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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I've been handed back responsibility for sick leave monitoring and have found that the guy who was doing it in my place has only entered absences manually on file, rather than update the electronic record held on the password protected 'S' Drive file. That means I'm having to trawl through every record to update it. That's about 130 staff's records. :angry:<_<:(

Edit: And now my one staff member informs me that he's got a half day on Monday to go to the dentist and three days' leave from next Wednesday. So next week I'll be running the show alone for three and a half days! <_<

Edited by Kilt
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The same Raith Rovers match that I can't make because I don't finish work in Dundee until half 6! :(:P

No one holds a candle to the Robster (I'm trialling it) and i'm unlikely to be focussing much on the Arsenal game TBH.


Just go back to getting the bus to Celtic Park or Ibrox every 2nd week like you did when the Rovers were shite.

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Just go back to getting the bus to Celtic Park or Ibrox every 2nd week like you did when the Rovers were shite.

I'll have you know that neither of my big teams (both Celtic and Rangers; gotta cover those bases) are playing tonight and I might well have patronised your wee club. Not now though!

p.s. I'd like to offer a Happy St Paddys day to her most Gracious Majesty.

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The same Raith Rovers match that I can't make because I don't finish work in Dundee until half 6! :(:P

Pfft, you could make the game easily :P

Not that I'm one to talk, I won't be there either.

Edited by Michael W
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You two better bring notes to explain your absence and hand them in at the club office next home game or I'm telling John McGlynn on ye's.

Dear Mrs Sommerville,

Liam didn't make class football on Wednesday Tuesday because he woz dead ken?

Liam's maw.

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I don't drive. Unlike some...

No trains? :(

You two better bring notes to explain your absence and hand them in at the club office next home game or I'm telling John McGlynn on ye's.

Dear Mr McGlynn,

I'd like to offer you my sincere apologies for my absence at the recent fixture with Queens Park. As you may, or may not be aware, I have recently had to deal with a particularly challenging, yet boring piece of coursework for uni. As a result, me and my friends arranged a night out, where I made the disgusting error of forgetting to check the fixture list before confirming my attendance. As a result of not wanting to let the team (no pun intended) down, I have no choice but to go and get utterly pished.

Apologies, and I hope to drink to a Raith victory when my brother texts me the score.

Yours apologetically,

Michael W

P.S If Raith lose and I'm found KO'd in a gutter, I'm holding you and Raith Rovers FC personally responsible.

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No trains? :(

Half past the hour, so I can't get the half 6. The half 7 helps me miss the first half and I'm not dedicated enough to spend £26 on trip and entrance for 45 minutes. Sorry guys.

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Half past the hour, so I can't get the half 6. The half 7 helps me miss the first half and I'm not dedicated enough to spend £26 on trip and entrance for 45 minutes. Sorry guys.

I quite sympathise. It's the same for me with mid-week home Berwick games. I can get down in time for kick-off but I'd have to leave at half time to get the last train back to Paisley. Either that or watch the whole game and sleep overnight on a bench in Waverley Station! :(:rolleyes:

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I quite sympathise. It's the same for me with mid-week home Berwick games. I can get down in time for kick-off but I'd have to leave at half time to get the last train back to Paisley. Either that or watch the whole game and sleep overnight on a bench in Waverley Station! :(:rolleyes:

Usually I finish at half five, get the half 6 and stroll to the game. Not tonight though <_<

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Raith Rovers Football Club scored in the 24th minute of last night's game and couldn't kill it off. So, rather than quietly enjoy a nice leisurely drink whilst watching the Arsenal game I ended up prowling the house treating my nice beer like it was Fosters and not savouring it and generally apperaring to be an alcoholic ape.

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Raith Rovers Football Club scored in the 24th minute of last night's game and couldn't kill it off. So, rather than quietly enjoy a nice leisurely drink whilst watching the Arsenal game I ended up prowling the house treating my nice beer like it was Fosters and not savouring it and generally apperaring to be an alcoholic ape.

One positive is that you didn't have to watch the 2nd half of the game live.

Last time I was as uncomfortable as that was when I shat myself in primary 3.

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One positive is that you didn't have to watch the 2nd half of the game live.

Last time I was as uncomfortable as that was when I shat myself in primary 3.


Still though, I believe again!!! :D

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