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US Presidential Election 2024


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I've managed to completely avoid any of the debate but did read a blog post about the Haitians in Springfield question.


I did also see someone point out that Springfield Ohio has 60,000 residents and nine rehab facilities.  I'm sure the issues there are all the Haitians!

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Bryan Heck, the city manager of Springfield, Ohio announced ""there have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed, injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community."

He didn't say 

"there is no credible evidence of pets being stolen and eaten by anybody"

Basically he's not ruling out the idea that there are natural born Americans eating puppies in Ohio


Edited by topcat(The most tip top)
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19 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

Bryan Heck, the city manager of Springfield, Ohio announced "there is no credible evidence of pets being stolen and eaten by the immigrant community"

He didn't say 

"there is no credible evidence of pets being stolen and eaten by anybody"

Basically he's not ruling out the idea that there are natural born Americans eating puppies in Ohio


The only possible conclusion to draw from this is that ordinary hard-working Americans are being forced to eat their neighbours' pets cos the (transgender communist prisoner) illegals are taking all the food.

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23 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

Bryan Heck, the city manager of Springfield, Ohio announced "there is no credible evidence of pets being stolen and eaten by the immigrant community"

He didn't say 

"there is no credible evidence of pets being stolen and eaten by anybody"

Basically he's not ruling out the idea that there are natural born Americans eating puppies in Ohio


Bry heck you’re right!

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59 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

Bryan Heck, the city manager of Springfield, Ohio announced ""there have been no credible reports or specific claims of pets being harmed,mm injured or abused by individuals within the immigrant community."

He didn't say 

"there is no credible evidence of pets being stolen and eaten by anybody"

Basically he's not ruling out the idea that there are natural born Americans eating puppies in Ohio


Trump defends the rights of freedom loving Americans to eat their pets if they want to.

He just doesn't think immigrants should be allowed to do so.

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I thought it was just bad to eat other people's pets? This reeks of the Facebook maws, chalk markings, and gypsies stealing yer dug for fighting rings.

Considering the volume of strays that animal welfare centres put down, I'm genuinely surprised that one of the MAGA weirdos hasn't suggested that people who can't afford eggs, bacon, and cereals get some dug carcasses from the ASPCA.

Better yet, rescue centres could add a drive-thru window to the crematorium.


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Trump claiming he won the debate raises issues.

In the past I would have just assumed it was the usual bullshit and spin, but I’m wondering if he’s reached the point where he genuinely cannot see what is so obvious to everyone else.


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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump claiming he won the debate raises issues.

In the past I would have just assumed it was the usual bullshit and spin, but I’m wondering if he’s reached the point where he genuinely cannot see what is so obvious to everyone else.


Or, maybe he did.

I really, really don't think so, but neither of us are anywhere close to being the kinds of people he's looking to convince. Perhaps it'll turn out that constantly raving about fictional hordes of imergant murderers and dead babies is exactly what turns on swing voters in key states. It certainly won't turn off an absolutely whopping percentage of the American population - he ought to be polling sub-Mondale figures after that kind of shit, but so many people want to live in his nightmare world.

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23 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Or, maybe he did.

I really, really don't think so, but neither of us are anywhere close to being the kinds of people he's looking to convince. Perhaps it'll turn out that constantly raving about fictional hordes of imergant murderers and dead babies is exactly what turns on swing voters in key states. It certainly won't turn off an absolutely whopping percentage of the American population - he ought to be polling sub-Mondale figures after that kind of shit, but so many people want to live in his nightmare world.

The independent post-debate polls suggest otherwise.  As does the comments of the less partisan conservative commentators.

The point of the debate was to convince the undecideds to vote for him.  His ramblings may have endeared him further to the nut jobs already voting for him but would not have won over the swing voters in the swing states who will ultimately decide this election.

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It is incredibly funny that a guy who talked about people eating cats and dogs in his biggest pitch to the nations voters is almost running neck and neck for the win.

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2 minutes ago, Cheese said:

It is incredibly funny that a guy who talked about people eating cats and dogs in his biggest pitch to the nations voters is almost running neck and neck for the win.

The more he waffles on about eating cats, the less level things become.  Harris didn’t even need to respond to come out on top of that particular argument.

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2 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

The independent post-debate polls suggest otherwise.  As does the comments of the less partisan conservative commentators.

