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#Barclays 24/25


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4 hours ago, ClydeTon said:

Well then that makes it even more true.


Doing the same job for ridiculously more money is something any footballer would do. Greed, maybe, but ultimately he's just taking the best offer available. Plus, he's hardly going to get much gametime in Liverpool's new midfield and would struggle to fit into most PL Clubs.

Are you for real?

Some people actually have morals & arent driven by greed.

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9 minutes ago, Venti said:

Are you for real?

Some people actually have morals & arent driven by greed.

And most of those people aren't footballers, are they.

The ones in the PL have tonnes of money and yet every time they get a new deal it's tens of thousands of pounds more, a week.

They're almost all driven by money, and the ones going to Arabia certainly are - their views have, clearly, come second to the money on the table. Which is my point;  Money is quite good at corrupting people and these footballers are just getting more for the same job, basically free money. They won't care about anything else.

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4 minutes ago, ClydeTon said:

And most of those people aren't footballers, are they.

The ones in the PL have tonnes of money and yet every time they get a new deal it's tens of thousands of pounds more, a week.

They're almost all driven by money, and the ones going to Arabia certainly are - their views have, clearly, come second to the money on the table. Which is my point;  Money is quite good at corrupting people and these footballers are just getting more for the same job, basically free money. They won't care about anything else.

You're defending a hypocrite who actually said he'd not sign for a Saudi club.

Seems like you're doubling down however. So I'll give it a bye.

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1 hour ago, Venti said:

You're defending a hypocrite who actually said he'd not sign for a Saudi club.

Seems like you're doubling down however. So I'll give it a bye.

Again, Henderson's an elite footballer. He'll say whatever keeps people happy in the moment he's being asked. He most likely won't care about his hypocracy, as far as he'll be concerned, it's "his life"

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On 20/07/2023 at 18:20, DoingThe42 said:

As someone who has had the chance to take what would have been (for me) genuinely life-changing money in the ME but decided not to because I didn't want it on my conscience, I am quite happy to call out multi-millionaire footballers (especially ones who kid on to be LGBT supporters) as being vastly in the wrong for doing so.

Got to be honest, I am happy to quietly judge absolutely anybody who takes the money over there in any line of work. Slaves aside.

Which part of the middle east do you find particularly objectionable?

If it's their rarely enforced laws on homosexuality, their absolute monarchy or their death penalty - fine, but many of these factors would also preclude you from working in most parts of the world.

Henderson is only being signed because he's Gerrard's mate, it's no exaggeration that you could (easily) get 7 better players for that wage (especially as it's likely tax free). I think anyone who thinks he has ruined his reputation are those naive enough to believe PR pish from footballers in the first place.

So they do as directed by their club and don't passionately care about LGBT rights? So Jordan Henderson really does care deeply about the NHS and doesn't have private medical insurance for his entire family?

Henderson is just some random c**t, he's no better or worse than most people, and he is surrounded by agents etc who want to maximise his (and their) earnings. His views on gay people won't have suddenly changed because he plays in Saudi Arabia. If you took any some of morality from him, or any footballer, that's on you not them.

There will be plenty of gay professional footballers in Saudi Arabia (a similar proportion to anywhere else) and like the UK they won't disclose it publicly.

Working in the middle east doesn't mean you hate gay people, just like working in the US doesn't mean you love the death penalty or working in the UK means you love the Iraq war and building a new yacht for the royal family.

And, fwiw, the middle east is no where near one of the worst places in the world to be gay. Try Chechnya, Hondurans or Uganda. In a hypothetical scenario, if a player signed for a club in any of these countries, would he be getting the same criticism? Nope, anti gay, migrant working, human rights abuses etc seem disproportionately lobbed at middle eastern countries. 

Edited by Satoshi
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5 hours ago, Satoshi said:

Which part of the middle east do you find particularly objectionable?

If it's their rarely enforced laws on homosexuality, their absolute monarchy or their death penalty - fine, but many of these factors would also preclude you from working in most parts of the world.

Henderson is only being signed because he's Gerrard's mate, it's no exaggeration that you could (easily) get 7 better players for that wage (especially as it's likely tax free). I think anyone who thinks he has ruined his reputation are those naive enough to believe PR pish from footballers in the first place.

