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SPFL Clubs raising the drawbridge?

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4 hours ago, BallochSonsFan said:


And roof guttering that doesnt fall off when it's a wee bit windy.

Or the banning of 3rd rate disco lights.

And scoreboards that can be switched off instead of having to be kept on and powered up at all hours.

Or have more then 1 side of the ground to view from

Owners who actually care about the football club should be a requirement too!

Edited by Greenmachine
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2 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Mastermind style?

I'm not sure fans like Greenmachine would follow something as sophisticated. Lets do Wipeout instead. If the owner doesn't make it to the end of the course they can't run the club. 

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6 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

I'm not sure fans like Greenmachine would follow something as sophisticated. Lets do Wipeout instead. If the owner doesn't make it to the end of the course they can't run the club. 

You do have to wonder who Dumbarton say actually owns the club in there SFA licensing application?

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1 hour ago, The Moonster said:

I certainly hope they at least know the difference between there and their. 

I’m sure they do but they have to name who owns the club?

Maybe if the lackeys that are “running” the club stepped down and left it to the owners it would force THEIR hand?


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1 hour ago, Greenmachine said:

I’m sure they do but they have to name who owns the club?

Maybe if the lackeys that are “running” the club stepped down and left it to the owners it would force THEIR hand?


You seem obsessed by Dumbarton.  What was the last game you attended at The Rock ?

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On 20/07/2023 at 22:42, David W said:

I'm sure there's some reason (it's cheap?) but it's an incredibly stupid surface to have people walking on. There was about a minute of drizzle on Tuesday and already muddy puddles were forming; any sort of.moisture makes it stick to you shoes.

Pre and post match images of the surface just inside the away entrance at Cove on 5th May. It was really slippy and they were fortunate that nobody fell and sustained an injury. 



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3 hours ago, forfarton said:

Pre and post match images of the surface just inside the away entrance at Cove on 5th May. It was really slippy and they were fortunate that nobody fell and sustained an injury. 



Just imagine leaving your house and getting wet and your shoes getting a little bit of mud on them.

Really, have you gone soft, everything has to be perfect, smelling of paint on your arrival?

Days at fitba is all about the good/bad, it's the memories of getting frozen, ankle deep in mud then heading home getting beat with a 89' goal. Then talking shite for 1 week about how unlucky you're shite centre forward didn't get the breaks.

15 years since i've got my shoes dirty.

It's saturday, think yourself lucky. you could be going to the Barcleys



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8 hours ago, forfarton said:

Pre and post match images of the surface just inside the away entrance at Cove on 5th May. It was really slippy and they were fortunate that nobody fell and sustained an injury. 



Seen pensioners do a Klinsmannn in worse than that at Glastonbury.

Hope your ankles are ok.

Edited by Sparticus
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11 hours ago, Greenmachine said:

Once last season.Pitch was atrocious and the sinkhole in the corner is alarming .

Looks like the whole place is short of investment.

I agree.  But this is a fans forum so if you have concerns, and judging by the number of your posts you do, then write to the owner and Board of Dumbarton FC and stop grandstanding on here.

Better still, curb your addiction to the Glasgow Bigotfest and start supporting your local football clubs.

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