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What is the point of labour ?


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6 hours ago, WATTOO said:

If there is to be a rise in anti semitism it will have been brought on by themselves as I for one am becoming rather annoyed with all their pro jewish whining.

I hope it does not lead to a rise in anti-Semitism however the pro- Zionist lobby do not help the fight against anti-Semitism by deliberately levelling that accusation against anyone critical of Israel.

Yes there are anti-Semites who hide behind anti-Zionist rhetoric but there are many, many people who make genuine and understandable criticisms of Israel who are not anti-Semitic.

The real objective is to eliminate any and all criticism of Israel and that cannot be allowed to happen.


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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

Honestly lads just stop using zionism and use "the unacceptable policies of right wing Israeli governments"

I know its a mouthful but it A: removes any doubt over your agenda and B: acknowledges there are plenty of Israelis sympathetic to the Palestinians' plight.

My agenda is pretty clear though can be subject to deliberate distortion as can any form of words.

I agree with you regarding Israelis sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians, including many Israeli Jews.

I think using the term Zionism is justified as it goes well beyond any actions of any particular government.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

My agenda is pretty clear though can be subject to deliberate distortion as can any form of words.

I agree with you regarding Israelis sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians, including many Israeli Jews.

I think using the term Zionism is justified as it goes well beyond any actions of any particular government.

I think the difficulty with using ' Zionists' or 'Zionism' is...

that they started out as terms to define the politics and aspiration for the setting up of the country of Israel. 

Now they have become muddied and have for some become terms to describe a nasty right wing government.  Except

they didn't start out that way.    Which means that every time a critic of the actions and attitudes of Israel uses Zionists or Zionism  it just

gives others the excuse to shout ".. anti-Semitic...".  

I never use the words. 

Edited by beefybake
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2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I hope it does not lead to a rise in anti-Semitism however the pro- Zionist lobby do not help the fight against anti-Semitism by deliberately levelling that accusation against anyone critical of Israel.

Yes there are anti-Semites who hide behind anti-Zionist rhetoric but there are many, many people who make genuine and understandable criticisms of Israel who are not anti-Semitic.

The real objective is to eliminate any and all criticism of Israel and that cannot be allowed to happen.


Have you actually read the post you are responding to?  "pro jewish whining"?

This is the problem Labour have with anti-Semitism.  It starts with justifiable criticism of the Israeli government, and quickly descends into criticism of the Jews as a race.  Nobody complains as "Israel is bad", and engage in posts like yours where you completely ignore what is right in front of you. 

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9 hours ago, WATTOO said:

If there is to be a rise in anti semitism it will have been brought on by themselves as I for one am becoming rather annoyed with all their pro jewish whining.


13 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

Reported for clear anti-semitism

Somebody's been wooshed...

(Maybe it's me! :lol:)

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9 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

Have you actually read the post you are responding to?  "pro jewish whining"?

This is the problem Labour have with anti-Semitism.  It starts with justifiable criticism of the Israeli government, and quickly descends into criticism of the Jews as a race.  Nobody complains as "Israel is bad", and engage in posts like yours where you completely ignore what is right in front of you. 

Yeah I read the post and said I hoped it does not lead to a rise in anti-Semitism.  Not sure how that could be any clearer.

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1 hour ago, Wee Bully said:

Reported for clear anti-semitism

I'm unsure if you're serious / sane, however I am merely confirming my views which are very similar to lots of people I know. I have absolutely nothing against Jews, Muslims, Christians or any other religion for that matter, however I am very unhappy at the way certain "politicians" are using religion as some sort of shield to launch disgusting attacks on people and if there's any sort of comeback or criticism then it's immediately deemed to be because of their religion and the anti-semitic card is held up.

This is simply crazy, I would also point out that with their recent rhetoric they are attempting to create a narrative that judaism is not compatible with socialist beliefs which again is completely crazy and I'd reckon counterproductive to their cause, whatever that may turnout to be.

For the avoidance of doubt, this is the rhetoric and disgusting use of language coming from one of these "independents" who was apparently sinned against,

Ms Ryan, chair of the Friends of Israel group lost a non-binding confidence vote of her party members in September which she blamed on "Trots, Stalinists, Communists and the assorted hard left".

