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What are you like at the football?

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1. Colours or no colours? Usually colours, but if I’m planning on doing anything afterwards then it’ll be no colours. I also wear the same top if we’ve won the previous week with me wearing it, despite having no other superstitious beliefs. 

2. Are you a shouter? Yes, occasionally, but usually it just amounts to ‘aw f**k off’ after the referee gives a perfectly fair free kick to the other team. I don’t tend to shout at the players, apart from Martin Woods, who’s a c**t. 

3. Do you sing? Yes, it’s one of my main pleasures at the football. I’m quite reserved the rest of the time, so find it very cathartic to completely lose the run of myself and let everything out for 90 minutes a week. I don’t start chants though - think I’ve only ever started one, which was about Douglas Ross being an arsehole. 

4. Do you get angry/upset? Generally no, and I can definitely see the funny side of a lot of things (e.g. Tam O’Ware getting sent off a minute in a few years ago was really funny, objectively). However, I was, and still am, deeply bothered by that playoff in Dingwall. Barely spoke to my dad on the drive down the road.

5. How do you travel? Train, then walk up to the ground. Staying in Edinburgh there’s limited (no) options for Thistle supporters buses.

6. Do you go for a drink or attend sober? Usually sober, but will sometimes go for a couple of pints pre-game. If I’m just attending by myself though, which is usually the case, I don’t bother. 

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1) Colours or no colours? Take the scarf to most games, will wear a top if it’s a cup semi/final

2) Are you a shouter? Used to be but don’t bother as much now. If I’ve had a drink I’ll shout a bit more

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? Sometimes, just depends on the mood I’m in. 

4) Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely? Again, I probably used to. Us getting beat would have me feeling down the rest of the day. Nowadays after a quick moan and debrief with the old man, pretty much over it

5) How do you travel? Been all over the shop, mostly drive or get the train if having a beer. 

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? Mostly attend sober as I don’t drink as much as I used to. 

Anyone had folk round them telling to sit down and shut up? My pal (Hearts fan) said he had a couple folk round him at Tynecastle say that to him and he was wondering if I’d ever had the same :lol: (I haven’t) 

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5 minutes ago, Central Belt Caley said:

Anyone had folk round them telling to sit down and shut up? My pal (Hearts fan) said he had a couple folk round him at Tynecastle say that to him and he was wondering if I’d ever had the same :lol: (I haven’t) 

Not personally, but there's been plenty around us at Fir Park who have been told to shut up by our group. People who just want to go there and blame the same player week in week out, or who are being plain nasty and horrible - including swearing constantly/vociferously in front of my mate's daughter.

Also, seeing some Morton fans posting has reminded me of just how f**king furious I was after the Scottish Cup game there last season. First time in a while I'd been on the bevvy going to a game as I wasn't the designated driver and was right looking forward to it.

Like, absolutely fair play to Morton. They bodied us that night and deserved the win but by God, we handed ourselves to them on a platter with Liam Kelly sprinkling his secret sauce all over it and ruining my f**king evening.

Edited by StAndrew7
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1) Occasionally wear something maroon but rarely anything club branded. Might wear a top on a european trip or semi/final.

2)Shout, yes. Wouldn't say it happens all the time, but I shout at decisions, frustration etc. Probably calmer than I was when I was younger but also less likely to accept things like racism/sectarianism than I used to. So on the rare occasions I have to tell someone to shut up after that I worry that i shouldn't be getting involved as ultimately I'm not wanting to be fighting folk in my own support.

3) Singing, absolutely. Best bit about the football is the atmosphere at a big game. Don't start it maybe other than the odd time in a pub, but at the games I join in.

4)  I get angry aye but usually calms down after a pint or two or by the time I'm home. Results used to ruin my weekend/following week but not as much now I have a family and don't just stew on it. Although Scotland's performance at the Euros did leave me genuinely gutted for longer than usual.

5) Home games I get the bus or tram, away games I tend to try and go on public transport as making a day of it is half the fun.

6) Most weeks I'll have a few before the game, or after. Rarely do both before and after anymore unless a big game. Meeting my brothers and pals is often what I look forward to more than the actual game.

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1. Colours/no colours? I used to wear shirt, scarf, hat and green jacket when younger. Now I'm middle aged it's just a green and white bar scarf.

2. Are you a shouter? Apart from a cmon Celtic at at the start! No. 

3. Do you sing? Do you start the singing? Leave that up to the Green Brigade. I usually just watch game and chat to my mate about the week and how the game is. Probably only European games is when I sing.

4. Do you get angry/upset? Genuinely. No. 

5. How do you travel? Train then walk.

6. Do you go for a drink? Attend sober? A couple before the game and after if a Saturday 3pm. Just a couple after if it's an early kick off. Or a couple before if a night game (if going straight from work, nothing) and either off that day or the day after. I'm very boring!

I tend to go to a lot of games as a neutral as well. So just get chatting to a local about their club and the game.

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1 hour ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

I also wear the same top if we’ve won the previous week with me wearing it, despite having no other superstitious beliefs. 

Guilty of this too. Also won’t wear one for a while if we’ve been beat whilst I’ve had it on. Like you, it makes no sense as I’m not superstitious outside of football. 

Edited by PSJ.84
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I am usually a no colours man, with the possible exception of a red and white scarf when the weather begins to demand it. Still, not wearing any colours at an away game, whilst probably the most sensible choice, does deny you that brilliant, smug sense of satisfaction when you lock eyes with the home support on the walk back to the train station or wherever after your team has won. 

