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What is the point of labour ?


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5 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Kate Hoey on Newsnight just now confirming why I will never vote Labour again.  How she ever came to be an MP should be a cause for an internal inquiry.


She was involved in a campaign which saw a popular local black activist being ousted back by her CLP as far as I can remember. It's laughable as her constituency is ultra-Remain and has rapidly gentrified.


Just reread her wiki and it's fucking Hitchens level mental. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Hoey

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  • 2 weeks later...

LABOUR,  TORY,  LIB DEM...…………..Lets get rid of them. They are nothing but Unionist puppets who represent the Establishment and will forever see Scotland as another colony to be exploited and marginalised.  Nicola has made the call to start Indyref2.  Let's work towards making it happen.

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First example of Labour seriously fucking up over the upcoming  EU election campaign.  This was bound to happen.

Unelected officials trying to bounce the Party into a position, something left wingers rallied about for decades under right wing leaders.  The absolute hypocrisy.



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For once, I actually feel sorry for Anas Sarwar.


Given 4 days notice of a hearing into a claim of Islamophobic abuse against him.  Turns up and told he can't give evidence because he hasn't given the panel 2 weeks notice and the panel then decides no case to answer due to lack of evidence.

This is absolutely outrageous, but I suppose that Labour can now claim it doesn't have an Islamophobia issue, just like there is no anti-Semitism issue.  Nothing to see here

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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

They absolutely can. They might be in the minority but they will be able to cobble together a government. Money markets reacted to Corbyn's comments on a brexits deal.


O'Kelly presumably expects the Lib Dems to form the next government. Maybe Labour will be their junior coalition partners.

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11 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

They absolutely can. They might be in the minority but they will be able to cobble together a government. Money markets reacted to Corbyn's comments on a brexits deal.

No overall majority guaranteed. Time for the SNP to finally use their leverage, zero cooperation unless an indy referendum is agreed. Could have tried it in exchange for putting Mays deal through but I doubt it would have worked. 

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38 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

They absolutely can. They might be in the minority but they will be able to cobble together a government. Money markets reacted to Corbyn's comments on a brexits deal.


With politicians of the calibre of Diane Abbot as Home Secretary?

I saw her today on the lunchtime politics show today on BBC2. She addresses the audience as if assuming they are all aged around 5 years old.

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1 minute ago, ICTJohnboy said:


With politicians of the calibre of Diane Abbot as Home Secretary?

I saw her today on the lunchtime politics show today on BBC2. She addresses the audience as if assuming they are all aged around 5 years old.

Aren't they?

Labour will stroll the next election, not because they're any good but because the various xenophobe parties will cannibalise the Conservative vote. In a multi-party first past the post system you don't need to be popular to win, just less unpopular than others.

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29 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


With politicians of the calibre of Diane Abbot as Home Secretary?

I saw her today on the lunchtime politics show today on BBC2. She addresses the audience as if assuming they are all aged around 5 years old.


Boris Johnson is the bookies favourite to be PM. :lol:

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Aren't they?

Labour will stroll the next election, not because they're any good but because the various xenophobe parties will cannibalise the Conservative vote. In a multi-party first past the post system you don't need to be popular to win, just less unpopular than others.


The one thing that this local election likely rules out is an early general election, as the Tories now know for a fact that they’d get a shoeing. They (or the DUP) would literally have to vote both to bring down their own government and for an early election (due to the Fixed Term Parliaments Act) for it to occur. Instead they’ll do everything they can to push some form of utter dogshit Brexit deal through, punt May and then wait for the gammon vote to begin slowly drifting back to its natural home.


They’re in an absolute state but Labour are doing terribly themselves and the next scheduled election isn’t until 2022. It’s far too early to forecast the demise of those horse-fiddling fucks then.

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33 minutes ago, virginton said:


The one thing that this local election likely rules out is an early general election, as the Tories now know for a fact that they’d get a shoeing. They (or the DUP) would literally have to vote both to bring down their own government and for an early election (due to the Fixed Term Parliaments Act) for it to occur. Instead they’ll do everything they can to push some form of utter dogshit Brexit deal through, punt May and then wait for the gammon vote to begin slowly drifting back to its natural home.


They’re in an absolute state but Labour are doing terribly themselves and the next scheduled election isn’t until 2022. It’s far too early to forecast the demise of those horse-fiddling fucks then.

Anyone who ever thought there would be an early election is an idiot, there has never been any chance of this, simply because the Tories might lose it.

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O'Kelly presumably expects the Lib Dems to form the next government. Maybe Labour will be their junior coalition partners.
No I don't, but I'm fascinated by the continual assumption from Corbyn, Leonard and Co that a GE will magically usher Labour into power - it won't. Especially when they think that by being all things to all people on Brexit is the way to go - it isn't.
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