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What is the point of labour ?


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Wes Streeting has been rent-a-quote in the papers lately, including lots of old-school ScoLabour SNP-bashing. I wondered why. I found out in Blackwells' yesterday: he has a new book out.

Haud, me, and back are the words that spring to mind.

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20 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Classic Sun tactics from Goldsmith, backing the perceived winner. If Labour do manage to Hibs this he will be quick enough to pledge his "unwavering" support for the Tories.

Don't ever equate anything with my club to that lot, ever.

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22 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

Classic Sun tactics from Goldsmith, backing the perceived winner. If Labour do manage to Hibs this he will be quick enough to pledge his "unwavering" support for the Tories.

Probably trying to protect his position in the (unlikely) event of Starmer reforming the HoL.

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3 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

That's proper Foulkes behaviour. "How dare the SNP try and make some folks lives a little bit better!"

The biggest laugher recently is the number of furious yoons genuinely claiming that the SNP putting a block on cooncils raising CT has been an outrage. I'm sure they've aw been queuing up ootside cooncil HQ for the past 4 years desperately trying to get someone to take a cheque on top of the monthly DD.

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1 hour ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

Remember when he spent his entire London Mayoral campaign implying that Sadiq Khan loved ISIS?

Aye, absolutely. More dog whistles than Crufts.


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35 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

Starmer has quite an impressive political antennae: he fundamentally understands that a significant number of British voters care much more about the welfare of dogs than they do about human beings. 

Has it been confirmed that the dog didn’t bugger off in the first place because Starmer tried to talk to it? 

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  • pawpar changed the title to What is the difference between Labour and Tory ?
On 02/07/2018 at 03:32, pawpar said:

Much as I hate the tory party (and christ do I do) you have to give them credit for a couple of things.

1. They have stupid unionists voting for them despite the fact Scotland is going to shit.

2. They think brexit is a good thing for the UK and bring stupid unionists to think the same and

3. They love austerity.


Which brings me to my main point what is the difference between the Conservative and Labour Parties when it comes to policy as there is no difference between them when it comes to the above 3 policies..

At least the tories have the balls to admit the above while labour gets all drunk and says I love you, you are my best friend then cuts your balls off.

So I ask you what is the point of Labour. ? (Anybody mentioning socialism and helping the poor considering they abstain when it comes to a vote on austerity will be ignored.)



Posted this just 5 years ago when I asked the question what is the point of Labour. I now ask the question what is the difference between Labour and Tory. Both support the racist brexit ideal. Keith Starmer has said that he disagrees with tory policies but will not change them if he gets elected. The tories currently support what is happening on the Bibby Stockholm but Labour are quiet yet again hoping they don't rock the boat. Keith would sell his granny's soul to the devil to get elected. So the question is now what would it take for Keith to grow some balls and say enough is enough. Personally it's never going to happen. As I said in my first post much as I hate the tories (and I really bloody do) you have to give them credit for sticking to their racist ideals. while Keith will just not try to upset  anyone and everyone just to get elected.

Edited by pawpar
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9 hours ago, DrewDon said:

Starmer has quite an impressive political antennae: he fundamentally understands that a significant number of British voters care much more about the welfare of dogs than they do about human beings. 

Compo Faces thread for this.


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