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What is the point of labour ?


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it's still so class that the slogan is "the best country to grow up in and the best country to grow old in." Absolutely get fucked when you're in between though.

I can't wait for this party to get slaughtered all the way through to 2024 and beyond.

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7 minutes ago, Lurkst said:

Yeah hard to tell who Tom's party is these days. 

Noticed on the news the clunking fist was also unleashed from cold storage....



Gordon Brown's fist "clunking" is not an image I'm not keen on, tbh....he must be sitting too near the table

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10 minutes ago, Lurkst said:

Yeah hard to tell who Tom's party is these days. 

Noticed on the news the clunking fist was also unleashed from cold storage....




But no-one will listen now!!!!!!!

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33 minutes ago, Lurkst said:

Yeah hard to tell who Tom's party is these days. 

Noticed on the news the clunking fist was also unleashed from cold storage....



Shite Chancellor, worse PM, proven liar and not nice person.  No redeeming qualities whatsoever as a human being.

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With DRoss and Rennie leading the other two parties I’ve no idea how Labour aren’t hoovering up the Unionist vote, I’m no fan of Sarwar but he comes across as light years ahead of those two. If Labour fail to come second over DRoss’s Tories with Bumbling Boris down south and a party filling their pockets they might as well just throw in the towel as they’re dead in Scotland.

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Khan is actually briefing that he's worried he might lose the London Mayoral election due to poor turnout.

I think there's almost no chance of that, but I'd die laughing if it happened. Then I'd have to simply say, with a straight face, that the voters "got it right"

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12 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:

With DRoss and Rennie leading the other two parties I’ve no idea how Labour aren’t hoovering up the Unionist vote, I’m no fan of Sarwar but he comes across as light years ahead of those two. If Labour fail to come second over DRoss’s Tories with Bumbling Boris down south and a party filling their pockets they might as well just throw on the towel as they’re dead in Scotland.

At the risk of oversimplification, who are Labour going to take votes from?

LibDem voters are strange folk, they know their party has zero chance of having any influence but still keep voting for them.

Tories are Tories, they generally support the position of Johnson now that the Conservatives have shed any pretence of one-nationism.  They will never exceed more than about 20% of the Scottish electorate, but equally won’t fall much below that.

I cannot see how the Labour Party can inspire first time voters.

That leaves ‘traditional’ Labour voters, most of whom have long abandoned Labour and more yet who are realising that the only way to avoid Tory after Tory rule is to support Independence.


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1 hour ago, San Starko Rover said:

With DRoss and Rennie leading the other two parties I’ve no idea how Labour aren’t hoovering up the Unionist vote, I’m no fan of Sarwar but he comes across as light years ahead of those two. If Labour fail to come second over DRoss’s Tories with Bumbling Boris down south and a party filling their pockets they might as well just throw in the towel as they’re dead in Scotland.

If you think about, it makes sense that Labour have little appeal (whoever acts as their Scottish face) to UK nats (and it’s not even necessarily to do with levels of staunchness or perceived softness on muh union).

If you are pro-UK, would you want Scotland managed by a junior branch manager of a party which has absolutely no power - and likely no chance of power in the next twenty years - in Westminster, or would you rather a junior branch manager who might at least be in with a chance of licking the boots of those in power down south? Simply put, voting Labour in Scotland is a pointless exercise - you’d be voting for a minor accounting unit of a party who are on a hiding to nothing where you think power should lie. UK nats can see the Tory future of the UK, and so they’d probably rather have a creature of that direction in charge than a creature of a party voicelessly and pointlessly resisting it.

Of course, if you’re a good guy, you’ll not want either a powerless puppet or a puppet who grovels to the scumbags in power south of the border. You’ll want folk elected in Scotland whose goal is to get the nation right the f**k out of its hunched-over, cheeks-spread position in the UK family of nations.

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I’ve just clocked the Perthshire south Labour candidate has little online presence.

I’ve also just clocked the Perthshire north candidate has been telling everyone it’s a Tory council in Perth that’s ruined the town centre.

I think he’s forgotten that a Labour Councillor is also part of the coalition on the council.

Why should I care for a party that can’t be arsed with its local community?

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The traditional Labour core vote in Scotland is being replaced demographically and almost nobody is joining their ranks from below. It's the Boomer Party of choice for the Central Belt in the way that the Tories are south of the border, only with much shorter life expectancy kicking in.

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11 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Shite Chancellor, worse PM, proven liar and not nice person.  No redeeming qualities whatsoever as a human being.

Oh, I dunno. A few years of him in the top jobs helped to kill the NL project stone dead. Until the current "leader" and his wee cabal resurrected it. 

Still doesn't give a positive balance in the Scales of Worthwhilehumanbeingness, though.

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11 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

At the risk of oversimplification, who are Labour going to take votes from?

LibDem voters are strange folk, they know their party has zero chance of having any influence but still keep voting for them.

Tories are Tories, they generally support the position of Johnson now that the Conservatives have shed any pretence of one-nationism.  They will never exceed more than about 20% of the Scottish electorate, but equally won’t fall much below that.

I cannot see how the Labour Party can inspire first time voters.

That leaves ‘traditional’ Labour voters, most of whom have long abandoned Labour and more yet who are realising that the only way to avoid Tory after Tory rule is to support Independence.


The worst of it is that these cúnts get a lot of votes from people whose interests they actively attack. "Working Class Tory" may have been a description of aspirational council-house buyers back in the day, now it's just a synonym for "fucking servile idiot". 

If the 2017/19 Labour Manifestos* can't flush these turds, because Corbyn was a commie/beardie/russian tool**, then Starmer's Tory Tribute act isn't going to shift them. As someone once said, offer the voter a choice of two Tory parties, don't be surprised if they choose the real one. 

* You know, the actual policies..

** Even if half the shit thrown at him by the MSM was 10% true, he could be replaced. But hey, that's Universal Suffrage for you..

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