In her resignation statement, she said Mr Corbyn and the "Stalinist clique which surrounds him"

Now I'm sorry, but the only person to me who seems to have an agenda and a "problem" with others who don't agree with her is Joan Ryan and she should be the one vilified and accused of "hate crimes" rather than everyone else.................

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14 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

I'm unsure if you're serious / sane, however I am merely confirming my views which are very similar to lots of people I know. I have absolutely nothing against Jews, Muslims, Christians or any other religion for that matter, however I am very unhappy at the way certain "politicians" are using religion as some sort of shield to launch disgusting attacks on people and if there's any sort of comeback or criticism then it's immediately deemed to be because of their religion and the anti-semitic card is held up.

This is simply crazy, I would also point out that with their recent rhetoric they are attempting to create a narrative that judaism is not compatible with socialist beliefs which again is completely crazy and I'd reckon counterproductive to their cause, whatever that may turnout to be.

For the avoidance of doubt, this is the rhetoric and disgusting use of language coming from one of these "independents" who was apparently sinned against,

Ms Ryan, chair of the Friends of Israel group lost a non-binding confidence vote of her party members in September which she blamed on "Trots, Stalinists, Communists and the assorted hard left".

In her resignation statement, she said Mr Corbyn and the "Stalinist clique which surrounds him"

Now I'm sorry, but the only person to me who seems to have an agenda and a "problem" with others who don't agree with her is Joan Ryan and she should be the one vilified and accused of "hate crimes" rather than everyone else.................

If you literally say that a "rise in anti-Semitism" will be the "brought on" by Jewish people themselves, and then complain about "pro-Jewish whining" in the same breath, you are inevitability - and justifiably - going to be accused of peddling anti-Semitism.

If there is an increase in anti-Semitic activity, it will be the fault of the perpetrators first and foremost; it certainly will not be the fault of the victims or targets, and to think otherwise is, to my mind, reprehensible. 

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2 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

If you literally say that a "rise in anti-Semitism" will be the "brought on" by Jewish people themselves, and then complain about "pro-Jewish whining" in the same breath, you are inevitability - and justifiably - going to be accused of peddling anti-Semitism.

If there is an increase in anti-Semitic activity, it will be the fault of the perpetrators first and foremost; it certainly will not be the fault of the victims or targets, and to think otherwise is, to my mind, reprehensible. 

What anti-Semitic activity? Telling Israel they're a bunch of shitebags?

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Apparently Anna Soubry, Sarah Wollaston, and Heidi Allen may all resign tomorrow.


I’m shocked Wollaston has hung around for so long as I recall she didn’t even vote for the budget last year.




All three have now officially joined the Independent Group.



And they now have as many MPs as the LDs. Banter.

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34 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

If you literally say that a "rise in anti-Semitism" will be the "brought on" by Jewish people themselves, and then complain about "pro-Jewish whining" in the same breath, you are inevitability - and justifiably - going to be accused of peddling anti-Semitism.

If there is an increase in anti-Semitic activity, it will be the fault of the perpetrators first and foremost; it certainly will not be the fault of the victims or targets, and to think otherwise is, to my mind, reprehensible. 

Indeed, if you read my post properly you would understand what I was saying.

These people who keep bringing up anti semitism have as yet failed to back up their claims with any evidence, indeed the Jewish group who support Corbyn have told us that there is no anti semitism in the party, however their voices are being silenced (for whatever reason).

The point I'm making is that the Labour party is being sabotaged from the inside and the ordinary Labour supporter is only likely to blame one group for this and it won't be Corbyn. This is human nature I'm afraid and I doubt very much if the likes of Joan Ryan is receiving any sympathy for her ridiculous outbursts and unfounded accusations.

Speaking of Joan Ryan, are you quite happy that she brands people who don't agree with her politics as "Trots, Stalinists, Communists" ?

Do you not see any problem with her accusing fellow party members and MP's as a "Stalinist clique" ??

I could just see the outrage if folk started accusing her of being a "nazi" but of course we'll not talk about that because that doesn't suit your agenda, does it ??

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