to get as many season tickets sold as possible to increase the budget for the playing staff. It's starting to take the shine off the wonderful end to the season. This is the new board's first close season, its vital they get things right here, otherwise our visit to this league could be a short one. 

I have my doubts the budget will be increased Stewarty.  The ousted board left 450K in the bank behind them. What we have in the bank now I do not know, as information doesn't exactly flow.  All I do know is that we lost one of our biggest sponsors in Dron and Dickson, which our new regime kept quiet about.  You know, transparency and all that pish.

No new sponsors have been found despite  the just oodles of people supposedly lined up to invest the second Stuart Brown was gone.  That leads me to guess that Daren's budget  will be maintained but not increased.

I won't be raging, but I'll be very disappointed not to see some version of a red with white sleeves jersey return.

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I would have hoped that with the better crowds second half of the season, higher than usual merchandise sales and hopefully increased season ticket sales would have made up for any loss of income.

It's all very quiet though so we can only speculate.


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Now that the ultra democratic exercise of voting for any Alistair Dunn you liked as chairman, or have no chairman at  all has been concluded, I have a question.  Where is the 5 year business plan that was supposed to be a MUST have for any new board?   I know it's rude to ask the bleeding obvious, but where is it Alistair?

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3 hours ago, WC Boggs said:

Now that the ultra democratic exercise of voting for any Alistair Dunn you liked as chairman, or have no chairman at  all has been concluded, I have a question.  Where is the 5 year business plan that was supposed to be a MUST have for any new board?   I know it's rude to ask the bleeding obvious, but where is it Alistair?

Here we go again! Give it a break.Im absolutely sick of your anti Trust Board shit stirring crap.Last seasons successful campaign has only been finished a few weeks.Have a break and chill out just like every other club at present.

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Regardless of what "side" anyone was/is on, it's all done,  dusted and in the past now and it's time to look to the future and move on together as one club. The infighting helps nobody. People have three options now;

1. Accept what's done is done and move on with supporting the club.

2. Not accept how things went and quietly walk away 

3. Take a break from following the club and come back when good and ready to carry out 1 or 2.

Sniping, causing arguments, personal insults, hurling abuse from the sidelines, in person or online helps absolutely nobody.

We are only a small club with a relatively small fan base, I would rather not lose a single supporter however if you aren't prepared to accept what has happened for the good of the team then its probably best to take a break from the club completely.

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8 hours ago, Quentin Taranbino said:

St Johnstone, Ayr, Alloa and Stennie in the League Cup group. Quite happy with that travel wise and the competitiveness.

Does anyone have any idea when our pre season starts or any friendlies planed?

Pretty sure the manager said 15th June for pre season.

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2 hours ago, MrBeeno said:

Here we go again! Give it a break.Im absolutely sick of your anti Trust Board shit stirring crap.Last seasons successful campaign has only been finished a few weeks.Have a break and chill out just like every other club at present.

I've been absolutely sick of anti club board arseholes plotting coups and  stirring crap for 6 years, but on it went until we are where we are.  So you know where you can shove greeting for unity and lack of scrutiny now.  

Accountability and transparency was the war cry.  Now it's the standard that has to be, but isn't being set.  So  just take a break and chill out, while those of us who really believe in that don't stick our heads in sand to keep you happy.

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2 hours ago, Quentin Taranbino said:

Regardless of what "side" anyone was/is on, it's all done,  dusted and in the past now and it's time to look to the future and move on together as one club. The infighting helps nobody. People have three options now;

1. Accept what's done is done and move on with supporting the club.

2. Not accept how things went and quietly walk away 

3. Take a break from following the club and come back when good and ready to carry out 1 or 2.

Sniping, causing arguments, personal insults, hurling abuse from the sidelines, in person or online helps absolutely nobody.

We are only a small club with a relatively small fan base, I would rather not lose a single supporter however if you aren't prepared to accept what has happened for the good of the team then its probably best to take a break from the club completely.

There is option 4.  Accept a coup was successful and that there won't be a counter coup.  Continue supporting the team regardless of contempt felt for those who performed and supported the coup.  Resist attempts at repression of due criticism and hold people to the standards they claimed to represent.  I'm going with option 4.  

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From the outside I always thought Stirling Albion were a well run, organised Club, but reading the last few posts it appears that all is not so hunky-dory behind the scenes, I'm curious as to what the problem seems to be. 

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9 hours ago, BB_Bino said:

He did, can’t find the quote but it was in a Stirling Observer interview

I remember it from his post match interview with SATV after the last game. Am sure he said the players had 6 weeks before they were back at it on 15th June. 

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1 hour ago, Fae_the_'briggs said:

From the outside I always thought Stirling Albion were a well run, organised Club, but reading the last few posts it appears that all is not so hunky-dory behind the scenes, I'm curious as to what the problem seems to be. 

Probably best to not go there, and to be honest, it's not something that I personally want to regurgitate. There are pages and pages of it in the League 2 forum if you are really that intrigued about the goings on.....certainly at the early part of last season. People who know me know my own views however if you are looking for a topic more divisive than Scottish Independence or Brexit then you have found it, so for that, I'm out of talking about it publicly, on here or in person.  

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2 hours ago, Fae_the_'briggs said:

From the outside I always thought Stirling Albion were a well run, organised Club, but reading the last few posts it appears that all is not so hunky-dory behind the scenes, I'm curious as to what the problem seems to be. 

In the nuttiest of nutshells without details;

There have been two warring boards - the trust board that own the club and the club board that do the day to day running of the club.

Over the past few years there have countless attempts to remove, embarrass, insult, withhold information, publicly humiliate each other. There were supporters (and still are) on each side.

This got significantly bad last year at the start of the 22/23 season. Genuinely humiliating for all involved and especially supporters. 

The club board were eventually removed/walked and over the course of the season just gone the trust board had established an interim club board and now as of about two months ago, a new permanent club board is in place (although nobody has heard from them yet).

As I stated before, regardless of who was in right and wrong and sides people were on. It's all behind us now, it was utterly embarrassing as it all played out and I (like most fans) have no desire to go into the details of it or relive it again. 

There is nothing now to hide, it's all mostly in the thread in the league two forum if you really want to indulge in the worst of it all.

There are of course fans who can't let it go and will consistently bring it up and use it still to point score but the majority of supporters (on both sides) just wish to move on.

Hope that helps 

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3 hours ago, Fae_the_'briggs said:

From the outside I always thought Stirling Albion were a well run, organised Club, but reading the last few posts it appears that all is not so hunky-dory behind the scenes, I'm curious as to what the problem seems to be. 

Try two attempted coups, two civil wars and the club getting  repeatedly trashed in the press courtesy of  the wannabe board and it's supporters.  It's a six year saga mate. Reduced now to say nothing, question nothing,  just bend over.  It's not worth your time.

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21 hours ago, Quentin Taranbino said:

St Johnstone, Ayr, Alloa and Stennie in the League Cup group. Quite happy with that travel wise and the competitiveness.

Does anyone have any idea when our pre season starts or any friendlies planed?

As mentioned before training is due to restart on Thursday 15 th of June which is around 4 weeks before the first league cup match and hopefully fit in about 4 friendlies in that time.

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Update from our IT director on the website now. 

Looks like season ticket info and matchday prices will be out next week. We will be trialling e-tickets for the coming season too with the friendlies and league cup games being the guinea pig games

Confirmation that a new website is coming too which is great news.


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