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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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9 minutes ago, NorthernJambo said:

Hold the fucking phone, mouthwash before you brush your teeth? I'm no really a mouthwash guy, more brush and spit man, but mouthwash before you brush?! Before?
The worlds going to hell in a hand cart.

Yes, for the same reason you shouldn't rinse your mouth out with water after you brush your teeth.


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Yes, for the same reason you shouldn't rinse your mouth out with water after you brush your teeth.

Okay, I'm less perplexed by this development. It's not directly before as I had in mind. Not directly after either. Just a random point in the day, aye nae bother. Just give me wooden teeth now.
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18 minutes ago, Zen Archer said:

Your right to be a Fifer has been hereby revoked.

I was never a real Fifer anyway. Lived there on and off for about half my life but wasn't born there and neither were my folks (old man adopted the Pars as his team when he was in his late 40s). 

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Tractors that travel 15-20 miles on a single carriageway, where the f*ck are they going!!? Especially in the rush hour and refuse to pull in occasionally where possible to let the 3 mile line of traffic that's built up behind them pass. F*ckin Farmers, get in the Field where your Tractor belongs!!


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3 minutes ago, RedRob72 said:

Tractors that travel 15-20 miles on a single carriageway, where the f*ck are they going!!? Especially in the rush hour and refuse to pull in occasionally where possible to let the 3 mile line of traffic that's built up behind them pass. F*ckin Farmers, get in the Field where your Tractor belongs!!


I quite like seeing tractors driving about Edinburgh at rush hour. Breaks up the monotony. 

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Lothian Busses. Honestly the worst transport system of any city I've lived in. Extortionate for a bus pass as well. Driver today didn't let me on but did gesture towards the bus behind him. Great except the bus behind was a 23 not a 27 so doesn't actually take me home. Fucking useless.

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3 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:

Lothian Busses. Honestly the worst transport system of any city I've lived in. Extortionate for a bus pass as well. Driver today didn't let me on but did gesture towards the bus behind him. Great except the bus behind was a 23 not a 27 so doesn't actually take me home. Fucking useless.

Are the buses any slower since they put the trams in?

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