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US Presidential Election 2024


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20 minutes ago, BTFD said:

Yes please; make it so. The only thing that would make President Trump 2: Trump Harder less depressing would be the ability to laugh at the most embarrassing Vice President they've ever had soil herself on a daily basis.

Maybe she'd pick Boebert as her VP for the 2028 run, and they could try to start a fire by rubbing their brain cells together. Or have a massive catfight about who's more of a nutcase; either or.

I thought Booboo and the missing link had fallen out due to the latter’s supporting McCarthy for Speaker? 

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2 minutes ago, carpetmonster said:

I thought Booboo and the missing link had fallen out due to the latter’s supporting McCarthy for Speaker? 

Yeah, I think the Jewish Space Laser freakshow is now considered a RINO by Boebert and the handful of other loonies, who are now carefully studying each other to see who's the next witch to be burned.

Seems to be some kind of Highlander, "there can be only one" situation.

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Trump elects to skip Republican Presidential Debates to go on a show with Tucker Carlson. Strange decision by a Presidential Candidate, as he needs to reach the Independents to win the election. Skipping the debate costs him a possible audience that might include some of those voters, in exchange for an audience of true believers who may contribute to his defence funds!? Going on CNN to counter-program the debates would have been Candidate Trump’s best choice…going on Tucker's show to raise money is Defendant Trump’s best choice. Is Trump honestly still running for President…or is he using the showcase of the Presidential run to raise funds while knowing he can’t win?

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49 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Trump elects to skip Republican Presidential Debates to go on a show with Tucker Carlson. Strange decision by a Presidential Candidate, as he needs to reach the Independents to win the election. Skipping the debate costs him a possible audience that might include some of those voters, in exchange for an audience of true believers who may contribute to his defence funds!? Going on CNN to counter-program the debates would have been Candidate Trump’s best choice…going on Tucker's show to raise money is Defendant Trump’s best choice. Is Trump honestly still running for President…or is he using the showcase of the Presidential run to raise funds while knowing he can’t win?

I think Christie is the one guy who can press Trump’s buttons in an open debate and Trump is too much of a coward to appear alongside him.

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21 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I think Christie is the one guy who can press Trump’s buttons in an open debate and Trump is too much of a coward to appear alongside him.

Trump gains very little and risks a lot in a debate, exactly because he’s liable to get his buttons pushed. He could also, quite easily, talk himself into a conviction. It’s just interesting that Trump seems to have honestly abandoned the general election. His current unfavourable numbers are insane… he’s hovering in the 55-56% unfavourable overall, with net favourability in the -15% to -25% range. He’s becoming literally unelectable, with over 32% of Republican’s now saying they view him unfavourably. The big move came after the second indictment, and we have yet to see polls reflecting any change after the third one.

53% of Americans said they “would not vote for Trump”…plus 11% “probably would not…”, it’s nasty. While Biden’s numbers aren’t great, they aren’t that bad. As it stands, “neither of the above” voters break almost 2 to 1 for Biden. With a hypothetical 43%-43% deal heat, that would result in a 53-49 or so Biden win without considering that almost 14% of that 43% have said they wouldn’t vote for Trump.

Imagine Trump winning the nomination, getting convicted, and then losing perhaps 60%-30% with another Republican taking 10%. That would likely result in a Carter style defeat for Trump, 489-49, and be one for the record books. I hope this is true, but the b*****d has more lives than Michael Myers.

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There's every chance Trump is just hiding behind the Presidential race to reduce the chance that he'll go to jail for quite some time - thinking being that they'll not want to hammer anyone who's trying to take part in their version of democracy. Some lolz if he won the Republican nomination and then got 10 years between then and the election. 

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Woman murdered for flying a LGBT flag from her shop in California.

The new wave of anti-LGBT sentiment has entirely come from DeSantis and his wider network. It should be understood that he's really just a front man for that network not its mastermind. Its bankrolled by many sources but a prominent one are the Wilks brothers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_and_Farris_Wilks). Libs of Tiktok, Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles, all funded by the WIlks brothers. Homophobia is their main focus, a result of which is stochastic terrorism like that California murder on Friday.

