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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My chloradiazepoxide medication. I've been following the dosages faithfully as part of my detox programmeand have been sticking to soft drinks all week so I can't blame alcohol, but one of the side effects is a disturbed sleeping pattern. I was awake at 4am this morning, had a cigarette and and orange juice then went back to bed. I woke up again at 09:10 and, in a blind panic leapt out of bed, had a quick wash and brush of the teeth, scrambled into my work clothes and dashed into the lounge to get my work bag sorted.

Then I felt something wasn't quite right and checked the TV to find out it's fucking SUNDAY! :angry:<_<:(

I'm sitting here in my work gear not knowing whether to go and get changed and do some housework or go away back to bed for a lie in! :(:( a See if Evie had stayed over last night this wouldn't have happened! :ph34r:

Sorry but I :lol::lol::lol:

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:D I use my horn far too much

I hate people who flash their lights at you, it makes me nervous, especially when there is no police about. It makes me think there is something wrong with my car.

On Friday, a car behind me flashed his lights then started moving his arms in a circle motion. I pulled over as did he. Then I went and asked whats wrong "your wheels are moving". He is lucky I have a sense of humour :lol:

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Then I felt something wasn't quite right and checked the TV to find out it's fucking SUNDAY! :angry:<_<:(

When I used to actually work (work :lol: ) I'd sometimes go for a sleep after I got home, then wake up get showered, put all my work clothes on and leave to go to work not realising it was 8.30pm at night and not in the morning.

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On Friday, a car behind me flashed his lights then started moving his arms in a circle motion. I pulled over as did he. Then I went and asked whats wrong "your wheels are moving". He is lucky I have a sense of humour :lol:


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Whereabouts in Coatbridge are you? I know it has a reputation for bigoted fuckwits but I can't say I've ever seen any flags hung out of windows and I lived in various parts of the town for most of my life.

I've seen a couple of Irish tricolours flying in Kirkwood from time to time, but that isn't really a surprise.

Whifflet would have been fun last night. I wonder if the Carsons Loyal decided to perform a huddle round the roundabout again?

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My parents like for us to have it together, so i have no choice!

Besides, i've been busy revising :smartass

f**k that.

Apart from in a restaurant I've never sat down to have dinner with my family in my life. I've been making my own dinner and eating it at the time I want since I've been about 12. You can't complain about the quality, food type or timing if you make it yourself, so you're always guarenteed a brilliant meal!

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f**k that.

Apart from in a restaurant I've never sat down to have dinner with my family in my life. I've been making my own dinner and eating it at the time I want since I've been about 12. You can't complain about the quality, food type or timing if you make it yourself, so you're always guarenteed a brilliant meal!

Yeeap I don't particularly enjoy it! It usually tastes better when i make it too :)

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Able-bodied people parking in disabled spaces. I'm sure I've seen that on here before but it does my sense of fair-play in. IMHO there should be a guy standing there with a baseball bat ensuring that they qualify legitimately next time.

Sorry if any of you out there are those I'm complaining about. Of course, disability can be mental as well.

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Able-bodied people parking in disabled spaces. I'm sure I've seen that on here before but it does my sense of fair-play in. IMHO there should be a guy standing there with a baseball bat ensuring that they qualify legitimately next time.

Sorry if any of you out there are those I'm complaining about. Of course, disability can be mental as well.

Any nonce can get a orange card thing these days. Half of the people who have them don't even have a disibility which would stop them walking, and the one who do are in wheelchairs! f**k the cripples!

Parking in a parent and child space really pisses them off as well, especially when you're with your parents :lol:

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Traffic lights in Edinburgh.Red.stop,Amber,ready to go,Green ,Go.

No no.Light go green and the car in front goes ,Oh i think id better make a move,check mirror,adjust hair,wave to friend,put car in gear ,oh red again.Fume.

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