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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm on a train in Doncaster station, and have been sitting here going nowhere for 80 minutes. I was up at 6am this morning, have played two rounds of golf so am knackered, and have some sort of flu. I need to be in Newcastle for 9am tomorrow morning, so thought I'd get the 9pm train from Kings Cross to get into Newcastle just after midnight. Because of signal failure, we need to take a diversionary route, meaning I won't be in Newcastle until at least 3am. And I can't go out for a cigarette either.

I am utterly, mortally and completely pissed off, and feel like fúcking crying just writing this.

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I got some personal issues, which Im not going to go into here...but Im scared to go to sleep now. I need to be up at half 6 tomorrow for work, and I know I need sleep....but as soon as I put the lights out I know the voices will come back again.

Im looking for excuses to stay up at the moment, I dont know if I will be able to hold myself together without something else to occupy my mind. I have issues :(

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I got some personal issues, which Im not going to go into here...but Im scared to go to sleep now. I need to be up at half 6 tomorrow for work, and I know I need sleep....but as soon as I put the lights out I know the voices will come back again.

Im looking for excuses to stay up at the moment, I dont know if I will be able to hold myself together without something else to occupy my mind. I have issues :(

Voices? :blink:

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Voices? :blink:

Aye, you know, the internal dialogue, imaginary noises, the side of your mind that you can normally keep in control. At the moment, I cant deal with that.

The noises are no problem, I get them all the time anyway, Ive just learnt to keep a weapon by my bed and prowl the house when I hear or get woken up by something. Its the conversation and my own thoughts Im having some problems with! Im contemplating buying myself a nice malt tomorrow to see if a wee dram before bed takes care of it.

Should be alright again in a few days! :ph34r:

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I got some personal issues, which Im not going to go into here...but Im scared to go to sleep now.

Is it the thought of impending legal action by PG that is keeping you awake?

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Is it the thought of impending legal action by PG that is keeping you awake?

Well its either that or the thought of 12 Ruel Street.... :lol:

You might want to see about that xbl, booze is not the answer!

Ach Im not talking about drowning my sorrows - just a single medicinal dram of a good whisky to give me a pleasant send off to sleep! I got the idea from a broons comic. And the broons are the single best source of psychological aid!

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1. I took her for a drink, we had a long, deep and meaningful chat at the end of which she said that all she could offer me was friendship. She didn't want to commit any more than that. I totally respect her position and am not about to pressurise her, I'm too nice for that, but I'm gutted. :(

2. Then my airport got bombed. :angry:

3. Then I got pished and got involved with the Karaoke down my local. I'll never be able to show my face there again! :ph34r::(

4. Then I picked up the phone and called Lyn-Marie. I'm sorry, I was blootered, in shock and must have spouted some absolute rubbish. Did I actually offer to bury my head between your legs and make you come like a train......or, gods forbid, was that someone else! :ph34r::(

As a pagan, I should have known that Friday's massive full moon was a bad, bad, bad omen.... :(

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My annoying work'mate' is back from holiday. He never stops working and it pisses me off. Can't get any peace reading the paper before we start as he is always going around asking me questions.

He doesnt have any breaks either. Eats on the job and just walks around doing things all the time. :angry:

Its not as if we are rushed off our feet, I wouldnt be on here otherwise!

Another thing he does, puts empty boxes in the bin without cutting them up, then moans when the bin is full again!!!!

Just as I type this he is bundling about the front of the shop knocking everything over!! I wouldnt be surprised if he was just doing it to give himself another job in picking the stuff up again.

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Fecking sunburnt. :( And I bit the inside of my lip whilst eating Millions, and it hurts. :(

And how shit are Scotland's under 20s?

Morton strike again!! We shall make you all bite your lips!!!

Damn fucking Scotland, waste of a tenner, I gave up and went to bed as soon as the farcical opener went in...

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Ach, to be fair to them, at least they qualified for the World Cup... :rolleyes:

Dont forget the fact that the Japanese team are brilliant, I can see Japan winning the big World Cup in my lifetime if thats the kind of player they are developing.

Two howlers by the 'keeper too, cut them out and we'll do alright I think.

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b*****ds that try and blow airports up when my pals are working. Then being taken to the hospital round the corner from where I was drinking and havving the roads shut off <_<

I feel for you, buddy! The airport is not a happy place this morning. I've already seen three staff in tears. :( I may just go and check on the Emirates girls in a minute to make sure they're okay!

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Guest XaaronPrimus
come like a train

What? with massive delays due to signal failures/leaves on the line/general shiteness resulting in it being several hours late? :blink:

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What? with massive delays due to signal failures/leaves on the line/general shiteness resulting in it being several hours late? :blink:

:lol::lol: That's not what I meant and you know it! :P:rolleyes:

I still remember saying it but just can't remember who to! :unsure::ph34r::(

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:lol::lol: That's not what I meant and you know it! :P:rolleyes:

I still remember saying it but just can't remember who to! :unsure::ph34r::(

Could this possibly be why the Lady friend just wants to be friends?

Lady - Hi Kilt

Kilt - Fancy a Pint?

Lady - Yes please

Kilt (Returning from bar) - So can i stick my head between your legs and make you come like a train?

Lady - Eh?!?!!? I just want to be friends Kilt

Edited by Bowie_1888
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