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What is the point of labour ?


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26 minutes ago, Malky3 said:

Just to back up what I said earlier here's a table showing Prime Ministers and the number of votes their parties got to elect them. Boris Johnson's Conservative Party win in 2019 polled the second most votes in UK history for a Prime Minister. The only PM to do better was John Major in 1992. Yet still some daft people think Johnson is hugely unpopular. 

  • 2019 - Boris Johnson - 13,966,451
  • 2017 - Theresa May - 13,636,684
  • 2015 - David Cameron - 11,334,226
  • 2010 - David Cameron - 10,703,754
  • 2005 - Tony Blair - 9,552,436
  • 2001 - Tony Blair - 10,724,953
  • 1997 - Tony Blair - 13,518,167
  • 1992 - John Major - 14,093,007
  • 1987 - Margaret Thatcher - 13,760,583
  • 1983 - Margaret Thatcher - 13,012,316
  • 1979 - Margaret Thatcher - 13,697,923
  • 1974 - Harold Wilson - 11,457,079
  • 1974 - Harold Wilson - 11,645,616 (actually won more seats with fewer votes than Ted Heath who got 11,872,180) 
  • 1970 - Ted Heath - 13,145,123
  • 1966 - Harold Wilson - 13,096,951
  • 1964 - Harold Wilson - 12,205,808
  • 1959 - Harold MacMillan - 13,750,875
  • 1955 - Sir Anthony Eden - 13,310,891
  • 1951 - Sir Winston Churchill - 13,717,851 (won more seats with fewer votes than Clement Attlee who had 13,948,385) 
  • 1950 - Clement Attlee - 13,226,176
  • 1945 - Clement Attlee - 11,967,746
  • 1935 - Stanley Baldwin - 10,025,083
  • 1931 - Stanley Baldwin - 11,377,022
  • 1929 - Ramsey MacDonald - 8,048,968 (won more seats with fewer votes than Stanley Baldwin who had 8,252,527) 
  • 1924 - Stanley Baldwin - 7,418,983

Obviously the population has grown over the years so you need to factor that in. For example, in 1924 Baldwin got 36% of all registered voters; Johnson got 29%.


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4 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Obviously the population has grown over the years so you need to factor that in. For example, in 1924 Baldwin got 36% of all registered voters; Johnson got 29%.

Yep, but the fact that the population has increased only serves to put the claims about the SNP's popularity under starker focus. 

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5 minutes ago, Malky3 said:

Yep, but the fact that the population has increased only serves to put the claims about the SNP's popularity under starker focus. 

Well, that's quite a way to acknowledge that your numbers are pretty meaningless as presented, but whatever floats your boat...

If you want to go there, the SNP got 32.9% of the electorate in 2019 - so more than Johnson, and in a country with four main parties rather than three.

If you back further in Scotland then both Labour and Tories will be getting more that 35% in Scotland, because we had higher turnouts and we only really had two parties from 1945 to 1974.

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11 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Well, that's quite a way to acknowledge that your numbers are pretty meaningless as presented, but whatever floats your boat...

If you want to go there, the SNP got 32.9% of the electorate in 2019 - so more than Johnson, and in a country with four main parties rather than three.

If you back further in Scotland then both Labour and Tories will be getting more that 35% in Scotland, because we had higher turnouts and we only really had two parties from 1945 to 1974.

Do you think Boris Johnson is "hugely unpopular"? 

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All the Labour candidates thoughts on Scotland. 'Federalism, cascading of powers across the UK, more devolution'. 

After their behaviour during the smith commission and insistence that devomax has been delivered, will anyone believe them? 

Too little, too late for me. 

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15 hours ago, Fullerene said:

Boris Johnson is unpopular -



4 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Boris is hugely popular.


51 minutes ago, Malky3 said:

Do you think Boris Johnson is "hugely unpopular"? 

M alky finding a novel take on quoting. 

That's approximately 12.6b lies thus far. 

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6 hours ago, Malky3 said:

Johnson is unpopular? Really? He's literally just secured the biggest Conservative majority since 1987 

His party polled just under 14m votes - up 300,000 from Theresa Mays win in 2017 and up nearly 4 million votes on when David Cameron won the election in 2015. Both Johnson and May received around 3m more votes than Tony Blair did when he secured Labours thumping majority in 2001 and he's received over 800,000 more votes than Margaret Thatcher got in 1983 just after the victory in the Falklands war and 200,000 more votes than when Thatcher won in 1987. Indeed as far as I can make out - and I've gone back to before the 1st World War - Boris Johnson won more votes than any other Prime Minister in UK history! 

