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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
I've got so much work to do for my dissertation. I'll be in the library 12 hours + a day for the next 5 weeks. Suicide seems a decent option at this time.

Cheer up Fudge, lad - it's never as bad as you think it's going to be.

e.g. You aren't a Stirling Albion supporter and the last I heard you had a magnificent pair of chebs to fall back on.

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Cheer up Fudge, lad - it's never as bad as you think it's going to be.

e.g. You aren't a Stirling Albion supporter and the last I heard you had a magnificent pair of chebs to fall back on.

It is as bad as I think it will be. I'm just in the middle of doing the analysis and it's all so complicated and statistical. I'll really be struggling to get it in on time. :(

Although no longer my girlfriend, i still get unlimited access to her chebs when i wish which cushions the blow, so to speak

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My three year old daughter went berserk with a felt tip pen over virtually every wall in the entire house today. It has all washed off thankfully but I lost the plot with her and ranted and raved and now I feel fucking terrible. :( I love her really but she probably feels lie I don't now. The wee soul. :(

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My three year old daughter went berserk with a felt tip pen over virtually every wall in the entire house today. It has all washed off thankfully but I lost the plot with her and ranted and raved and now I feel fucking terrible. :( I love her really but she probably feels lie I don't now. The wee soul. :(

The joys of being a father and i am afraid and i doesn't get any easier

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People who open windows (sometimes more than 1) on the bus when its fucking freezing outside :angry: :angry: Some fud done it today. He comes on the bus, and before he puts his arse on the seat he's opening two windows, I mean - how is he supposed to know its too bloody warm on the bus when he's just got on it? Arsehole.

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Guest The Phoenix

People without sufficient intelligence to take everything they will need outside with them, instead of having to repeatedly go in and out of the house.

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Bloody work.

A few weeks ago they sent out a memo stating that we would be getting paid on Christmas Eve. Some of the care staff complained as they felt this was too late for doing shopping, etc. They all signed a letter and it got sent to head office. Now they've sent out a fucking memo saying that we are getting paid on the 19th of December. All well and good you might think. Oh no - they are paying us 3 weeks wages to last until the 23rd of January. Thats 5 weeks over christmas and new year on 3 weeks wages. Thanks a lot you moaning faced Irvine hags.

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