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1. Colours or no colours? New top for the first home league game of the season. After that it depends if one is close enough to the front for me to wear at games, bar scarf if it's a later game/cold enough. Although cup games I'll look one out, and Hampden games get a top over the hoody.

2. Are you a shouter? Not at our players or any insults you could make out, but generally a "HAW!" when the ref ignores a blatant foul against us, or grants them a foul for an entirely innocent coming together.
In respect to the other posts, I do sometimes mutter/say an encouraging "go on [our player]" if they look to be running by someone/closing in on goal.

3. Do you sing? I do. Not in the group, but sit close enough to the Bois I can sing along all game if so desired. Though tbh half the newer ones there are some lines I can't make out, and they repeat the same song that I normally give up after a round or two. Never started a song.

4. Do you get angry/upset? During the game yes but anger doesn't last long. I wouldn't say I was upset afterwards if it was a bad one, but I do feel more uplifted if it's a positive.

5. How do you travel? Walk. I don't go to away games. Various buses for Hampden though.

6. Do you go for a drink or attend sober? Sober, I go with my 12yr old. Day drinker for semis/finals though.

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1) Colours or no colours? Colours, unless I've got plans to go out afterwards.

2) Are you a shouter? Not really unless it's something like a part of the crowd shouting 'handball'.

3) Do you sing? Do you start the singing? Sometimes sing. Never start it.

4) Do you get angry/upset? Sometimes, normal human emotions. Don't take it home with me though.

5) How do you travel? Drive or fly.

6) Do you go for a drink or attend sober? Sober if I'm driving. Couple of pints if I'm not.

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There used to be a cartoon episode with Goofy in and he was his normal, lovable self until he got behind the wheel of a car then he turned into a raging headcase. 

That's me at the football. 

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16 hours ago, DrewDon said:

that brilliant, smug sense of satisfaction when you lock eyes with the home support on the walk back to the train station or wherever after your team has won. 

I wouldn't know about that. What's it like?

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1) No colours. I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel on the inside.

2) I tend to not shout unless I'm really pissed off at the ref

3) Don't sing that much. Depends on the alcohol intake and general atmosphere.

4) I'm old enough to have calmed down but I still have my heads gone moments. Again depends on alcohol intake and perceived injustices. (Which I will probably find are totally wrong when I watch the game back. 😄 )

5) Home games by bus via the pub. Very rare away games by train. Next up in Nov 2nd.

6) I have attended games sober and it is not to be recommended. I need something to numb the pain.

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The majority of games that I attend are Hannover 96, but also a regular home & away for Scotland games as well as attend any Thistle games I can when in the country.


1. Colours or no colours? Never in Germany (the town I live in is predominantly Eintracht Braunschweig) but being "neutral" also makes travel to & from away games easier. For Scotland games I'll put on a top but no kilt or anything like that. Thistle not any more. 

2. Are you a shouter? Nowadays tends to be limited to "F' Off ref" or "get up ya diving pr!ck" or similar.  

3. Do you sing? At Firhill, I always sit at the South end of the Jackie Husband which is as far away as you can get from the singing section in the John Lambie. At Scotland games, depends on the scoreline / how p!sh the game is. At Hannover yes. Not so much at home games, but at away games yes (usually the alcohol consumption is higher than at home games).

4. Do you get angry/upset? Not any more. In years gone by would have been spitting feathers for a good bit after the game eg our inability to close off for a win in the Leigh Griffiths 2-2 game against England. Nowadays it's a case of a quick "gtf", then back to normal fairly quickly, eg the last two Scotland games.

5. How do you travel? Thistle, home it's bus plus subway. Away supporters bus. Hannover always by train.

6. Do you go for a drink or attend sober? For Thistle, it varies as regards prior to home games, but always afterwards (both my brothers live close to the stadium). Away games always ± 3 pints before hand. Scotland will always have some drinks, but keep it in check since at the end of the day I wan't to see the game after having spent all that money and effort to get there. At Hannover both home & away will have a good few beers .

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Team Colours - Yes, usually a top sometimes a scarf or hat as we get into the winter months.

Shouter? - I do sometimes bust mostly encouragement rather than having a go at a player or official although there's been a bit more temptation this season.

Sing? I sit to the South of the Jackie Husband stand so not too much. Away games aye but with the younger guys there I don't start chants anymore.

Angry or upset? I'm disgruntled if we lose, indifferent if we draw and happy if we win. 

Travel? - Home games walk or catch the subway depending where I'm going. Away games it's always the supporters bus these days.

Pints? I don't know how someone could face a Thistle game without 2 or 3 pre-match bevvies. Away games the bus gets us there early doors so again it's 3 or 4 pre-match pints.

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You all would hate me at the football...

Colours - No, I'm very much a cap on, jacket up to my chin kind of guy.

Shouter - Very much so. Angry/positive shouts at my own players, offensive shouts at opposition players, piss taking shouts at opposition fans.

Sing - Yeah, I get involved. Used to start it now and again as a youth.

Angry - Very much if we lose. Usually because it's our own doing. I lost my shit with James McPake after the Ross County drubbing, standing on my own shouting from the Derry.

Travel - I don't drink anymore, so just take the car.

Pints - Not anymore, probably in everyone's best interest tbf.

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27 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

Pints - Not anymore, probably in everyone's best interest tbf.

Watching Dundee sober must be a wild ride.

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