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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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On line bullying, over reacting at vile half stories in tabloid Sunday papers, and general playground antics in the best Scottish football forum.

Do I win a prize? And can you bairns do the rest of us a favour and go and sniff glue or something more constructive than your ususal garbage?


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Guest The Mentalist
Bugger off amn! :P

Basically, if this was a bar, there would be 3 people holding me back, tables scattered everywhere, fucking foaming at the mouth, and that b*****d sitting on the other side of the room with his best injured innocence look on. I don't care if he's just a wind up and he's got me....I've outlasted wind up merchant after wind up merchant, but that fucker really gets on my fucking wit! His posting style is deliberately infuriating, designed to fucking get on peoples fucking wicks, and its working! Fucking quit it and shut up!

I've never ignored anyone in my life, and I don't plan on starting now. He would only spam me with messages anyway.


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Still feeling generally rubbish. Sore throat, swollen glands, earache.

Taking paracetamol, not sure whether I should phone doctor or not :unsure:

Swine flu is it? :P

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Basically, if this was a bar, there would be 3 people holding me back, tables scattered everywhere, fucking foaming at the mouth, and that b*****d sitting on the other side of the room with his best injured innocence look on. I don't care if he's just a wind up and he's got me....I've outlasted wind up merchant after wind up merchant, but that fucker really gets on my fucking wit! His posting style is deliberately infuriating, designed to fucking get on peoples fucking wicks, and its working! Fucking quit it and shut up!

I know how you feel, but still..... :lol:

On line bullying, over reacting at vile half stories in tabloid Sunday papers, and general playground antics in the best Scottish football forum.

Do I win a prize? And can you bairns do the rest of us a favour and go and sniff glue or something more constructive than your ususal garbage?


The return of burgundy and G_Man are just going to make this much more fun.

So quiet, you crabbit oik, or come the 5's there'll be a scene much like the one xbl described above. You will feel the WRATH of CAPTAIN AWESOME. :angry:

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The return of burgundy and G_Man are just going to make this much more fun.

So quiet, you crabbit oik, or come the 5's there'll be a scene much like the one xbl described above. You will feel the WRATH of CAPTAIN AWESOME. :angry:

Burgundy, xbass and Gman are not those of whom I speak, wretch. B)

Gman/xbl is poetic justice for Lidl boy, and I await further exchanges with barely suppressed glee. The Mantalist has already ruffled a few feathers and is behaving entirely appropriately for his fabulous pedigree.

What I really canne be doing with is all this "let's make a total fool of someone and post it on the net to ensure that he can't miss it". Shameful. :(

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Burgundy, xbass and Gman are not those of whom I speak, wretch. B)

What I really canne be doing with is all this "let's make a total fool of someone and post it on the net to ensure that he can't miss it". Shameful. :(

Wrecth! :o

Never has my miserable being been so appropriately summarised in a single, biting word!

Who is making a total fool of whom, and where can I see it and get all moralistic and outraged? :D

Edit: I've just seen it. Pathetic. No wonder the boy is depressed.

Edited by Monster
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Guest Kyle99

Another thing, people who come online, then appear offline, and come online and so forth, so that someone will start talking to them. YES, WE KNOW YOU'RE ONLINE SO STOP BLOODY POPPING IN AND OUT SO SOMEONE WILL PAY ATTENTION TO YOU!

Had to get that off my chest.

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Another thing, people who come online, then appear offline, and come online and so forth, so that someone will start talking to them. YES, WE KNOW YOU'RE ONLINE SO STOP BLOODY POPPING IN AND OUT SO SOMEONE WILL PAY ATTENTION TO YOU!

Had to get that off my chest.

Or alternatively, they could just have a temperamental internet connection?

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Another thing, people who come online, then appear offline, and come online and so forth, so that someone will start talking to them. YES, WE KNOW YOU'RE ONLINE SO STOP BLOODY POPPING IN AND OUT SO SOMEONE WILL PAY ATTENTION TO YOU!

Had to get that off my chest.

I done that for a good few minutes last night for the sole purpose of annoying people. I got a wee bit of abuse. :lol: I actually turn that off, so when folk sign in or whatever, nothing pops up.

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Bugger off amn! :P

Basically, if this was a bar, there would be 3 people holding me back, tables scattered everywhere, fucking foaming at the mouth, and that b*****d sitting on the other side of the room with his best injured innocence look on. I don't care if he's just a wind up and he's got me....I've outlasted wind up merchant after wind up merchant, but that fucker really gets on my fucking wit! His posting style is deliberately infuriating, designed to fucking get on peoples fucking wicks, and its working! Fucking quit it and shut up!

I've never ignored anyone in my life, and I don't plan on starting now. He would only spam me with messages anyway.

You're bright enough when you want to be, and you can type perfectly well when you want to. However, you have this whole dumb as f**k persona fucking well crafted so that a single one of your deliberately badly written posts is enough to make me bash my fucking heid off the desk! Finally, I understand how Dickson managed to make Ric infuriated enough to resign.

Its nothing to do with your "lies", I've posted time and time again that I don't give a flying f**k about what you do or do not do with your personal life. I don't care if every word you say is gospel, or if everything is a complete fabrication, I simply don't fucking care about your fucking insignificant little speck of a fucking life. I dont care.

What I do care about is your deliberately fucking badly written fucking writing style. You can do better than that. Even the fucking kids on here often start off typing badly but improve with practice. You can do better than that, but you choose not to. You Choose to type like a five year old is bashing a keyboard with his forehead, and you do it on purpose.

Lets reiterate since I have no doubt you will put the stupid act on. I don't fucking care about your real or imaginary personal life! I get infuriated by your deliberately bad writing style, but I don't care about any "lies" you may or may not have told!

:lol::lol::lol::lol: Best laugh i've had in a long time .

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