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23 hours ago, FreedomFarter said:


Woman murdered for flying a LGBT flag from her shop in California.

The new wave of anti-LGBT sentiment has entirely come from DeSantis and his wider network. It should be understood that he's really just a front man for that network not its mastermind. Its bankrolled by many sources but a prominent one are the Wilks brothers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_and_Farris_Wilks). Libs of Tiktok, Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles, all funded by the WIlks brothers. Homophobia is their main focus, a result of which is stochastic terrorism like that California murder on Friday.

It’s sickening though there will be tens of millions who will refuse to condemn it or even actively support it.

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Never heard of Ramaswamy.


Looks up Ramaswamy...  


“I think it is legitimate to say how many police, how many federal agents, were on the planes that hit the Twin Towers,” Ramaswamy said, in a profile published by the Atlantic on Monday.

“Maybe the answer is zero. It probably is zero for all I know, right? I have no reason to think it was anything other than zero. But if we’re doing a comprehensive assessment of what happened on 9/11, we have a 9/11 commission, absolutely that should be an answer the public knows the answer to.”

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We've also no idea how many Bigfoots Sasquaches were on board the 9/11 flights. Why has the federal government not published this information?

Massacres in schools, hate crimes on the rise, countless communities slowly rotting into oblivion, and this is the kind of shit America's leadership candidates are using to avoid talking about it all.

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1 hour ago, BTFD said:

We've also no idea how many Bigfoots Sasquaches were on board the 9/11 flights. Why has the federal government not published this information?

Massacres in schools, hate crimes on the rise, countless communities slowly rotting into oblivion, and this is the kind of shit America's leadership candidates are using to avoid talking about it all.

Conspiracy theorism translates into Republican party votes, for the reasons you point out, so the Republican party actively encourage it. It's therefore in the Democratic party's interests to reduce the amount of conspiracy theorism but their own ideological leanings hamper them. 9/11 Trutherism like that of Rawasamy was never properly countered by Democrats. Sneering at the conspiracy theorists or just trying to feign authority by continually using words like "facts" doesn't do a lot. A fully explanatory narrative is needed, one based in material reality. 9/11 was a result of US foreign policy and that case needed made relentlessly. However, the Democrats couldn't make it because it'd damn themselves. While not quite as in bed with Saudi Arabia as the Republican party were, the Democrats were still very firmly in that Saudi bed. Republicans and Democrats agreed to invade Afghanistan in response to a terrorist attack in New York by (mostly) Saudis not Afghans. That doesn't make sense and Americans could see that. No explanation for this incoherence was forthcoming so conspiracy theorists stepped in to fill the vacuum.  

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11 hours ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

Never heard of Ramaswamy.


Looks up Ramaswamy...  


“I think it is legitimate to say how many police, how many federal agents, were on the planes that hit the Twin Towers,” Ramaswamy said, in a profile published by the Atlantic on Monday.

“Maybe the answer is zero. It probably is zero for all I know, right? I have no reason to think it was anything other than zero. But if we’re doing a comprehensive assessment of what happened on 9/11, we have a 9/11 commission, absolutely that should be an answer the public knows the answer to.”

How many times did the US Government change the official story regarding 911 within the first several years following it?

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11 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

I had never heard heard of Ramaswamy either until yesterday. I looked up his Wiki page assumimg he was going to be a slightly less insane Respublican candidate..

Looks like they're platforming people who will make Trump look like the well balanced diplomat when selection time comes. They've got their work cut out though ...

"I think Pocahontas, she's finished, she's out. She's gone. No, when it was found that I had more Indian blood in me than she did." - He nicknamed Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas' after she claimed to have Indian heritage.

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17 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I heard someone suggest that all the GOP candidates except for Pence, Christie and maybe DeSantis just want Trump to pick them for the VP job, so they won't say anything against him.

You got any bets on ?

Mulling over a small wager on Pence.

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