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What is the point of labour ?


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1 hour ago, MixuFixit said:

In what world is "pro Jewish whining" not antisemitic

The world perhaps where it's not so very clear to many people whether being Jewish is a race, or a religion or a nationality.

I'm not so clear headed on this myself. And I wouldn't use the phrase.

What I am clear headed about is who are the victims, who are the aggressors, and who is doing all the dying in, for example, Palestine.

Edited by beefybake
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12 minutes ago, beefybake said:

The world perhaps where it's not so very clear to many people whether being Jewish is a race, or a religion or a nationality.

I'm not so clear headed on this myself. And I wouldn't use the phrase.

What I am clear headed about is who are the victims, who are the aggressors, and who is doing all the dying in, for example, Palestine.

WATTOOs  comment is clearly anti-Semitic.

The fact that so many are trying to defend the comment, or explain it away by reference to Israel underlines the insidious nature of this anti-Semitism, and why the Labour party has got itself into such a pickle over it.

Israel and Judaism are not the same thing. 

Stating that the Jews are bring things on themselves is frankly reprehensible. 

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7 minutes ago, AUFC90 said:

I knew someone as sad and as pedantic as you would reply exactly like. Hope you're feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.....champ.


It's not actually 'pedantic' to correct and invalidate all of your so-called 'contribution' to the thread champ. Why don't you have the courage to state which group of people you think are 'a bunch of c***s' rather than hiding behind the figleaf of naming a state and running away? 

It's a toughie. 

Edited by vikingTON
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It's not actually 'pedantic' to correct and invalidate all of your so-called 'contribution' to the thread champ. Why don't you have the courage to state which group of people you think are 'a bunch of c***s' rather than hiding behind the figleaf of naming a state and running away? 
It's a toughie. 
Ok then. The people running the Israeli government are a bunch of c***s and always have been. I hope that satisfies your "very specific" requirements.
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I heard someone on the radio this morning talking about Derek Hatton.  He was complaining that Hatton had said Jews should be criticising Israel; I assume he meant in relation to their treatment of Palestinians but this was a bit unclear.  I think he said the term Hatton used was British Jews and was claiming this was anti-Semitic. 

Now I think Hatton is an arsehole but I was wondering how this comment could be anti-Semitic; I would equate it to saying Catholics should be criticising Catholicism/the Pope over an issue such as their church ignoring child abuse.

As for Israel, it is ridiculous to blame all Israelis and all Israeli Jews for the actions of their government.  It’s like blaming SNP supporters for the actions of Theresa May’s government.


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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

I heard someone on the radio this morning talking about Derek Hatton.  He was complaining that Hatton had said Jews should be criticising Israel; I assume he meant in relation to their treatment of Palestinians but this was a bit unclear.  I think he said the term Hatton used was British Jews and was claiming this was anti-Semitic. 

Now I think Hatton is an arsehole but I was wondering how this comment could be anti-Semitic; I would equate it to saying Catholics should be criticising Catholicism/the Pope over an issue such as their church ignoring child abuse.

As for Israel, it is ridiculous to blame all Israelis and all Israeli Jews for the actions of their government.  It’s like blaming SNP supporters for the actions of Theresa May’s government.


That's fine, and I agree with what you have said here.

However, WATTOO has talked about "pro-Jewish whining" and said that they are "bringing it on themselves".  Not "even" Israeli Jews, but just Jews.

Do you agree that his statement was anti-Semitic or not?

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14 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

WATTOOs  comment is clearly anti-Semitic.

The fact that so many are trying to defend the comment, or explain it away by reference to Israel underlines the insidious nature of this anti-Semitism, and why the Labour party has got itself into such a pickle over it.

Israel and Judaism are not the same thing. 

Stating that the Jews are bring things on themselves is frankly reprehensible. 

That is NOT what I said and you know it.

What I said was that these people using their religion in the way that they are doing is highly likely to have a counter productive effect and may indeed lead to an anti jewish backlash as a result.

I also noticed that you failed to address any of my points, although I'm not in the least bit surprised.

It's easy to accuse someone of being anti semitic just because you don't agree with them and it seems to be happening quite a bit recently, but it's also pretty pathetic in my book...............

