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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Slugs. I hate the b*****ds.

I have forty chilli plants in flower just now and I see a bit of slug damage starting to happen. I need a frog for the greenhouse.

They dont seem to like tomato plants though.

Which is nice

My tomato plants look a bit sad. The leaves have all curled up. There's loads of wee yellow flowers though, so hopefully they're not dead. My potatoes are getting massive, as are my onions, brocolli and rhubarb. B)

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My tomato plants look a bit sad. The leaves have all curled up. There's loads of wee yellow flowers though, so hopefully they're not dead. My potatoes are getting massive, as are my onions, brocolli and rhubarb. B)

I took a bunch of spuds we got from tesco that were starting to seed and stuck them in the ground in march. They are massive and are starting to flower. Ive never grown potatoes before so I,m hoping they will be ok. Should be ready to start the howking in a few weeks id reckon.

Leave only three leaves max on your tomatoes BTW. Thats all thats needed and keep picking the fruit and the plant will keep on producing more and more. Same with chillies. I started growing them a few years ago and they look totally cool when tey are ripening off.

And its great fun to have a drunken full of bravado "Habanero eating contest" :ph34r: . I actually cried in pain. :lol:

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I took a bunch of spuds we got from tesco that were starting to seed and stuck them in the ground in march. They are massive and are starting to flower. Ive never grown potatoes before so I,m hoping they will be ok. Should be ready to start the howking in a few weeks id reckon.

Dad is growing lettuce and potatos in the garden this year. He's grown potatos a few times before. He used to grow them in stacked up tyres with compost from the garden centre, and they were really good but the last couple of years he's planted them in the ground and last year particularly they weren't great. I put that more down to the fact that he picked them all at once though, and so there was hundreds of them. They started to smell and our kitchen became a total infestation of flies.

The lettuce have been hacked to bits by bugs. He thinks I'm eating them, he can think again.

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And its great fun to have a drunken full of bravado "Habanero eating contest" :ph34r: . I actually cried in pain. :lol:

Habaneros. Owch. That's real man stuff. I like my spicy stuff, but that's just asking for pain.

Edited by Synex
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Some of the "banter" currently going on in the 1st Div forum. A lot of it is cringeworthy and total pish. For that reason alone I can't wait for pre-season to start.

God yes! Even Miles' new alias is shit! He hasn't really made an effort this time round, gutted!

These fake St Johnstone fans are doing my tits in too. As you say, roll on pre-season.

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Habaneros. Owch. That's real man stuff. I like my spicy stuff, but that's just asking for pain.

I like the flavour of the Habs though. They are hot but you get used to it. I dont think they are a mile worse than some of the other ones I have grown either, They make good sauces too. I put chilli sauce on virtually everything :lol:

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God yes! Even Miles' new alias is shit! He hasn't really made an effort this time round, gutted!

These fake St Johnstone fans are doing my tits in too. As you say, roll on pre-season.

Who is he this time?

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Nathan 'The Black Cat' Abbey has been released by Brentford.

In better news it's Ron Noades' birthday in under 2 weeks

Butcher knows what he is doing.

He is after William McCulloch as the new number one I've heard.

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I took a bunch of spuds we got from tesco that were starting to seed and stuck them in the ground in march. They are massive and are starting to flower. Ive never grown potatoes before so I,m hoping they will be ok. Should be ready to start the howking in a few weeks id reckon.

As soon as that? I really don't know when to start harvesting them. Mine are up to my knees in height and have loads of purple flowers on them. I'm fair chuffed! :D

Leave only three leaves max on your tomatoes BTW. Thats all thats needed and keep picking the fruit and the plant will keep on producing more and more.

Three leaves in total or three levels of leaves? Should I pick all of the other ones off? I've never grown tomatoes before so have no idea what I'm doing really, but it's all good fun watching them grow! Maybe that's why they're curling up, because there are too many leaves. Help!

And its great fun to have a drunken full of bravado "Habanero eating contest" :ph34r: . I actually cried in pain. :lol:

Never thought of growing chilies - do you do them in the greenhouse too? Habaneros though, are you mental?!?

Why does anyone bother growing their own veg given the cheapness and better quality of supermarket stuff, not to mention the lack of hassle?

You are joking, right?

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The "M" key on my keyboard isn't working very well, I really have to whack it for it to work. I don't know whether to try and type using words that don't have that letter, or go ahead and ensure I batter the key.

Decisions, decisions.

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