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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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You look like a pirate as well, which adds to the effect.

Yarr! :D

I was actually thinking that in the bathroom just then. Im a week unshaven again, and I was contemplating shaving a couple of stripes, but I am looking a wee bit piraty. Got me a glint in my eye, long lustrous curls, and a bit of a beard going on. Yarr!

This is a boring night though, the sky remains clear but its muggy, football tomorrow, and then I shall be going out on the lash for weeks. Tonight though, BORED! :(

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This is a boring night though, the sky remains clear but its muggy, football tomorrow, and then I shall be going out on the lash for weeks. Tonight though, BORED! :(

There are 2 bottles of 20/20 in my fridge calling me like sirens.


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I had a wee look in my "local" shop yesterday see if they stocked The Dog, and they don't appear to :(

Although, it was fairly early in the morning, and I didn't want to look like a complete jakie staring at the drink behind the counter, let alone ask.

I'll have a closer look next time I'm in buying Red Stripe.

Edited to Include: Matey!

Edited by Dunc
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I had a wee look in my "local" shop yesterday see if they stocked The Dog, and they don't appear to :(

Although, it was fairly early in the morning, and I didn't want to look like a complete jakie staring at the drink behind the counter, let alone ask.

I'll have a closer look next time I'm in buying Red Stripe.

Edited to Include: Matey!

There are 3 shops within a 10 minute of my house that stock Mogen David, but only 'John the Pakis' has it in the fridge.

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There are 2 bottles of 20/20 in my fridge calling me like sirens.


I just signed up for an online pirate rpg...then realised just how crap it looked and closed the window. Yarrr! :ph34r:

Im not even being called by drink, Im just so incredibly bored, I cant wait till tomorrow. :(

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I just signed up for an online pirate rpg...then realised just how crap it looked and closed the window. Yarrr! :ph34r:

Im not even being called by drink, Im just so incredibly bored, I cant wait till tomorrow. :(

Console yourself with the fact it's actually today.

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There are 3 shops within a 10 minute of my house that stock Mogen David, but only 'John the Pakis' has it in the fridge.

There are 3 shops within a 10 minute walk of my house, and from what I can tell they are effectively arid wastelands.

There is another one, run by an Asian Dynasty, but I'm not sure if they'll have it, due to them being part of the "Nisa" family. A bit like the Still Game episode where Navid's becomes a Spar, and he has to stop selling porn mags, and adhere to licensing laws.

If push comes to shove, I can always go to Inverkeithing, which possibly has more pubs per person than anywhere else in Scotland, and also has its fair share of independent alcohol emporiums.

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I had a wee look in my "local" shop yesterday see if they stocked The Dog, and they don't appear to :(

Yarr, thats unfortunate, how old are you anyway? Are we be leading you down the wrong path by making drink recommendations, ye scurvy swabbie?

Console yourself with the fact it's actually today.

That is actually some consolation, Shame I cant sleep. :(

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There is another one, run by an Asian Dynasty, but I'm not sure if they'll have it, due to them being part of the "Nisa" family. A bit like the Still Game episode where Navid's becomes a Spar, and he has to stop selling porn mags, and adhere to licensing laws.

One of the shops beside me is in the 'Early til Late' chain and it stocks dog. You can be sure an 'Asian' shop will stock it.

During term time I often find myself struggling to get to sleep, but during the summer when I'm at home I do loads of excercise and normally fall asleep instantly. You just need to tire yourself out.

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During term time I often find myself struggling to get to sleep, but during the summer when I'm at home I do loads of excercise and normally fall asleep instantly. You just need to tire yourself out.

Aye that be the problem. I havent done my usual this week, stuff got in the way of my swimming and gym routine, plus we had a very late dinner. Sigh...

Old enough to legally purchase a (yo ho ho and a) bottle of rum.

Im just trying to figure out the logistics of buying two ladies of the night, tying a length of string to each one,and then carrying out an assortment of rolling and spinning tricks with them. You'd need pretty damn strong fingers. Unless you purchased midget hookers.

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I'm bored enough to research my claims about Inverkeithing's pub density.

Population of just over 5000 in 2001, apparently, and I can think of 7 pubs on the High Street, another which I'm unsure about it being in business or not, and Google has thrown up another which I doubt the existence of.

Millport's got at least 5 pubs on the main (*cough* only *cough*) drag and a population of 1400 so Inverkeithing is behind on that scale. I'm sure there'll be somewhere with a higher pub / population ratio.

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