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Livingston vs St Johnstone - 11/05/2024

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All I saw was someone at the front of the stand screaming at the players to f**k off which, frankly, happens just about every game these days. Others applauded.

Honestly feels about the right reaction. Some players deserved applauded for that today, some deserve criticism.

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2 hours ago, Cptn Hooch said:

Martindale made the right changes today and it won us the game. I know it didn't matter in the grand scheme of things but winning a game is brilliant 

At the time of my comment I stand by it. He was obsessed with watching us be rubbish again on the monitor then just roaring at someone rather than looking to enact a positive change himself. 

He then did enact a positive change with his subs which is where he is due credit. Sadly it's not happend often enough this season.

However he also subbed on Obileye who lost Clark just before our winner where Clark should have scored and sealed it for St Johnstone.

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8 hours ago, Zamora Fan said:

What actually happened at the end?

As others have said it wasn’t Kelty or anything like that, just some folk having a full on heads gone. One or two in particular overstepped the mark, imo, and were directing their anger at the wrong person. It was all a bit cringe. 


8 hours ago, Theyellowbox said:

So aye, maybe some of the abuse was uncalled for, bit a proper manager would either have come our and taken the flack himself to protect the players OR, recognised the fans frustration and told the players not to go over. 

Ooft, could you imagine the scenes!

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3 minutes ago, Radford said:

Who had been picking up Montano at set pieces?

I've not checked myself, but Sportscene highlights suggested we went zonal marking and Phillips was meant to be back post, but he gets blocked off/starts fighting, with Nouble instead.

May is potentially the "free man" who's meant to identify threats but it's maybe a case of him just gambling away from his man, as he ends up the only one who tries to get to Montano but is too late.

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On the scenes at the end, I couldn't hear what was being said (although was clearly not complimentary) but there is also a way to handle it as a player. 

Drey Wright and Graham Carey in particular took the right approach, you don't hide, you don't react and you can walk back to the dressing room and hopefully use it for motivation on Wednesday.

The captain barking back and staring people down then storming off doesn't help him or the situation. That's not a defence of anything said to him (and I know he in particular gets it heavily) but he's not handled that situation well.

But then also, a proper manager of men is across to take the heat off his players. There will be an argument that it would only have inflamed things but I don't think it makes it worse for the players and that should be his primary focus.

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3 hours ago, Radford said:

On the scenes at the end, I couldn't hear what was being said (although was clearly not complimentary) but there is also a way to handle it as a player. 

Drey Wright and Graham Carey in particular took the right approach, you don't hide, you don't react and you can walk back to the dressing room and hopefully use it for motivation on Wednesday.

The captain barking back and staring people down then storming off doesn't help him or the situation. That's not a defence of anything said to him (and I know he in particular gets it heavily) but he's not handled that situation well.

But then also, a proper manager of men is across to take the heat off his players. There will be an argument that it would only have inflamed things but I don't think it makes it worse for the players and that should be his primary focus.

There were two men along from me who, if their anger is normal for them, can’t be pleasant to be around when something upsets them. Started around the hour when it was clear subs should have been made.

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22 hours ago, thruthenight said:

We won a game? If only it mattered even slightly.

Might win as many games in the post split final 5 games, as we did in the pre split 33 games.

Matters very little in the grand scheme of things, but feels great seeing us winning games after the season we've had to suffer.

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There was a point in the game where the shouts behind the home dugout were getting awful, folk arguing between themselves. A shout at Martindale of 'Don't you dare take Brucie off' as well was a highlight. 

Martindale turning around and reacting asking, 'Can you give me a break?!' being met with a large chorus of boos was also an indication of where we are at with him now. Although it was his subs and changes that won us the game in the end.

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Radford said:

Who had been picking up Montano at set pieces?


12 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

I've not checked myself, but Sportscene highlights suggested we went zonal marking and Phillips was meant to be back post, but he gets blocked off/starts fighting, with Nouble instead.

May is potentially the "free man" who's meant to identify threats but it's maybe a case of him just gambling away from his man, as he ends up the only one who tries to get to Montano but is too late.

This is a lot of shite btw, it was man marking for the most part.

May is marking Montano for the first corner, completely loses him. Second corner he goes to stop a short corner with Wright so nobody marks Montano, MacPherson is a free man and is told by Gordon/Carey/Clark to mark Montano, too slow into position and a free header.

Goal is after Livis subs. May is on Montano but Mackay is next to Mitov, Mitov calls May over to mark Mackay and nobody moves to mark Montano.

"Free" players are Clark, who seems instructed to focus entirely on the front post as he does it at them all. Wright is instructed to stop short corners and go to the taker if the ball goes back to them. MacPherson is free but marks the man on the edge of the box which makes sense for the goal situation.

Who should be marking Mackay? I think its Keltjens. He'd been marking Devlin previously, with McGowan marking Yengi. McGowan moved onto Devlin after Yengi was subbed off and for the goal Keltjens is looking around not marking anyone then ends up doing nothing, while May is moved off Montano to mark Keltjens man.

Its a lack of communication thing I think? Mitov/May know Mackay is Keltjens man then its an easy solve and Montano shouldn't be that free.

Edited by RandomGuy.
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On 11/05/2024 at 20:45, Livi La Vida Loca said:

At the time of my comment I stand by it. He was obsessed with watching us be rubbish again on the monitor then just roaring at someone rather than looking to enact a positive change himself. 

He then did enact a positive change with his subs which is where he is due credit. Sadly it's not happend often enough this season.

However he also subbed on Obileye who lost Clark just before our winner where Clark should have scored and sealed it for St Johnstone.

The issue wasn't subbing on Obileye, it was not starting him. For St Johnstone's goal, Sean Kelly was marking Sidibeh but decided instead to go and close down May, despite Devlin already doing that. The ball then went to the newly unmarked Sidibeh for a tap in. Sean Kelly has a good cross from wide left positions and he can take a penalty but he's very poor defensively. Playing him at centre back needs to stop.

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