But you think he's unpopular. :rolleyes:


2019 - 13,966,451

2015 - 11,334,226

That doesn't look like a four million difference tbh. I've tried to make allowances for you being monumentally thick, but still 😂

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6 hours ago, Malky3 said:

Do you think Boris Johnson is "hugely unpopular"? 

I wasn't commenting on that at all. Do you think you could ever respond to a point made to you instead of deflecting?

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3 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

There's seems to be some ambiguity over Posts on Boris Johnson's popularity.

While he may have been popular among the little englanders, Scottish Unionists on here plus inconsequential imperialists at the 2019 election it was clear that this popularity did not extend to Scotland.

Fact is that I recall that in the 2019 election in Scotland Boris's party lost 7 seats while the SNP gained 13 seats.

So clearly Boris and his isolationist policies IS NOT popular in Scotland.

692,000 Scots voted for him. Up over 200,000 since David Cameron and Cameron in 2015. A 50% increase in support of the Conservative Party in Scotland since the 2014 referendum whilst the SNP have lost almost the same number of votes since the same election would suggest Johnson IS popular in Scotland 

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1 minute ago, Malky3 said:

692,000 Scots voted for him. Up over 200,000 since David Cameron and Cameron in 2015. A 50% increase in support of the Conservative Party in Scotland since the 2014 referendum whilst the SNP have lost almost the same number of votes since the same election would suggest Johnson IS popular in Scotland 

Jesus man. That's some mighty fine spin.

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692,000 Scots voted for him. Up over 200,000 since David Cameron and Cameron in 2015. A 50% increase in support of the Conservative Party in Scotland since the 2014 referendum whilst the SNP have lost almost the same number of votes since the same election would suggest Johnson IS popular in Scotland 
It's worth not blocking you just to witness glorious posts such as this one. It's like a nature documentary or something.
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37 minutes ago, oaksoft said:



Aside from Theresa May's (and Ruth Davidsons) strong Scottish showing in 2017 (which handed the Conservatives their General Election win), it was the best Conservative voting figures in Scotland since 1992 when John Major proved that Conservative support was still strong in Scotland despite the Thatcher years and the Poll Tax. Ofcourse Johnson hasn't managed to achieve Margaret Thatcher levels of popularity amongst the Scottish vote yet - despite what many up here would have you believe she always polled strongly in Scotland - but he's getting there. 

To claim that Johnson is somehow unpopular in Scotland when his party are continuing to poll strongly across Scotland is to ignore the actual figures. 

And to address Jakedee's post - the SNP did the same thing with their election leaflets preferring to stick to the message of "Stopping Brexit" and "Stopping Boris" than banging on about Scottish Independence and an Indy Ref 2. The reason is that parties are looking to attract new voters with these advertising materials, not their hard core support. The SNP know that when they talk about Independence they lose votes. 

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And yet they won the election in Scotland... again, taking seats from every UK party who either supported brexit or were in a fudge about it.
Anyone who doesn't understand what the SNP's principal goal is, is either deluded or in denial.

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10 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

For clarity, The Westminster MP election voting procedure is wholly based on a 'first past the post' system, not PR so counting overall votes means not a fuckin jot, in the 2019 election in Scotland the tories lost 7 seats and the SNP gained 13 seats, regardless of past elections this was a clear indication that Scottish people by large clearly rejected Mad Boris's policies.

That doesn't need any spin as facts are facts and only a desperate fool grasping at straws would  attempt to deny that by naming previous figures to deflect from what is the fuckin obvious.

Because Mad Boris is so popular in Scotland the tories lost seven seats and the SNP gained thirteen seats at the 2019 election.

That better now? Happy?

That's utter nonsense. Are you really suggesting that 200,000 extra people voted for Boris Johnson than voted for David Cameron because they hated him more? Are you really saying that 200,000 fewer people voting for the SNP this time round than voted for them in 2015 is because the party is more popular? 

I know that Scottish Nationalists are famous for their lack of logic but by f**k Sandy you are taking this to new levels. Not that I should be surprised. It wasn't that long ago you were telling fellow Scots who didn't agree with you to f**k off to some other country. We know what kind of Scotland you would like to see - ruled by an authoritarian zealot dictator committing acts of genocide against fellow Scots. It's alright though cause 55% of all Scots will ensure your extremist views will never become a reality


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