So they do as directed by their club and don't passionately care about LGBT rights? So Jordan Henderson really does care deeply about the NHS and doesn't have private medical insurance for his entire family?

Henderson is just some random c**t, he's no better or worse than most people, and he is surrounded by agents etc who want to maximise his (and their) earnings. His views on gay people won't have suddenly changed because he plays in Saudi Arabia. If you took any some of morality from him, or any footballer, that's on you not them.

There will be plenty of gay professional footballers in Saudi Arabia (a similar proportion to anywhere else) and like the UK they won't disclose it publicly.

Working in the middle east doesn't mean you hate gay people, just like working in the US doesn't mean you love the death penalty or working in the UK means you love the Iraq war and building a new yacht for the royal family.

And, fwiw, the middle east is no where near one of the worst places in the world to be gay. Try Chechnya, Hondurans or Uganda. In a hypothetical scenario, if a player signed for a club in any of these countries, would he be getting the same criticism? Nope, anti gay, migrant working, human rights abuses etc seem disproportionately lobbed at middle eastern countries. 

Take it from someone who knows, drunk posts are never a good idea. 

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8 hours ago, Satoshi said:

Which part of the middle east do you find particularly objectionable?

If it's their rarely enforced laws on homosexuality, their absolute monarchy or their death penalty - fine, but many of these factors would also preclude you from working in most parts of the world.

Henderson is only being signed because he's Gerrard's mate, it's no exaggeration that you could (easily) get 7 better players for that wage (especially as it's likely tax free). I think anyone who thinks he has ruined his reputation are those naive enough to believe PR pish from footballers in the first place.

So they do as directed by their club and don't passionately care about LGBT rights? So Jordan Henderson really does care deeply about the NHS and doesn't have private medical insurance for his entire family?

Henderson is just some random c**t, he's no better or worse than most people, and he is surrounded by agents etc who want to maximise his (and their) earnings. His views on gay people won't have suddenly changed because he plays in Saudi Arabia. If you took any some of morality from him, or any footballer, that's on you not them.

There will be plenty of gay professional footballers in Saudi Arabia (a similar proportion to anywhere else) and like the UK they won't disclose it publicly.

Working in the middle east doesn't mean you hate gay people, just like working in the US doesn't mean you love the death penalty or working in the UK means you love the Iraq war and building a new yacht for the royal family.

And, fwiw, the middle east is no where near one of the worst places in the world to be gay. Try Chechnya, Hondurans or Uganda. In a hypothetical scenario, if a player signed for a club in any of these countries, would he be getting the same criticism? Nope, anti gay, migrant working, human rights abuses etc seem disproportionately lobbed at middle eastern countries. 

That's a really, really bad post mate. 

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4 hours ago, Moomintroll said:

Take it from someone who knows, drunk posts are never a good idea. 


43 minutes ago, JMDPco said:

That's a really, really bad post mate. 

Wasn't drunk in the slightest (it was the morning here when I posted it).

I lived in the Middle East for years, as well as many other parts of the world. I am commenting on my lived experience.

The Western centric view of Middle East bad, UK / Europe / USA good is as wildly hypocritical as Jordan Henderson supposedly is.

It's no coincidence the world cup in Qatar received far more controversy than the World Cup in Russia despite the latter being, by any objective measure, a far more brutal regime (even in 2018). The Western media view on the middle east is patronising, out of date and often formed from some pretty deep seated racism. 

Back to the football, there is nothing wrong with any player playing in the middle east.

There is very many things wrong with taking your moral compass from random footballers.

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9 hours ago, Satoshi said:


Wasn't drunk in the slightest (it was the morning here when I posted it).

I lived in the Middle East for years, as well as many other parts of the world. I am commenting on my lived experience.

The Western centric view of Middle East bad, UK / Europe / USA good is as wildly hypocritical as Jordan Henderson supposedly is.

It's no coincidence the world cup in Qatar received far more controversy than the World Cup in Russia despite the latter being, by any objective measure, a far more brutal regime (even in 2018). The Western media view on the middle east is patronising, out of date and often formed from some pretty deep seated racism. 

Back to the football, there is nothing wrong with any player playing in the middle east.

There is very many things wrong with taking your moral compass from random footballers.

Yeah, another terrible post mate. 

