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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Love Street in Paisley is shut again. We're having to go via Caledonia Street behind St.Mirren's old ground, then weave through the Gockston scheme to get to the airport. It's utter chaos, even at 07:30 in the morning! The traffic's jammed up all over the place. :angry:

(Cheers for that advice above HGG - you're a diamond. ;) )

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Love Street in Paisley is shut again. We're having to go via Caledonia Street behind St.Mirren's old ground, then weave through the Gockston scheme to get to the airport. It's utter chaos, even at 07:30 in the morning! The traffic's jammed up all over the place. :angry:

I raise you Edinburgh city centre. In fact all of it.Nightmare.

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Phoning 3 to give notice of my intent to finish with them in 30 days so I can get myself an iPhone to have the fella do his best Del Boy and flog me a phone that quite clearly isn't the one I want.

Me: "I would like to end my contract with you, therefore I'm starting my 30 day notice period."

3 Person: "I'm sorry to hear that, Mr Doctor. May I ask why?"

Me: "I'm getting another phone on another network. Specifically an iPhone with O2."

3 Person: "I can offer you this other phone which is similar, which we can do for you cheaper and we'll throw this and that in as well."

Me: "I see. Tell me something, is it an iPhone?"

3 Person: "Well, no, because we cannot offer the iPhone..."

Me: "Then I don't want it then. Please may I have my PAC code"

3 Person: "Are you sure, sir? This phone is very similar and...."

Me: "Is it an iPhone?"

3 Person: "It's not, I'm afraid"

Me: "Then I don't want it. Am I not making myself clear? Please can I have my PAC code"

It took me another three times to tell him I didn't want the alternative he was offering and I eventually weedled my PAC code out of him. What part of "I don't want your phone" was he not getting? :angry:

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My brother in law had the same problem with them(3) Doc.

They kept offering him a new phone and were unwilling to tell him the exact date his contract ended.Terrible bloody company.

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I raise you Edinburgh city centre. In fact all of it.Nightmare.

Och, alright - you win.....


.....and if I wasn't so unfit lazy, I could probably walk to the airport from Paisley quicker than the bus takes! :rolleyes:

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Me: "I would like to end my contract with you, therefore I'm starting my 30 day notice period."

3 Person: "I'm sorry to hear that, Mr Doctor. May I ask why?"

You: "Because I'm slightly unnerved at a mobile phone company that not only knows my username on an internet forum, but addresses me as such during my conversations to their call centre"

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Colleagues who arrange interviews without telling me. I've already been out once to serve removal directions and again to collect the post. Now, out of the blue, an interviewee has turned up who I've had to escort through to the office and now I'm waiting to escort the Farsi interpreter through when she arrives. That's about two miles walked today already! <_<

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Decided I was having a lie in this morning, so called a taxi for work. The taxi turned up a quarter to nine ('right away isn't 20 minutes in my fucking book), managed to drive into a fucking traffic hold up despite the fact that there were about 3 different options.

The fact that I'm now running late due tyo his incompetence and his companies lies causes the driver some sort of pressure. He doesn't react well and stalls the car 3 (three) times in a ten minute drive.

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Colleagues who arrange interviews without telling me. I've already been out once to serve removal directions and again to collect the post. Now, out of the blue, an interviewee has turned up who I've had to escort through to the office and now I'm waiting to escort the Farsi interpreter through when she arrives. That's about two miles walked today already! <_<

Are any of these things not your job?

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Phoning 3 to give notice of my intent to finish with them in 30 days so I can get myself an iPhone to have the fella do his best Del Boy and flog me a phone that quite clearly isn't the one I want.

I hate phone salesman/women.

I gave t mobile my notice on sunday. They asked why, I told them their reception is rubbish and I can't contact anyone. She pleaded for a bit, but eventually gave in.

I'd gone into t mobile on friday to cancel it in person, but they said they can't do cancellations in store. Also said I paid insurance and the memory card had fallen out because of a flaw in the design, but they also said they couldn't deal with any of that in store.

They could have basically dealt with anything that involved them making money, but nothing that involved helping me. Useless tramps.

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Like when I phoned up to cancel my car insurance as the renewal was about £80 dearer than other companies. After telling them I'd already accepted another quote, they said "can I give you a re-quote as it might be cheaper". Me: "No, because I'd then be wondering why you didn't give me that price in the first place".


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I couldnt sign in here at college today so i just started reading this from the start due to boredom at college. I got about 20 pages in while making my own list of things that annoy me. Thats how boring Cisco Networking really is, so here we go:

1. sky phoning me to join sky talk for the thousandth time.

Me: I dont own this phone-line, and even if i did i have no interest

Twat: Okay sir, sorry for that i shall take you off our calling list

Five Minutes Later:

*Ring Ring*

Me: Hello?

Twat 2: Hello Mr Edgar, can i interest you in skytal...

..................Dial Tone...........................

2. People sitting thier bags on empty seats in crowded buses

3. Anybody with a BMW or Merc while on the road, it doesnt belong to you, you c***s!

4. Neds who act like such hardcases while shielded by 10 mates

5. Ugly Neds who pull lovely looking girls

6. Women who get treated like horseshit by assholes and then go back to them

7. Jade Goody

8. The Media's Tributes to Jade Goody "Her son has gained her strength" what strength?, 2 weeks ago she was inhaling morphine and screaming "ill be dead in a month!"

9. Kerry Katona

10. Tv adverts that show a senario or something else that has no relevance to the product

11. Barry Scott

12. The old b*****d in my college course who has retaken this course 4 times and still knows nothing

13. The american b*****d who acts all knowledgable in class when hes done the course twice

14. The Paki guy who is allways late

15. People on xbox live that act like hard cases

16. Being asked what you want to eat for dinner when you are either

A: Desperate for a shit

B: Having only woken up 2 seconds earlier

theres alot more believe me, but i cant be arsed lol

You've finally snapped big guy, congrats :D

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I have just put 42 litre of unleaded in my van but it is a diesel van,I am going to get the balls booted at work.

Which is worse? Petrol in a Diesel or Diesel in a Petrol? I seem to remember Petrol in a Diesel not being as bad?

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