The point of the debate was to convince the undecideds to vote for him.  His ramblings may have endeared him further to the nut jobs already voting for him but would not have won over the swing voters in the swing states who will ultimately decide this election.

The really worrying thing is that, at best, a third of viewers watched that debate and though the ranting auld fantasist came off best.

The conspiracist loons like to believe we're being run by alien lizard people; I'm not sure why they've decided to believe that would be a bad thing, considering the appalling decisions we make as a species.

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Television is a powerful propaganda tool, and I was pretty alarmed by a vox pop the BBC did in a town in the Michigan rustbelt.

The people interviewed weren't simpletons but they applied a simple logic, one that placed their trust in Trump's populism basically because they felt they had very little to lose. 

There are plenty of American voters who are existing very far from The Dream but the are sure well capable of delivering the Electoral Nightmare, something we sophisticated P & B savants should maybe consider.

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6 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Television is a powerful propaganda tool, and I was pretty alarmed by a vox pop the BBC did in a town in the Michigan rustbelt.

The people interviewed weren't simpletons but they applied a simple logic, one that placed their trust in Trump's populism basically because they felt they had very little to lose. 

There are plenty of American voters who are existing very far from The Dream but the are sure well capable of delivering the Electoral Nightmare, something we sophisticated P & B savants should maybe consider.

As a species, crab mentality seems to be big with us. I have nothing, but so long as you do too, I'll be OK with it.

I think it's even more depressing than that, though. People are alright with being miserable so long as they can look at groups they consider inferior and see that they've got it worse. Seems like a pretty good deal for anyone running for political office.

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13 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

Fair enough for being bothered to go out and vote then mate; I’d probably sit on my arse at home in the circumstance. 

I've done that too. I mainly see if there is some other race on the polls I give a crap about.

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1 hour ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Television is a powerful propaganda tool, and I was pretty alarmed by a vox pop the BBC did in a town in the Michigan rustbelt.

The people interviewed weren't simpletons but they applied a simple logic, one that placed their trust in Trump's populism basically because they felt they had very little to lose. 

There are plenty of American voters who are existing very far from The Dream but the are sure well capable of delivering the Electoral Nightmare, something we sophisticated P & B savants should maybe consider.

I despise vox pops and think any respectable media organisation should avoid them.

Asking an unrepresentative sample of people their views on anything then presenting it as ‘news’ is lazy and poor journalism.

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I doubt he'll lose many of his own votes over this, although you would expect Harris will pick up some after the debate.

He does cut an increasingly diminished figure now though, even physically going by the debate. A shadow of what he was back in 2016.

Age really catching up on him for sure, but even back then, amongst the weird stuff and dogwhistles, there was political stuff behind it, Foreign Poilcy, America's role in the world, returning manufacturing jobs and so on, those huge rallies. Now it's just people eating cats and Hannibal Lector.

Looking back it's hard not to see the huge importance the strategists like Bannon had. God knows what goons he has behind the scenes these days, Marjorie Taylor Greene and sone terminally online crypto boys in red hats I guess, but the difference is telling.

He's running a carcrash campaign, possibly the worst in modern history, witht the unforced pick of undoubtedly the most voter repellent cretin available as his VP, and yet, he's still got a half decent shout here.

Greatest country in the world baby.

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20 minutes ago, Cheese said:

I doubt he'll lose many of his own votes over this, although you would expect Harris will pick up some after the debate.

He does cut an increasingly diminished figure now though, even physically going by the debate. A shadow of what he was back in 2016.

Age really catching up on him for sure, but even back then, amongst the weird stuff and dogwhistles, there was political stuff behind it, Foreign Poilcy, America's role in the world, returning manufacturing jobs and so on, those huge rallies. Now it's just people eating cats and Hannibal Lector.

Looking back it's hard not to see the huge importance the strategists like Bannon had. God knows what goons he has behind the scenes these days, Marjorie Taylor Greene and sone terminally online crypto boys in red hats I guess, but the difference is telling.

He's running a carcrash campaign, possibly the worst in modern history, witht the unforced pick of undoubtedly the most voter repellent cretin available as his VP, and yet, he's still got a half decent shout here.

Greatest country in the world baby.

Laura Loomer's traveling with him just now, if that tells you anything. 

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