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21 hours ago, Satoshi said:

Which part of the middle east do you find particularly objectionable?

If it's their rarely enforced laws on homosexuality, their absolute monarchy or their death penalty - fine, but many of these factors would also preclude you from working in most parts of the world.

Henderson is only being signed because he's Gerrard's mate, it's no exaggeration that you could (easily) get 7 better players for that wage (especially as it's likely tax free). I think anyone who thinks he has ruined his reputation are those naive enough to believe PR pish from footballers in the first place.

So they do as directed by their club and don't passionately care about LGBT rights? So Jordan Henderson really does care deeply about the NHS and doesn't have private medical insurance for his entire family?

Henderson is just some random c**t, he's no better or worse than most people, and he is surrounded by agents etc who want to maximise his (and their) earnings. His views on gay people won't have suddenly changed because he plays in Saudi Arabia. If you took any some of morality from him, or any footballer, that's on you not them.

There will be plenty of gay professional footballers in Saudi Arabia (a similar proportion to anywhere else) and like the UK they won't disclose it publicly.

Working in the middle east doesn't mean you hate gay people, just like working in the US doesn't mean you love the death penalty or working in the UK means you love the Iraq war and building a new yacht for the royal family.

And, fwiw, the middle east is no where near one of the worst places in the world to be gay. Try Chechnya, Hondurans or Uganda. In a hypothetical scenario, if a player signed for a club in any of these countries, would he be getting the same criticism? Nope, anti gay, migrant working, human rights abuses etc seem disproportionately lobbed at middle eastern countries. 

It is odd that players moving to Saudi have turned their back on LGBT+ people but nobody signing in England has turned their back on refugees.  

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14 hours ago, DoingThe42 said:

Is this supposed to be a good argument?

An argument regarding what?

It's to prompt you to think - why has no player who ever signed for a Russian club been criticised for the treatment of homosexuals in that country, but it is wheeled out every time a player signs for a Saudi club? Even if, by any measure, their treatment is far worse in parts of Russia.

Or secondly, why wasn't there some critical monologue of Russia before the 2018 world cup but there was before 2022 in Qatar? Lineker himself admitted the BBC got this badly wrong.

The media narrative of the Middle East is patronising, hypocritical, racist and deeply out of date. That's the point.

5 hours ago, Musketeer Gripweed said:

Fabinho's move to Saudi Arabia might be off as his dogs will be banned from the country. 

Killing journalists is ok though.

Importing pets can be a challenge but you can easily buy pets (including dogs) there and they are perfectly legal.

Additionally, the state can kill anyone they want really (and does), but Jamal Khashoggi was a botched kidnapping rather than an assassination. Still not great, but the UK and the US have been running targeted assassinations through drones in the Middle East for decades. And as for kidnapping people and transferring them to a prison out of country? Yeah, wonder where they got that idea from...

Finally, nobody had issues with Russian owners / players signing for Russian teams even though the Russian state were quite openly killing people in the UK.

3 hours ago, JMDPco said:

Yeah, another terrible post mate. 

Some people hate the idea that the Muslims / Arabs bad mentality is actually being questioned.

Much easier to live in ignorance. I get it.


1 hour ago, itzdrk said:

It is odd that players moving to Saudi have turned their back on LGBT+ people but nobody signing in England has turned their back on refugees.  


And I'm not surprised posters hate this being pointed out. The world where the UK / US / Europe is a panacea for human rights and freedom and everywhere else is a rotten hell hole who hates our freedoms and our gays is a comforting place to be.

But it's complete bullshit.

A drag show brunch in Dubai has been going on for 10 years.

So Fabinho, Firmino etc. aren't going to some fundamentalist desert - it's actually a far nicer, safer, more cosmopolitan place than where they grew up (Campinas and especially Maceio being pretty violent even by Brazilian standards).

As for the Westerners judging players for going to play in Saudi Arabia? What a load of hypocritical bullshit. I hope it's a good experience for Jack Hendry and at least he will be playing against some elite (or formerly elite) attacking players.

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Jamal Khashoggis family will now be a little more a peace, having learned from some roaster on P&B that his being chainsawed alive was in fact, merely an innocent botched kidnapping. Something that can happen to anyone really. 

Edited by Bairnardo
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