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What is the point of labour ?


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Whatever the motivation, hopefully a wee bit of momentum gathers pace and others follow swiftly. It the outcome, proves to be the end of any further influence and power in British politics for Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell then this little episode can only be a good thing.
Was it not a large bit of Momentum that caused the problems . . .
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40 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Stop reading the Daily Mail. 

I disagree with Corbyn on Brexit and Scottish Independence but he’s not an extremist.  Unless a Labour leader believing in socialism is extreme.


Ah! I forgot to share this last week. I had the misfortune of reading the Daily Express on the day that book about Corbyn came out. He's unfit to be Prime Minister because his first wife left him because he ate cold Tesco brand baked beans out the can, and he wanted to retire and keep bees before he became party leader. No wonder the country's fucked when rags like that hold a significant influence over a majority of the voting population.

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I'd love to see that happening - there are pockets of England where the Scots have a lot of respect.
Sadly Accrington, Lancs doesn't appear to be one of them.
They bloody well should have; in the late 1950's, 1958 IIRC, Accrington Stanley fielded an all Scottish starting eleven.

Ungrateful Lancashire inbreds.
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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

“The most hideous government in living memory”?  Unless and until the Tories devastate the country with Brexit that title would still go to Thatcher.

Despite the terrible MSM campaign against Corbyn, aided and abetted by many of his own MPs, Labour achieved one of the best comebacks from low polling numbers largely due to Corbyn.


I've got news for you GD, the Tories are intent in delivering brexit for no good ideological reason and unless they are stopped, misery will be our visitor.

Thatcher, horribly flawed as she was, at least had the excuse of defeating tinpot revolutionaries as a raison d'etre.

Like it or not, she had a justification.

It would be staggering if any sentient socialist would be of the opinion that ancient battles can be successfully revisited.

This mob at the highest level and both blue and red are worse than Thatcher.

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11 minutes ago, sophia said:

I've got news for you GD, the Tories are intent in delivering brexit for no good ideological reason and unless they are stopped, misery will be our visitor.

Thatcher, horribly flawed as she was, at least had the excuse of defeating tinpot revolutionaries as a raison d'etre.

Like it or not, she had a justification.

It would be staggering if any sentient socialist would be of the opinion that ancient battles can be successfully revisited.

This mob at the highest level and both blue and red are worse than Thatcher.

I said that up until the point the Tories deliver Brexit....

I live in hope that it will be the softest of Brexits or none at all, otherwise then yes this lot will overtake Thatcher.

Nontheless the misery and pain of Thatcher seems to have diminished.  Industries destroyed for largely ideological reasons, workers rights similarly destroyed, high levels of unemployment accompanied by poverty, social deprivation and crime.  It’s a pity people forget so easily or that others simply ignore it because they didn’t experience it first hand.


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You're mis-understanding me again Granny.
I'm talking about the more extreme elements of both parties....and not specifically Corbyn and May....that are having an ever-growing influence.  
The word 'traitor' seems to be in mode with the dafter extremes in both Labour and Tory.
And I dodn't think anyone could ever accuse me of being a Daily Mail reader :lol:

Tom Watson was calling Emily Thornberry a traitor a decade ago for not backing 90 day detentions without trial.
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23 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I said that up until the point the Tories deliver Brexit....

I live in hope that it will be the softest of Brexits or none at all, otherwise then yes this lot will overtake Thatcher.

Nontheless the misery and pain of Thatcher seems to have diminished.  Industries destroyed for largely ideological reasons, workers rights similarly destroyed, high levels of unemployment accompanied by poverty, social deprivation and crime.  It’s a pity people forget so easily or that others simply ignore it because they didn’t experience it first hand.

Don't be so presumbtuous.

I well remember the outcomes, I suffered at the time and I'm comfortable that Scargill was as culpable as Thatcher.

Left as guilty as right.

Unions were defending working practices that included hammocks on the nightshift. They were literally defending the lazy left.

Corbyn and May in a farce of history and at the edges of reputability both want to deliver brexit and you appear to support them in their endeavours.  




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3 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Ah! I forgot to share this last week. I had the misfortune of reading the Daily Express on the day that book about Corbyn came out. He's unfit to be Prime Minister because his first wife left him because he ate cold Tesco brand baked beans out the can, and he wanted to retire and keep bees before he became party leader. No wonder the country's fucked when rags like that hold a significant influence over a majority of the voting population.

The bits about him walking around Vienna scowling at all the historic palaces because they were too capitalist and dragging his wife to the Czech peasant village made me love him even more, if anything.

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6 minutes ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

The bits about him walking around Vienna scowling at all the historic palaces because they were too capitalist and dragging his wife to the Czech peasant village made me love him even more, if anything.

Nah its a right wing English paper doing a job on someone it despises.

Disnae make him any less of an enemy.

He is cut from the  same regionalist cloth.

Hope he is history.

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2 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

Nah its a right wing English paper doing a job on someone it despises.

Disnae make him any less of an enemy.

He is cut from the  same regionalist cloth.

Hope he is history.

I see this forum isn't any less unhinged than when I stopped paying attention to it about 3 years ago.

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I think it's quite hard to compare the relative cuntishness of the Tories of Thatcher's era, and the current bunch of vermin. I was in my early teens in Thatcher's heyday, but remember the almost continuous destruction of heavy industry. Every news programme seemed to being more bad news for the likes of British Steel, miners etc. The social housing sector has never truly recovered from Right to Buy and there are a whole host of other reasons to rejoice in her death. 
The current are dreadful. I know this is a biased viewpoint given my line of work, but the current Tory Party's ongoing programme of Welfare Reform is an utter disgrace. I've had cases of terminally ill folk having to attend a Work Capability Assessment, folk who are utterly on their arses phoning us to beg them to help appeal a Crisis Grant refusal, ridiculous numbers of foodbank referrals and that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's bad enough when you have an average caseload of 40-50 folk going through this shite, it's even more seethe inducing watching your own fiancee get a hard time from a Health "Professional" during a PIP assessment despite having an Acquired Brain Injury. 
I'd probably edge towards the modern day lot, for obvious reasons. I utterly despise Tory politicians, voters and any other apologists for them. They are complete and utter scum and deserve nothing but the greatest contempt. 

Thatcher was ideologically driven to be a complete stain on humanity. Theresa May and the current crop of conservatives seem to be viciously stupid and cruel. I can’t work out who I despise more.
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