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17 minutes ago, AUFC90 said:

Ok then. The people running the Israeli government are a bunch of c***s and always have been. I hope that satisfies your "very specific" requirements.

I reckon that the Rabin government of the early 1990s - y'know, the one that opened the Oslo Accord process with the Palestinian leadership; established a peace treaty with Jordan, the home of the vast majority of refugees; secured a joint Nobel Peace Prize alongside Peres and Yasser Arafat and was then assassinated by a right-wing nationalist for being too conciliatory towards the Palestinians - might have something to say about your ignorant and bigoted attempts to file every single Israeli government under the same category. In fact I doubt Netanyahu and the real c***s in Israeli politics over the last few decades would be thrilled to be lumped together with their mortal rivals either. 

But there is of course no desire for nuance, facts, nor reason when it comes to the George Galloway-type British left and the Israel-Palestine question. It's all unrelenting injustice and repression from moustache-twirling 'Zionists'. Which is why we now have so many amateur-hour historians like yourself and much of the mumbleclown's Labour Party believing that you can lecture everyone on the Israeli state based on nothing other than your own ignorance and bigotry. 

15 minutes ago, AUFC90 said:

Haven't you got a very high paid job to do after that amazing scholarship you couldn't stop telling us all about Virginton ?

Swing and a miss on that attempt at deflection champ. 

Edited by vikingTON
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8 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

That's fine, and I agree with what you have said here.

However, WATTOO has talked about "pro-Jewish whining" and said that they are "bringing it on themselves".  Not "even" Israeli Jews, but just Jews.

Do you agree that his statement was anti-Semitic or not?

Yes I do, it’s not a phrase I would use.  Mind you there’s lots of comments I’ve seen on P&B about lots of things I would not use.

I also have seen no evidence to back up the claims that anti-Semitism is rife in the Labour Party.  If the Hatton comment is an example of it then the complainers are clutching at straws.

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Well, Jeremy Corbyn has stated the following:

"We recognise that anti-Semitism has occurred in pockets within the Labour Party, causing pain and hurt to our Jewish community in the Labour Party and the rest of the country."

I'm not saying it is rife, but it exists and is not "minor".  This thread is exactly what happens in Labour circles writ large.  Justifiable criticism of Israel's treatment of the Palestinian people leads to comments about "pro-Jewish whining".  Zionism becomes synonymous with Judaism.   

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24 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

That is NOT what I said and you know it.


13 hours ago, WATTOO said:

If there is to be a rise in anti semitism it will have been brought on by themselves as I for one am becoming rather annoyed with all their pro jewish whining.

Trump Ha

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24 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

That is NOT what I said and you know it.

What I said was that these people using their religion in the way that they are doing is highly likely to have a counter productive effect and may indeed lead to an anti jewish backlash as a result.

I also noticed that you failed to address any of my points, although I'm not in the least bit surprised.

It's easy to accuse someone of being anti semitic just because you don't agree with them and it seems to be happening quite a bit recently, but it's also pretty pathetic in my book...............

I am accusing you of being anti-Semitic because you are. 

If you claim not to be, what did you mean by "pro-Jewish whining"?

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Swing and a miss on that attempt at deflection champ. 

I think I'll continue filing them under the same category.....champ.


I love you desperately picking one example out of decades of cuntiness in which said example got assassinated for "liking" Palestinians too much. Classic

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8 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

Well, Jeremy Corbyn has stated the following:

"We recognise that anti-Semitism has occurred in pockets within the Labour Party, causing pain and hurt to our Jewish community in the Labour Party and the rest of the country."

I'm not saying it is rife, but it exists and is not "minor".  This thread is exactly what happens in Labour circles writ large.  Justifiable criticism of Israel's treatment of the Palestinian people leads to comments about "pro-Jewish whining".  Zionism becomes synonymous with Judaism.   

But it’s news because it’s “rife” so much so that certain MPs have claimed that it is a large contributory factor in why they have left the Labour Party.

I doubt if anti-Semitism is any more of an issue in the Labour Party than it is in the Conservative Party, but that’s the narrative.

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