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Clyde FC Season 24/25

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1 hour ago, Clyde85 said:

Maitlands interview is up on YouTube. Just when you think you can’t like him anymore 😂.

Great watch. Love his honesty and he is clearly a man with a plan. Good to see he's sensible enough not to get carried away though as it may take time for the new regime to pay off in terms of promotion etc.

That said, what a relief it is to know we have such an experienced and level headed guy in charge and a competent managerial team in place. To quote the big man, I too am absolutely buzzin'!

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1 hour ago, Clyde85 said:

Maitlands interview is up on YouTube. Just when you think you can’t like him anymore 😂.

I'm imagining that's his gaff and he has the same Scottish cup metal plate things that I have. 

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Not a particularly illuminating interview, but it's good to have further reinforcement of Maitland's desire to improve every area of the club. His face completely betrays him when he says that the target for next season is a top four finish, but I'm glad he's not coming out and saying what he's really thinking. It was slapstick stuff that last season's "promotion is the aim" rhetoric was still going beyond the point of it becoming clear that we were heading for oblivion. The decision to increase prices across the board is one which will live or die by the changes made on and off the field; unless things are evidently going to be significantly better on both counts, then doing so in this climate isn't the best of looks and might end up pricing some folk out. Need to service a budget that clearly carries the expectation of promotion somehow, though, so there's a gap to be bridged before a commercial overhaul is enacted. News of a red and black third kit being in the pipeline is good to hear and I hope that we end up using that more than the shocker of an away kit we've got lined up.

Left back and striker now please!

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4 minutes ago, the_bully_wee said:

Not a particularly illuminating interview, but it's good to have further reinforcement of Maitland's desire to improve every area of the club...

To me, the illuminating part was how all-encompassing Allan Maitland's involvement is going to be. Last season he was the football 'brain' we'd been mossing. Now he's looking at every part of the club - and sounds determined to raise the standards everywhere. 

An actual, plausible figurehead... I'm  buying a season ticket even if we double the price, ha!

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I'm happy to pay more for my session ticket especially if it helps improve the team. 

I wonder if, in the future, we'll look at adding value to season ticket owners by offering discounts to club partner and local businesses in a way we did a few years ago. 

I still miss my £5 carvery with dessert 😞

... and a free bingo session 

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On 02/06/2024 at 16:21, haufdaft said:

I'm happy to pay more for my session ticket especially if it helps improve the team. 

This is the thing - I haven't really been keen to put money into the club because I didn't trust the people in charge with spending it

Maitland's barely in the door and already I'm thinking "aw wow a THIRD kit for me to buy too?!"

If things follow the same trend I suspect I'll be signing over the equity in my house to him by September.

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On 18/05/2024 at 10:25, clyde_r_us said:

any chance of Jordan Allan returning???

I can't see him getting much game time with us this season so would be available.

We play with 1 central striker so he would be 3rd choice behind Ross MacIver and Ryan Shanley.

Imagine he will have his pick of league 1 and league 2 clubs but assume his preference would be to go back to Clyde 

A shame things never worked out for him. I reckon he would have scored an absolute barrel-load of goals for us had we played a different system last season 


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38 minutes ago, NavyBlueArmy1876 said:

A shame things never worked out for him. I reckon he would have scored an absolute barrel-load of goals for us had we played a different system last season 

He really is a great player at this level, his movement, desire and aggression really stand out.

I think what kills him a bit when he steps up is his lack of finesse, which you can see whenever he gets put through one-on-one. Most of the time, he'll take a heavy touch or one that drags him too far wide, and it happened so much in such a short space of time that I'm not confident he scores if he's slipped in. At a higher level, you really can't get away with that, the defenders get in and keepers get set just that wee bit earlier.

He's already absolutely fantastic, but if he can work on that a bit he would be absolutely fearsome.

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4 minutes ago, SLClyde said:

£19 for a walk up ticket is a bit high. 

I thought Hamilton's £26 for the Championship was crazy, but £19 to watch games in this division is pathetic. 

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2 minutes ago, Replays said:

Give me a left back or a tall striker (or Jordan Allan).

Or Jordan Allan the left back.



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