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What is the point of labour ?


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1 hour ago, sureiknow said:

Ive always been labour minded.

Would never vote tory.

But how can anyone support Corbyn when he openly calls terroist groups like the IRA and Hamas as his friends? 

Nice guy but deluded. 

Certainly in the case of the IRA, I imagine it's because it's no longer 1981.

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10 hours ago, JamieThomas said:

Certainly in the case of the IRA, I imagine it's because it's no longer 1981.

And in the case of Hamas because the IDF are bigger terrorists and oppressors.


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3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

And in the case of Hamas because the IDF are bigger terrorists and oppressors.

Well that too, but at least people under the age of 40 will be aware of them outside of mythical stories from their grandparents.

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3 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

And in the case of Hamas because the IDF are bigger terrorists and oppressors.


And whereas Hamas are democratically elected, only Jews in the West Bank are allowed to vote for their occupier's government.

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Britain is England mate
In fact just to add, the White House put out a tweet the other day saying that Trump had left the UK and was heading to Scotland. Doesn't actually bother me that people see Scotland as different to UK but with regards to many English politicians Britain is England. Perception is reality and all that
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10 hours ago, welshbairn said:

And whereas Hamas are democratically elected, only Jews in the West Bank are allowed to vote for their occupier's government.

Tbf, you've got to feel for Israel.  Has it now been 14 hours since they sniped a 12 year old?

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Tbf, you've got to feel for Israel.  Has it now been 14 hours since they sniped a 12 year old?

Could you conclusively say that that 12 year old wouldn’t grow up and throw stones at an Israeli tank? Checkmate.
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8 minutes ago, Cerberus said:


Kudos on Labour going that extra mile and managing to be more prejudiced than the gaggle of white privileged Brexit loving racists in the Tory party.

Not convinced that all the definitions are justified.


Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.


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in answer to your question......f*ck all.

When Corbyn was elected leader and throughout the shit stom that ensued within their own party membership and PLP i thought to myself "If the likes of Ian Murray, Kezia Dugdale etc dont like this guy then he must be doing something right"

Then he came to Scotland and knowingly lied about the privatisation of CALMAC, the privatisation of ScotRail, cuts in college places, cuts to local government funding.....all in his first visit.

I understand the need for political parties to make the others look bad but this guy was riding in on a wave of being 'different' 'honest' 'principled' and yet here he was lying through his teeth to people up here.

I dont know what pissed me off more, the lies he was telling or the fact he thought folks up here were dumb enough to fall for them.

If it wasnt for the internet we would probably still be in a position where this country voted for the red rosette regardless of who it was pinned on, thankfully scottish voters are canny and now that everyone has access to all the information they need to make an educated decision the days of labour weighing the scottish vote are over.

proper twat

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I actually wish I lived in Scotland/Wales for more choice. 

I vote Labour (mainly on a regional level) and because I'm not a millionaire.

Liberal Democrats are too beige and Tories are too nasty. 

I stay out of politics nowadays because I find it all incredibly dull and self righteous. 

Interested to hear - who do you guys regard as the best party to vote for locally and nationally?

Edited by Girth
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5 minutes ago, Girth said:

I actually wish I lived in Scotland/Wales for more choice. 

I vote Labour (mainly on a regional level) and because I'm not a millionaire.

Liberal Democrats are too beige and Tories are too nasty. 

I stay out of politics nowadays because I find it all incredibly dull and self righteous. 

Interested to hear - who do you guys regard as the best party to vote for locally and nationally?

IMO in Scotland you should vote the same in Council, Scottish Parliament and Westminster.

By voting the same in Council and Scottish Parliament you are removing the ability of the council to pass blame to the parliament and vice versa.  So if SNP are in both they wont blame themselves for problems at local level but if Labour are at local level and SNP are at parliament then they will point fingers at each other.

Who to vote for?  Well everyone will feel differently but for me its SNP all the way, i dont agree with all of their policies, infact i strongly disagree with some but i would never vote for Labour or Tories as they are not Scottish parties, they are merely branch offces of British parties.

Let me put it this way, Labour and Tories will ALWAYS put the interests of its core vote ahead of its minority vote, so in the case of UK politics both these parties will put the interests of their voters in England ahead of their voters in Scotland, NI or Wales.

If Labour or Tories had to choose between England or the rest of the UK to fund a massive project then they would choose England and who can really blame them.  If they want to stay in power (and therfor affect the kind of change they say they do) then they need voters to vote for them and they arent going to do that by funding the parts of the UK that doesnt affect those chances.

The SNP on the other hand only run in Scotland so the only electorate they ever try to please/appease is the Scottish electorate.


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I actually wish I lived in Scotland/Wales for more choice. 

I vote Labour (mainly on a regional level) and because I'm not a millionaire.

Liberal Democrats are too beige and Tories are too nasty. 

I stay out of politics nowadays because I find it all incredibly dull and self righteous. 

Interested to hear - who do you guys regard as the best party to vote for locally and nationally?

In local elections I just go for the best candidate, usually independent. SNP for Holyrood and Westminster, the latter in the hope we eventually get the balance of power as otherwise there's little point.


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