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US Presidential Election 2024


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, BFTD said:

I do kind of agree that the Democrats would still be fucked if they managed to force Biden to resign. They've no clear candidate to rally behind and, being politicians, they'd all have the knives out for each other over the next few months. To the average swing voter, it would (quite fairly) look like chaos. Even for the folk who've realised that Trump v2.0 would be A Bad Thing, it's hardly a great motivator to bother voting, considering how few Americans usually do anyway.

They've had four years to prepare for this and, as usual, they've sat with their thumbs up their arses assuming everything was going to work out in the end. I can only assume it's because the people making the decisions know that defeat doesn't actually affect them or their lives in any meaningful way. Imagine the difference in approach if people like Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden had genuinely believed they were going to be persecuted/sanctioned/jailed/executed if the Republicans had control of government.

Who I think they will pick is Newsom. But Newsom will lose to Trump.


Who I think they should pick is Shapiro.  He would have a real chance of picking up the swing voters. 


Edited by The Other Foot
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Posted (edited)

The part of me that wants to see the world burn is disappointed that we won't get to see Hillary v The Donald II.

What's Al Gore up to these days? They were desperate to get him to run again for a while.

Edit: f**k, I just realised that Jimmy Carter is still alive, only served one term, and is more popular now than ever.

Edited by BFTD
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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:



Its heid in the sand to point out there is no reasonable mechanism to replace Biden outwith a knife fight at the Convention? The Democratic Super Delegates, who swung the Obama over Clinton decision, are now out on the first ballot. They only get to join in on the second and later rounds. Do you realize the chaos that would occur on the Democratic side? Yes, Biden’s a bad candidate, but we’ve driven the truck up the hill, now we gotta steer as it careens down the opposite side.

Trump’s “truths” are getting more and more unstable and deranged, with threats to tribunals and such…and now the Supreme Court has OK’d a s**tload of behaviors that would horrify the “founding fathers”. It’s pretty clear this is gonna be either grandpa running the country, mainly via advisors, or Il Duce V2.0, with added elements of the Khmer Rouge. That’s the voters choice, and the face eating leopard party is well in the running…so you lot enjoy the excitement until you remember who’ll be controlling the nukes.

The numbers for both candidates are in the toilet…the polls are swinging wildly depending upon day, pollster and question design. The “winner” is nowhere near certain, the losers are pretty clear…all of us. If Trump wins, it will almost certainly be the third time in recent years the loser of the popular vote wins the Presidency, and God knows how that will play out…if Biden wins, the MAGA movement will likely implode into recriminations, accusations and infighting…

It’s gonna be fireworks from at least the Fourth till November Fifth…

Edited by TxRover
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If I was facing the 'gravest threat to democracy in the history of the world' I would simply not put up a lukewarm corpse as his opponent.

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I know we all have issues with family members but the Kennedy clan must be in full shame/embarrassment mode at the actions of Bobby Junior.

Whatever the reality of who and what they were the family is still revered by many in the States; he’s certainly fucking up that legacy.  I can see many more disreputable stories emerge over the coming months.

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3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I know we all have issues with family members but the Kennedy clan must be in full shame/embarrassment mode at the actions of Bobby Junior.

Whatever the reality of who and what they were the family is still revered by many in the States; he’s certainly fucking up that legacy.  I can see many more disreputable stories emerge over the coming months.

You mean his uncle’s murdering of 50,000 people in Vietnam wasn’t embarrassing enough?

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1 minute ago, The Other Foot said:

You mean his uncle’s murdering of 50,000 people in Vietnam wasn’t embarrassing enough?

You’re inability to read a post should come as a surprise, but it doesn’t.

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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Your inability to read a post should come as a surprise, but it doesn’t.

Firstly, it’s spelt ‘your’.


Secondly, the murders in Vietnam should be enough embarrassment to quell any sense of reverence. 

Happy to help, you big conspiracy-loving rogue, you 😉

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2 hours ago, Cheese said:

Bobby is living his best life. Leave him alone.

Leaked report he’s facing a sexual assault charge…gotta wonder if that’s coming from the Trump camp (the leak, that is).

More suggestions that Biden may drop out…but every option polled did worse against Trump, except one…Michelle Obama, who is not interested. Will be interesting to watch.

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55 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Leaked report he’s facing a sexual assault charge…gotta wonder if that’s coming from the Trump camp (the leak, that is).

More suggestions that Biden may drop out…but every option polled did worse against Trump, except one…Michelle Obama, who is not interested. Will be interesting to watch.

Newsom didn't appear to feature in these projections - why was that ?

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Latest assessment from a reasonable connected analyst, regarding the Biden meeting with the Governors and the statements of support afterwards, especial from those mooted as possible replacements:

1) Biden met with them and they believe he’s fine.

2) Dark Brandon met with them and explained he’s got the delegates and he ain’t dropping out. Secondary argument, this suggests he is OK.

3) The Governors came into the meeting with a plan to replace Biden and…

     a) …he convinced them otherwise.

     b) …he failed to convince them, but they agreed to glad hand the press to allow him time to withdraw on his own, under his own terms,

     c) …he failed to convince them, and they are gaslighting the press while the plan moves ahead in the background.


The basic problem is no other (reasonable) candidate polls better than Biden vs Trump right now. Michelle Obama does, but isn’t interested in the job. The “changes” in polling are all well within the MOE of the polls, so it’s far from clear the debate actually changed anyone’s mind. The polls on “is Biden too old”, miss the obvious question of what about the geriatric other f**ker in the race? Trump will be older than Biden was when he was elected, so the polls not exploring that question are missing a step, especially as we now have the oldest average age for the two top candidates ever.

The good news is that this election has the potential to drive a stake through the heart of most Baby Boom politicians, with only the youngest ones able to still effectively run for major offices.

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On 01/07/2024 at 07:11, The Other Foot said:

Who I think they will pick is Newsom. But Newsom will lose to Trump.


Who I think they should pick is Shapiro.  He would have a real chance of picking up the swing voters. 


Which Shapiro? Josh? Ben? Helen?

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